Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Car bomb, truck bomb, hotel bomb and now pager bomb. The evil synagogue of satan early inventors have outdone themselves, only Huawei stands to have the last laugh. True to form the yiddish devils have poisoned a well again, americas silicon valley tech well. Motorola or any other jew owned tech firm now becomes suspect including Dell laptops and even Oracle software, all goyem dissenters will switch to the Huawei ecosystem as any BDS activity could result in an explosion in their companys boardroom or a server crash, the zio devils may just have poisoned the entire Western Civilisations well.

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"A new era of warfare." Like life after 9/11 and covid, our lives will never be the same.

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It started in 1936 when terrorist Irgun and Haganah massacred many villages and threatened many to leave or die! ALL colonisators from US, UK, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy were terrorizing other nations, occupying them, looting their resources for decades, nothing new. Israel and US, However, not only bomb, kidnap, use poison to kill and use fake propaganda of lies but also shout and rant democracy and human rights to hid their terrorism then call everyone else a terrorist. Now they use AI and explosives in electronic devices, walkies-talkies, solar panels which is violates International Law. These psychopaths must be brought to justice. They threatened South Africa, threatened Karim Khan, even called UN terrorists and before that called Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, terrorists because they both exposed their heinous crimes and called Israel an Apartheid State. THE END is near..........

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Yes Joe but now everyone is aware of all the lies.

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Not everyone. When I get out into the real world I see so many glazed over, oblivious. Still the majority in the U.S.

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The Americans - one of the dumbest people in the world! I read that years ago and it's so very very true. I stopped socializing because I was not only astonished but mortified by the level of ignorance and the arrogance of thinking they know everythng and/or are right! Look at how many took the experimental injections for something they had less than a 1% chance of succumbing to? It's frighteningly profound but also there for the taking. People do what they do because they can - think Bernie Madoff. JUST LOOK AT THE GOVERNMENT! Read the comment section in the British press (even independent media) in comparison to the rampant buffoonery in this Country - which by the way has gotten exceedingly worse. The cell phones were an intentional dumbing of society and deliberate diversion. And the flags - hysterical they are just so stupid they haven't a clue what it even represents! You walk the streets in affluent neighbors (mind you) with yard signs that say I STAND WITH ISRAEL! America is now a third world Country!

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Maybe President Ebrahim Raisi helicopter crash needs to be reevaluated.

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I agree with BJ. Everyone knows it was an assassination, but Iran's leadership can't admit it or popular outrage will force them into a huge war.

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You knew damn well that was an assassination - they refused to admit it for fear of starting WWIII. Kevork Almassian said he saw a photo of one of these pagers on a table next to the President before boarding the helicopter. No one is ever going to stop Israel! It's all posturing.

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"Though many are atheists, they believe the God they don’t believe in gave them all of Palestine—and quite possibly everything from the Nile to the Euphrates, or maybe even the entire planet"

That's just the §hit they tell a stupid world that believes everything.

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No - it’s true. Zionist Jews believe in their specialness, even without believing in the basis for that specialness. It’s irrational and yet they cling to it as if for dear life.

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I was particularly impressed with Ron's criticism of Ronan Bergman's Rise and Kill First that most all the assassinations he reports were long known in the public and that he simply amassed them in one place, with a few lesser known minor assassinations thrown in. Ron proposes that there are probably many other assassinations done under Mossad cover that weren't mentioned by Bergman. Perhaps Ron had in mind (but didn't say) Benazir Bhutto, Dag Hammarskjold or Olaf Palme.

I also liked the way Ron noted that mass terrorist attacks like the pagers and 911 are similar to political assassinations, both having the effect of creating chaos, fear and instability.

This Voltaire article https://www.voltairenet.org/article220708.html proposes that the reason the Biden Admin keeps giving Israel weapons to kill Gazans while saying publicly that they are pursuing ceasefire talks -- which everyone recognizes as sheer contradiction -- is because Netanyahu is extorting the admin by saying if you don't give us weapons for our Gazan war we will take the nuclear Samson option.

Well, as an extension of the Voltaire proposition, Israel can now extort the world, either realistically or bluffing or a combination of both --- for example, if you don't give us what we want, we've programmed selected Apple phones to blow up remotely. Ron implied this scenario by saying that no one would trust Western products and would start, for example, by buying Huawei phones, but Ron never connected the commercial hit Western technology would take to Israel's cunning expertise in extortion and terror.

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{What in the world were the Zionists trying to achieve by hitting Lebanon with the world’s worst terror attack since 9/11?}

Such an astute and apropos analogy unlike having the audacity to compare October 7th to 9-11 when in fact it was the IDF that not only did all the slaughtering but Israel that also did 9-11! Bravo my friend.

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"Will the World Allow It?" Of course. The world is a bunch of brain washed and brain dead idiots and criminals bought by the most dangerous terror state in modern times: ISrahell!

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After reading that they will enable Ukraine to use their Iron Dome system, it seems as if ISrahell is establishing a cordon sanitaire from the Baltic Sea to the Arabian Gulf, which will entail the separation of Western Europe from Eurasia.

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Except that - the reported "Iron Dome" doesn't even exist for real.

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Yes it does. It just doesn't work very well like most western weapon systems...

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Kevin, no publications or enough credible details in a single place to pass the sniff test. CBS and NYT reported solar system explosions with the following days radio attacks (pagers were day one), but after scanning headlines for their state news media the CBS/NYT stories referenced (https://www.nna-leb.gov.lb/ar/latest/filter?keyword=&category=Departments&datefrom=2024-09-18&dateto=2024-09-19&page=4), it appears to me they were independent of those attacks. Their national news media would be happy to share those accounts as well.

So, tons of anecdotal and out of context videos, but nothing enough where I’d share it with you in confidence of being helpful here. The initial reporting of jerry-rigged pagers and two-way radios seemed to be more directed energy/GWEN tower denialism that the media runs cover for so effectively after our ‘wildfires’ in strategically important areas, but that does seem the most likely scenario after taking the time to read statements from the various parties involved, and reporting from various other nations.

The technology is certainly available to Mossad and within their capabilities to remotely target a device and have much of the same outcome. We are entering a new age of warfare. Please remember this comment when they Maui DEW my 10 year old iPhone someday!

Appreciate your brave and thorough work, Kevin! Very well researched and presented. Your interviews are great too! May the Father continue to bless you and your family!

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Ron has the disadvantage of not using X and TikTok to watch first hand accounts from people in Lebanon. Booby trapped pagers? That’s odd because iPhones, iPads, walkie talkies, cordless phones, laptops and seemingly every device that receives signals caught fire and exploded in select areas. Any convenient cover story so us plebes don’t realize the weapon is already in our pockets.

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Can you direct us to any investigative work verifying this? Or statements from Hezbollah officials? Mossad can easily post false information on social media to confuse and distract.

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you're both right :) 2 mints in one.

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To all those who, for decades have been wallowing in the putrid bog of the Zionist project which, like the rump state that resulted from it, has no constitution, no boundaries and is based on the well-known theory of “Lebensraum”, to all these useless idiots, it is worth reminding that after the Middle East, these illuminati will go, to conquer the world, rest assured, you will be possessed... if you do not already!...

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Thomas Suarez's, "State of Terror" is a violent, chilling read based completely on primary source material from both Zionist and Israeli archives.

This book is not for the "faint of heart". I study warfare and violence on regular basis and have been exposed to violence in my life. Yet, this book gave me nightmares for weeks.

The second volume in this story is "Palestine Hijacked".

Both are available at Amazon...

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No more ZioBeasts

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