Bibi has no self-awareness. He is a psychopathic loose canon on the deck. Thanks to their industrial scale blackmail and bribery complex he knows he can get away with anything. Think of previous false flag operations, like the USS LIBERTY incident and of course, 9/11.

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Psychopaths like Bibi can get away with anything, until they can't.

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Putin saved us from WW3 when he insinuated Russia would nuke shitsrael if ever any WMD was used against it or its ALLIES, to leave the surrounding Arabs to storm in. History tells us its ONLY an anglo-jew duo that will have the temerity to defy the Almighty and use WMDs (oppenheimer/groves-Hiroshima, fauci/NIH-covid19). So now we have a situation where the evil khazar/slav fake jews now in control of the USG who now have to work overtime to stop any similarly evil WASP inside and outside the Pentagon, from using WMDs, or their Israel with 7m jews incl 700k US passport holding dual loyalty nulands and schiffs will be no more (satanyahu even ran to her in Washington once appealing to stop the ukrops from any nuclear shenanigans). The surrounding Arabs are waiting to finish the job after 75 years of oppression and evil in their hood. Putin should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for making the jew devil NOW RESPONSIBLE for keeping the equally evil wasp descendents of redinjun genociders from starting another Hiroshima WW3. Wallahu Khayrul Makirrin.

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Oh yeah. The Zios are getting a taste of their own back

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Do you think a kick in the balls from our little

Yehmen friends.

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I read that Thomas Friedman has a house in the settlers area.

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I wonder if a 'terror' attack within the USA would help the public to wake up and work towards removing lib and rino senators and congressmen so the people could get some real representation and MAGA

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