My guess is that Trump and Netanyahu are in cahoots with what looks like an attack on Iran and the start of a war before the election.

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Wouldn't surprise me.

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Excuse me. It's Fraudster JOE and Blinken pulling those strings.

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Biden can’t even locate his shoe “strings” when they’re on his feet.

He’s a puppet, not the puppeteer.

A useless, useful idiot.

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This shows the very long game they play- Trump already groomed as a future prez long before he ever filed his candidacy- as far back as the '80s, when he was on TV saying he could fix the country if he were prez, etc.

What an egregious lie that he tells about the "thousands of Muslims" celebrating the tower "attacks".

It's all so sickening.

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I monitor Breitbart to keep tabs on the Trump campaign. They are 1000 percent pro-Israel.

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In the middle of the melée after the Secret Service people jump all over him and the ´danger´ is still supposedly present, notice how cool that photographer is (clip starts 43:03), waiting for his shot.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Trump was paid a billion dollars by MBS for killing Soleimani, who sawds suspected may have been behind the Houthi drone strike at the sawdi refinery a couple of months before. Sawd alarabiya even tried to spin the airport leak came from Damascus when it was a sawdi/khadimi/CIA agent at Baghdad airport. And presumably drumpf was paid via the Kushner Omani tourism "investment" project.

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the retarded orangutan would rape a camel if mbs paid him to. that’s the house of saud’s favorite hobby - raping camels. abdulaziz specially enjoyed three-ways with camels and jackals.

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Now....Let's expose the Communists and Marxists in our country. Where did you find this

information? Soleimani was a vicious murderer who killed many of our American

Troops. Glad he's gone.

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WHere did you get such information? General Soleimani worked with US Forces in the region to get rid of ISIS until the US decided that having ISIS as an ally made better sense...

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That's not what I heard.

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Lynn, don't look now but there's a communist standing right behind you with an ax.

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Ha Ha.....My husband came from a Communist country. No chance of that!

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good riddance to those troops - a few dead honkies is not enough.

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Oh, so it's just fine to throw out white racial slurs. You wouldn't be

saying that, if your family member was killed.

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enough of your fake sensitivity, crackers are so serious when it comes to their lack of melanin.

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Ha! you're the one with the sensitivity issue. Don't call me names. You on here

to add nothing of substance.

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me sensitive? i’m asian, not white trash 😆🤣

you’ve been sensitive from the get go, spouting western propaganda like the typical ugly american in denial. you need to get your head out the sand and face facts: zionist america is the true evil on this planet; and israel must be destroyed for there to be peace on earth. now visit your gynecologist before your problems become unsolvable.

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The documentary makes a strong case. Trump has a flair for rallying crowds but I think the pro-Trump folks have lost sight of what the guy really is - an unprincipled businessman and reality TV personality. As if he’s really gonna save the world 🙄

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Anyone who knows anything about ballistics can tell you the shot came from Trump’s 6, not the front. Look at the blood splatter. So either it was a shot from behind the podium or fake blood🤡🌎 Have a nice day! Don’t BELIEVE ANYTHING, KNOW THINGS!

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the shot came from trump’s ass. case effin closed.

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Believe me or your lying 👀 🥴

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Hahaha, yessir! Illusion is their delusion 🤡🌎

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Find that Kevin is beating a dead ZioBeast. Certainly Crooks & family were Zebrews. But his analysis is a bit if a stretch

We need to focus on Genocide Joe & Kamel Toe Harris supplying the subhumans with depleted uranium weapons that they are dropping on Beirut civilians

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Depleted uranium and White Phosphorus were used long before this escapade in Irag and Afghanistan. Hmmm… I wonder who’s administration that occurred under because surely it wasn’t Bush Jr et al….🤪

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I agree, the more a person is committed to either party the more likely they are in mental decline.

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Thanks for keeping on this Kevin. I have trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that so many authors I respect still believe he was shot.

Notice that Elon accompanied Trump on his return to Butler. Seems like a signal to team Bibi.

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I’ve been questioning this for sometime now, at least trumps true allegiance. The trials, the shootings, they both are very sketchy right? So a president is being accused and convicted of crimes that no president or former president should ever really have to worry about, it looks like a witch hunt, but what if it’s all trump and the state and federal officials he has in his pocket? At some point down the line people really believe he is guilty, this is the exact methodology the masons use thesis and antithesis. The shootings were telling us how dumb the believe we are, and by us doing nothing we have given consent as usual so they have gotten around free will once again. But they have Democrats setting the stage as well at this point, so what we are looking at is completely bought and paid for on both sides. The world is a stage and we are all actors!!!! So they have been showing us how obvious they can be while causing death and horrible atrocities right in front of us for some time now, and we have done nothing. We have allowed all of there staged tactics to keep us occupied instead of going after the big picture, naming truth for what it is and doing something about it. Free will still plays a major part in this, and I believe we can still stand up and slow the progression of this thing by standing together and stating our will. It just has to be done in person because all mechanics have been created to harm and keep us apart. This is kind of where I’m at! Kennedy seemed like a good guy, but his last name falls right into the 13 bloodlines so it makes sense that they would align. Jesus has already saved us, he made a way, but we need to stand behind him 100% and state our will as this thing continues to show its true evil. The Bible tells us what will take place, it has not been wrong yet, and it will not ever be wrong. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. God bless every living and unborn man woman and child. I believe!!!

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This is BS. you people will believe any click bait story put in front of you.

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Well, who could possibly argue with the irrefutable evidence that you’ve provided here, Karen???

Such a compelling case you have made.

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The Doc gives WAY TOO MUCH CREDENCE to the Fairy Tale. There was tom-fakery and moulage - nothing more. Take a gander at the EAR for crying out loud.


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I think some like to play Detective Clouseau - it reminds me of Building 7 - the Architecs find it necessary to spend a million or so getting a professional analysis - which was quite un-necessary - people have two eyes, glasses if needed, or, if they happen to be unfortunately blind - at least a trusted friend - just LOOK.

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"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHxGUe1cjzM

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Good question - Groucho. But the WORDS seem to get in people's way. I think it's called Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

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you sound like Gloria Estefan 😄😁😅😂🤣

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Thank you, Kevin. Have just started the docufilm, but it's looking so good and chockfull of facts just in the first 10 mins!

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