Thanks, Kevin, for publishing this forgotten history. As I document in my own writings, by the early 20th century, the British Empire set out to annihilate Germany. This was not just due to commercial rivalry. It was also to destroy the central spiritual force of continental Europe which German culture had come to embody. The US was drafted into this evil enterprise and has been serving as the military enforcer of the Empire ever since. It took two world wars to reduce Germany to servitude, which is continuing by the destruction of today's German economy by severing it from synergy with Russia. See my own article on this theme: https://www.globalresearch.ca/world-war-iii-is-on-but-the-empire-has-already-lost-an-american-civil-war-looms-spiritual-transformation-is-the-only-way-to-prevent-extinction/5868285

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Thank you for a most informative interview.

I had heard a bit about the crimes against the German population post WWII, but never realized to what extent! Definitely will buy the book.

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"...or was it 0.6 million?" For that alone I would go to prison in shithole Germoney, still the paymaster of the world, for at least 666 years, which should also make it clear who controls the country.

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It's worse than most people think. Will I go to jail when I just like the post

"Alan Sabrosky on the Real WW2 Holocaust (Against Germans)" - https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/alan-sabrosky-on-the-real-ww2-holocaust

You don't know. In a country run by remote controlled criminals you can't exclude nothing.

We even have now so called "Trusted Flagger".

“Trusted Flagger”: Any opinion is allowed, provided it is strictly left-wing - https://journalistenwatch.com/2024/10/05/trusted-flagger-jede-meinung-ist-erlaubt-sofern-sie-stramm-links-ist/

TRANSLATED: https://journalistenwatch-com.translate.goog/2024/10/05/trusted-flagger-jede-meinung-ist-erlaubt-sofern-sie-stramm-links-ist/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

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It was probably 6 trillion of the chosenite specie$.

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Under the title "Atonement for Auschwitz", "Welt im Film" reports on the judgments in the Krakow Auschwitz trial of 1947/48:

"A total of almost 300,000 people from different nations perished in the Auschwitz concentration camp. (…)

The Auschwitz concentration camp remains as a memorial to shame as it stands today. In memory of its 300,000 victims."

- "Welt im Film 137/1948" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/11ThMnv4F3Zv


Red Cross: Number of deaths in former concentration camps -


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Great interview. I read Hellstorm in 2015 or 2016 and it was one of the seminal books to turn my head around on WWII. i also read Goodrich's book Summer 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate and it was equally engrossing.

Interesting comment Kevin about the Soviet's Mongol army being there involuntarily as an occupied people. Yet and still what the Mongols in particular did to civilians makes my blood curdle reading those accounts, also reported by Alfred de Zayas.

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Adolph Eichmann had a lot to say before they silenced him:


The Morgenthau Plan for Germany ... became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy and undertaking for action signed by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Besides dividing Germany in a West and East part, in July and August 1945 the occupying armies took 25% of Germany's most fertile land and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 million people, according to British writer Victor Gollancz "with the very maximum of brutality".

The Allies forbade emigration (except to Israel?) and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labor camps (some Nazi concentration camps remained to be used).

Some 4,160,000 Germans were forced to slave labour outside Germany:

3,000,000 in Russia, 750,000 in France, 400,000 in Britain and 10,000 in Belgium.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower labelled them Disarmed Enemy Forces in order to violate the Geneva Convention.

Some 1.4 million died in the Allied concentration camps, [like Rhine Meadows] of which according to the Soviets 450,600 in their camps.

[Soviets likely had A LOT more than they stated.]

The pattern leading up to a Holocaust is always the same. The real oppressor claims to be the victim then later, the actual victims are bamboozled into believing they deserved it. Surviving generations (in the case of Germans) are then pushed into guilt by brow beating them into a false sense of culpability.

Census: Here's a figure taken in 1947

"In 1947, a paper from the US State Department by Robert Murphy showed that the US statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths over the next 3 years the German population should be 71 million, but "to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used"."

"This not only showed that millions died since the “liberation” in 1945, but also that the official number were falsified to hide what was going on. ---""

"The 1950 Census showed "5.7 million people" less than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census." ----

This could be where the 6 million figure comes from. There is a good chance that the Eisenhower Administration caused the murder of former German military and civilian populations in places similar to where the "Jews" were SUPPOSED to have perished.

The Allied Occupation of Germany killed close to 6 million Germans; post war. Those deaths of 6 million then got relabeled as "Jewish," some may have been, but I suspect they were mostly German POWs and Civilians.

Later on, Non—Jewish German people were effectively blamed and brow beaten into a cultural guilt for these deaths, when it was 5.7 million of regular Germans themselves who died. Just imagine being blamed for your own death; fatal starvation caused by the Allied Occupation, then to be relabeled a Jewish 'casualty' caused Nazis! There’s the twist; but wait, there’s more……

This is a Blame Circle Jerk, where nobody’s got the courage to point out exactly who the Pivot Man really is.

A majority of those deaths didn’t occur at the Nazi Camps themselves, but the bodies were brought there later for photo shoots and propaganda for the Nuremberg Trials; all the world is a stage, the media is owned and managed by the same people who committed the atrocities. Please note the financiers of IG Farben.


An Allied Kangaroo Court: No real important Nazi ever got convicted there, Operation Paperclip took priority over that. Yes there were convictions and executions, mostly middle management and below.

The Corporations who had facilitated the medical experiments and other atrocities under the Nazis, were too busy giving those former Nazis jobs, but the public was never supposed to know this. Having a Resume helps in getting new work even at Zionist owned Corporations.

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I can only hope that these morally debased, useful critters are all triple covaid$ squirted and booooosted.

Onward in the search for intelligent life coupled with a true sense of morality. God bless the Semitic people of Palestine and their battle for justice, freedom and compensation for the crimes committed by these shameless hypocritical monsters.


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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Last Sunday afternoon (Oct 6th) in Berlin about 200 flag waving ZionaZis marched and chanted on the famous street Unter den Linden, starting out at the Brandenburg Gate, the same street Onkel Adolf, the Austrian devil used to showcase his American (sic) Jew bankster financed army back in the day. I was reminded of the saying that "the Jew howls in pain as he slits your throat." They howled and whined about the raping and murder carried out by Hamas one year before oblivious to their own ongoing almost century of robbery, murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing in lands they have absolutely no claim upon. They were protected on all sides by at least 60 storm trooper looking German police, numerous undercover cops and Gestapo types in their big cars. The irony of the currrent frenzied Jewish genocide of their "neighbors" appears to be lost on most of these brainwashed German people who willingly schlep their beloved burden of "holocaust" guilt. Gaza and the Semitic people of Palestine be damned. Only Jews count in the current abomination that Germany is and the evil EUSSR that together with the Washing town sewer creatures is intent on dragging all of Urupp back to war against Mother Russia. It appears nothing else can "save" the reptilian filth of the debauched AngloZionaZi Empire of Filth.



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