
Israel Massacres Starving Palestinians Lined Up for Food Aid

New Press TV interview, plus preview of upcoming broadcasts

Watch the Press TV interview above or on YouTube, Rumble, or Bitchute. Below is a rush transcript

Press TV: Rick Sterling is an investigative journalist joining us from Walnut Creek in California. We also have Kevin Barrett, editor at Veterans Today joining us from Saidiya over in Morocco. Welcome to you both. Rick Sterling, I'll start with you. There's a couple of real shocking, not that before we didn't hear shocking news coming out of the Gaza Strip. One of them is the fact that you have people in one particular incident that's now been broadcast that are eating cactus for food. The other is the massacre that took place where the military aid convoy comes, not the military, but aid convoy comes, Palestinians line up for food and then they get shot at by the regime forces and they killed over a hundred. What do you make of the fact that this is still continuing by the Israeli regime?

Rick Sterling: Well, I think Israel is spitting in the face of the International Court of Justice which ruled at the end of January that Israel should stop this and they're just continuing as before. The Israeli tanks and soldiers have fired on the civilians lining up to try to get food. It's just another continuation of the genocide.

Taking a look at the way that this genocide has continued, Kevin Barrett, it would not happen were it not for the U.S. support militarily for the Israeli regime. We had at one point where a Pentagon spokesperson has said that Israel has unfettered access to military equipment of all kinds, bombs, you name it. That's happening almost on a daily basis, if not on a daily basis. So doesn't that make the U.S. complicit in this and as guilty?

Kevin Barrett: Yes, the U.S. is 100% complicit, and American leaders ought to be right up there on the defendant's stand in the world court, along with the Israeli leaders, and they all need to be tried, convicted, and sentenced, and in many cases executed. These are among the worst war criminals in history. There's no reason that this has to happen. There are wars that are driven by actual necessity. This is not. This is basically an act of pure aggression by these Zionist genocidal maniacs who have a crazy fundamentalist religious view. It's actually not even an authentic traditional religious view. But it's a satanic spin-off of millenarian messianic lunacy that's been percolating in that community for hundreds of years now, and it's turned into sheer genocide driven by utter madness.

There's no military purpose to luring people, to starving them until they show up in the thousands to try to get a sack of flour, and then firing into the crowd with tanks, which is what just happened. Killing over a hundred people and wounding many, many hundreds more. And this is just one example of so many of these extreme, sadistic, genocidal actions by the Zionists that have nothing to do with any kind of military necessity.

The Israelis keep posting videos of themselves performing atrocities and acts of extreme cruelty. For instance, just recently, I just happened to look at a few of these. An Israeli soldier filmed himself proudly destroying a children's toy store, attacking the toys. They seem to really hate children and mothers. There's some kind of psychological complex at work here.

The Americans are indeed totally guilty. Joe Biden was recently filmed licking an ice cream cone and blabbering about a possible ceasefire, which he claimed, while he licked the ice cream cone, would be coming this weekend. But as the people of Gaza starve, and then are mowed down by the hundreds as they line up for the food that would keep them alive, Biden’s promises while he’s licking ice cream don’t look very sincere.

They don't. Another act that has not received yet an official reaction from the U.S. President or many other U.S. officials is that self-immolation that has taken place that has led to now somewhat of a movement. Why are we not seeing a reaction to that? U.S. President Joe Biden talks about the deaths that have happened in Ukraine, for example, and showing sympathy there, but not towards someone who is employed by the U.S. government? Your reaction to that, Rick Sterling, as to what has driven someone to do that, and whether that is what Americans are now feeling, that they've reached that level of understanding to understand that a genocide is taking place.

Rick Sterling: I think among the public, there's a very strong feeling that that is the case. Even months ago, 70% of the population in the U.S. supported a ceasefire. Meanwhile, the US administration has vetoed the resolutions for a ceasefire at the UN Security Council three times, most recently just a week ago. Among the public here, there's a growing realization that the mythology of Israel is not what the reality is. And it’s bringing about a sea change. The Administration has got a lot of people who are very political. They were very quick to charge China with genocide over the situation with the Uighurs. And people who’ve looked into it say there’s no basis for that, that it’s truly baseless. And in contrast, whether it’s Pelosi or Biden, they refuse to recognize that genocide is happening in Gaza. So you’ve got a lot of hypocrisy. The animosity in the US administration extends now to South Africa. And in the US Congress there is now a resolution that attempts to threaten South Africa. It’s calling for a review of relations. And it’s pretty clear that they’re doing this due to South Africa’s courage and wisdom in bringing the charge of genocide against Israel to the ICJ. So there’s a sea change happening around the world where people are starting to see the United States differently. And there’s also a sea change happening within the US where people are looking at the elites who are running the country and sensing the big divide between what they’re doing and what most Americans would prefer.

All right. And quickly, if you can, Kevin Barrett, since you mentioned Joe Biden licking on that ice cream, it was when asked about whether there's going to be a truce. HJe mentioned Monday, as soon as Monday. That's just a few days away. Putting aside that scene of him licking the ice cream, however, why would he say that when you have Hamas already to have reacted, saying that large gaps remain and pretty much there are those divisive factors that do exist even in the prior truces that were on the table.

Kevin Barrett: You know, I have no idea why Biden would say something like that while he's licking that ice cream cone unless he was trying to show total contempt for the suffering that's going on. And it's really mind-boggling. A lot of people here in the United States think that Biden is senile, that he's not really in control of his faculties and that it's the people around him who run things and the people around him are mostly Zionist Jews. And those people have decided they’re going to protect their Zionist co-religionists and co-ethnics over in Occupied Palestine no matter what. Biden is a hostage and a captive of his own administration. He doesn’t have the intellectual firepower or the spark of willpower to stand up even if he wanted to, which he very likely doesn’t, not being a particularly moral individual himself. So we’ll see how it transpires, and we’ll all be praying that it somehow stops. But I don’t think it will be the Americans who stop it. I think it will be the people in Yemen and Lebanon and people all around the world, including people like Aaron Bushnell.

LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on Zionist Lies, Peter Koenig on “Israel Is an Illegal State”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com

First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss ever-escalating genocidal Zionist liesincluding the Intercept’s exposé of Zionist Oct. 7 rape lies and the NY Times’ response; Israel’s shameless lies to the World Court; its mowing down starving Palestinians lined up for food aid and then blaming the victims; and more. We’ll also discuss other topics which may include the larger wars on Palestine and Russia, social media selectivity and bias, the border, the primacy of understanding domestic false flags, and “the pride of Carthage.”

Retired Marine Corps officer Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College. He expresses his Jewish heritage via cuisine, not foreign policy.

Second hour: Peter Koenig recently posted an analysis and video of Dr. Ralph Wilde’s presentation to the ICC which “completely destroys the legality of Israel, of Israel’s existence. Going back by over 100 years to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, all the way to the illegal UK ‘handing over’ of Palestine in 1947 to the United Nations.” We may also discuss his other recent articles “Who Owns the World?“, “The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future,” “Navalny’s Death – A Western-Instigated False Flag”? and more.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world.

FFWN: Could Aaron Bushnell’s Sacrifice Spark a Regime Change?

Watch Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern, and check out the list of 30 stories now, HERE