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Escape from "The Land of the Free"

Escape from "The Land of the Free"

While you still can

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My escape from America after a three-week visit went swimmingly. (I am now back in Saidia, Morocco, swimming in the Med every day). Unlike Scott Ritter, I wasn’t prevented from boarding an international flight, then sent home to be raided by the FBI. Unlike Richard Medhurst, I wasn’t arrested, dragged out of the airport, and thrown in a jail cell for the crime of practicing alternative journalism. And unlike Pavel Durov, I wasn’t kidnapped by thought police to be tortured until I turned over my passwords.

I got out before nuclear World War III breaks out (which could be sooner than most people realize, since in the current situation, Russia expert Gilbert Doctorow tells us, “a preventive Russian attack on NATO, on the continental United States, not to mince words, is entirely conceivable.”) I got out before a monkeypox scamdemic locks down airports. I got out before an actual Trump assassination attempt by his Deep State enemies (as opposed to the July 13 preventive PR op) leads to all hell breaking loose. I got out before another stolen, I mean, disputed election throws the country into chaos.

Why I Left

In 2006, during an interview on Wisconsin Public Radio, the host—I believe it was Joy Cardin—asked me something like: “If you really believe 9/11 was an inside job, why are you still living in America?” My answer was something like “I’ll be damned if I let those neocon bastards run me out of my country.” Since there was still a modicum of free speech, I planned to use it by way of a truth jihad. And it worked…for awhile. Until around 2015 the 9/11 truth movement dominated the internet. The search engines still gave honest results, such that anyone googling anything about 9/11 was led to the most-frequented urls relating to 9/11—the truther sites and videos. The notion that internet platforms could discriminate on the basis of political viewpoint was anathema, as it had been since the internet’s founding.

But by the mid-twenty-teens, internet freedom started dying. Neocon think tanks, following Cass Sunstein’s lead, pushed the idea that in an era of dangerous “conspiracy theories,” viewpoint neutrality was no longer viable. Trump’s election was blamed on internet freedom in general and Russia’s misuse of it in particular. Within a year or two, the worldwide web was no longer a free speech zone. I was relentlessly shadowbanned and increasingly deplatformed (first by Facebook and GoFundMe, and then, in the wake of COVID, by Patreon and YouTube).

As freedom vanished, popular and elite culture became more vapid and vulgar. The subliminal message that truth is dangerous penetrated the mass mind. But deep, dangerous truth, and the hearty and fearless willingness to embrace it, is what gives both conversation and artistic creativity their zing. Today, most of the people willing to face taboo truths rarely speak them in real life, and feel the need to hide behind masks of internet anonymity when they post them online. Even truthspeaking has become part of a general culture of people constantly staring at their phones and getting emotionally riled up about the taglines and images popping up on their tiny little screens.

An unfree America—or, rather, an America whose founding ideology of freedom has degenerated from celebrating thoughtfully subversive expression to repressing it and instead celebrating the “freedom” to flaunt sexual deviance and murder unborn babies—is an America not worth living in.

Is Freedom Overrated?

Though the USA calls itself “one nation under God,” it’s obvious to all that freedom, not God, is the nation’s unifying transcendent value and de facto religion. The transition from a more balanced regime of “God and freedom” to today’s “freedom from God” has paradoxically resulted in the diminishment of actual freedom. There are reasons for that, too complex to go into here. For details check out Peter Simpson’s critique of political liberalism.

Here in Morocco, freedom is definitely not the nation’s unifying transcendent value. God is. Freedom is just a useful heuristic: “Let people do their thing unless there is a good reason not to.”

The king of Morocco’s role is not freedom-crushing despotism, but rather to symbolize the religiously-legitimized sovereignty that every man enjoys in his own house. “God, country, king” is the national motto, and though the subtext isn’t exactly the Huey Long version of “every man a king,” it’s on the same wavelength. (Likewise, every woman is the queen of her house in general, and its inner portions and kitchen in particular—but the roles of men and women are still different and still based on complementarity/polarity rather than equality/identity.)

The king of Morocco, the national patriarch, slaughters a sheep on Eid every year, as do all Moroccan male heads of households. This ritual of sovereign masculinity symbolizes and reinforces patriarchy. For a good secular-Freudian analysis, see Combs-Schilling’s Sacred Performances.

A few days before I left the USA, certain family members almost slaughtered me during dinner table conversation for saying “patriarchy is a good thing.” I explained that patriarchy means “rule by fathers” which is by far the most natural and benevolent form of social organization. Every culture’s biggest problem, as anthropologists know, is what to do with young, unattached, testosterone-addled males, who—left to their own devices—will gang up and rape, pillage, and destroy society. The near-universal solution: Women civilize them by marrying them and turning them into fathers. Once civilized by women and taught to protect and defend the weak rather than rape and pillage, the men—natural rulers/alphas thanks to their testosterone-fueled will to dominance—are fit to rule wisely. (Naturally there are exceptions that prove the rule.)

A certain male relative of mine, who had unwisely had a few beers, reacted to this explanation with hysterics. He ranted furiously about how women have been oppressed throughout all of history, everywhere, screaming that it had all been proven by thousands and thousands of scientific studies, even though he couldn’t cite a single one of them. Sharing the values of the “freedom from” Democrats, he naturally supports both women’s and men’s freedom from responsibility for the babies they create: Women shouldn’t be enslaved to carry babies in their wombs for nine months and then in their arms for several more years, and men shouldn’t be enslaved by being forced to financially support the women they impregnate and the babies that result. The result of all that “freedom from,” of course, is freedom from life. The current natives of the USA, with their current lowest-ever-and-still-plummeting 1.66 babies-per-woman birthrate, will be extinct within a few generations. When that happens, the world will breathe a sigh of relief at its freedom from America in general, and hysterical male feminists in particular.

Where to Escape?

I escaped to Morocco, a moderately liberal Islamic royalist patriarchy. The weather here is pleasant, though a bit hot in the summers. Fortunately a five minute walk through a eucalyptus-forested park brings you to the best beach in Africa, 14km of clear turquoise water bounded by sand. Food, housing, and fiber optic internet are cheap, people are friendly, and biking is so good it’s easy to get by without a car.

More and more Americans and Europeans are escaping to Morocco. My neighbor Henri, a white Frenchman, has been here for something like 15 or 20 years. But Henri is the exception, since most Western expatriates gravitate towards Western Morocco and cities like Marrakesh, Casablanca, Tangier, and Rabat. Here in Eastern Morocco, known as l’Orientale, there are relatively few tourists. Even Saidia, the beach paradise I inhabit, draws hardly any Westerners. Tourists swarm here in the summers, but most of them are relatively well-to-do ethnic Moroccans from France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, or the Netherlands.

It would be challenging to live here in Eastern Morocco permanently without speaking good French and/or Arabic. But I understand that a fair number of monolingual Americans are doing fine in the expat colonies of Western Morocco.

Another option is “Occupied Morocco,” more accurately “Occupied al-Andalus.” I’m referring, tongue-in-cheek, to Spain, which like Morocco has nice Mediterranean weather and a lower cost of living than the US. (Spain’s cost of living isn’t as low as Morocco’s, of course.) Spanish is easier than French and much easier than Arabic, and the culture is less exotically different from America’s than Morocco. I know a number of Americans who have escaped to Spain, and they all seem to be doing well there.

Then there is the nearest and most popular American expat destination, Mexico. You can speak Spanish and enjoy a lower cost of living there, too…and return to the USA relatively cheaply and easily, though God knows why you would want to.

I also know some folks, including Gilad Atzmon, who’ve moved to Greece. Like the previously-mentioned countries, it features relatively warm weather and a lower-than-America cost of living. I understand some expats there have issues with the language, which is harder to learn than Spanish and French, though easier than Russian and Arabic.

If you like a cooler continental climate, there is always Russia. Though Russia shares with Morocco the challenge of a daunting language (Russian being somewhat easier than Arabic, but much harder than Spanish or French) one major upside is that the authorities there are explicitly calling for fed-up Westerners to immigrate!

Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

So if you’re pissed off at the West and want to move to a country with a government that is likewise pissed off, Russia would have to be at the top of the list…unless you’re a Shia Muslim, in which case Iran or Lebanon might beckon. Or if you’re Chinese, or a Sinophile, you could always move to the Next Global Superpower.

The Ultimate Escape

Obviously you can’t completely escape the Anglo-Zionist Empire. From their point of view, you’re either in the imperial center, the periphery, or “a target.” The US and to a lesser extent Western Europe are the center. Morocco’s more peripheral, but still in the imperial orbit. Russia, Iran, Lebanon, and of course China are targets.

So ultimately if you want to escape the empire, you’re going to have to overthrow it. That’s a project we should all pitch in on, wherever we find ourselves.

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