Ehaab Bayoumi, JUST SHUT UP!


The false flag was predicted by William Milton Cooper in June 2001 to be blamed on Usama bin Ladin. I listened to Bill in June and on the very day 9/11 was staged, I found tons of evidence and closed the case within just a few days after I saw and heard Larry Silverstein say "JUST PULL IT" to an unnamed MAFIA BOSS.

We are in 2024, what the heck?


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Ehaab Bayoumi knows there were no hijackers. That's why he said the two guys his Uncle Omar babysat for Western intel are alive and well and working as commercial airline pilots (presumably under witness protection developed new identities).

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But, he provided ZERO INFORMATION HERE???

I stopped listening because it was so boring!


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I read those books

Yes it is indeed 2024...this is the year in which we are watching the elderly, children, babies and the unborn injured and killed by an "experimental" vaccine. Morry is "vaccine injured" and my daughter lost a baby from this "vaccine"....and now probably cannot have any more children.

Kevin-- I know that if we had confronted the falseflag attack on 9/11--because our own government wanted to instigate another war-- we may have avoided the use of a bioweapon on the unsuspecting public. I worked hard on getting 911 truth to the public. and was ignored of course. Hope you watch Del Bigtree on the highwire

Also see Dr. James Roguski on this topic: These "vaccines" are bioweapons.

There were no Hijackers and no plane crashes.

what a world .... Glad to see you are still fighting.

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Kathleen Nathan – “Morry is "vaccine injured" and my daughter lost a baby from this "vaccine"....and now probably cannot have any more children.”

This is the worst of all and heart breaking causing me to question even God, but Islam warned the world in the “End of Time” Believers will be without God because of their hypocrisy, cowardice, and love of the world.

The “new” species engineered by bio-tech weapons called vaccines and Satanic Big Pharma have less and less compassion. This is the real hell we are living in and not 9/11!

With Christic love


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I know there IS a god...but this Divine Creator does not deign to settle our squabbles and petty intrigues. I beIieve covid "vaccines" mandated on the medical professionals have caused them to lose compassion and also discernment. I know I could have been a better person. But at the time I did do my best always to take care of others and fulfill my obligations. When I saw criminal activity I did not remain silent and when I could-- I informed others and did take stands for what is just and true. I refused the satanic injections and I feel very sorry for my friends and family who allowed themselves to be deceived by the fraudulent "pandemic"...it was only a pandemic of lies. The truth will be known and sooner than many expect...I am heartened to see real doctor/scientists working on ways to dissolve the clots and heal the "vaccine" injuries. There was no "pandemic" and the covid injections were not vaccines. Thank you Kevin and also very grateful to Peter McCullough, Mike Yeadon, Dolores Cahill and others. I will never stop speaking the truth as I see it. I would rather go to prison.

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Mr.Bayoumi did a fabulous visceral excellent eye opening interview.He sounds like the Muslim version of a Mafia made guy that is hell bent in being truthful as ruthless murderous blood dripping Zionists made ..."quite an impression on him"......we should all see in horrifying clarity..that the actual mossad Zionists are the lowest of the low..very close to the real heart of Satan...**visa vis Saudi Arabia..they also are some *wild seed*..Everyone should at least fact check this

podcast.... under a microscope of pure truth...the world can't get any better without dismembering the Zionist entity...remember that protests around the planet and especially America are growing in leaps and bounds..the Jew superparasited lame stream media just wants to miscegenate it. a ..la Soros adding LGBTQ plus lother luciferian leftwingnut lunatics claiming to be as oppressed as Palestinians etc.. s good way to delegitimize dissent to ISREALS holocausting genociding extermination.anyway..9--11 and the Kennedy assassination by mossad are ..unsurprisingly back..almost front and center..again**

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I came accross a video MintPress News did in June, an interview with Coleen Rowley an FBI whistleblower.

What bothers me is, @minute 7:24 this former FBI whistleblower regarding what she found what happened on 9/11 [which is "essentially a failure to share information, it is as simple as that" she said.], this supposedly "911 whistleblower" in FBI said her findings was that the event was connected to the 19 (Arab) hijackers and blah blah blah she mentioned also Osama bin Laden linked in there. Wtf.

Anyway, may I have help understanding this Kevin Barrrett on WHY is this FBI whistleblower still spew bullshit in 2024 that 19 (Arab) hijackers hijacked those planes on 9/11?

She said nothing about two planes hit three buildings on that day! Building 7 hit by no plane and crumble also in freefall speed like twin towers! Can't possibly one of those "Arab hijackers" that did that, innit!! #shudder

[ FBI whistleblower: Israel Has Corrupted The US Government

https://youtu.be/fMeT_FAqWjo?si=swJ4Hq03RDS8w4QB ]

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I interviewed Colleen Rowley several times between roughly 2007 and 2013. She didn't seem to want to give up her LIHOP approach, maybe because that's what she was personally invested in. ("We local FBI people saw Arabs doing suspicious flight training but got shot down by higher-ups!") That the "suspicious flight training" was a patsy set-up intel op seemed obvious to me, but she didn't want to go there.

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Thank you for the clarity Kevin Barrett. I appreciate it..

It makes me feel so sick and pissed by now watching Amerikkkans like that former FBI whistleblower can't get it right about 9/11, still spewing lies and bullshit that 19 Arabs hijacked those planes in that event of 9/11. Seriously maddening

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No wonder I did not listen any further! Ehaab Bayoumi spoke like a literal idiot or just another CIA-MOSSAD agent!

"To be honest with you,

nothing since then.

to not speak to nobody.

I'm sure

I guess


he wasn't answering for a while

a brief period of speaking

no one's heard from him.

Family members knew the stuff he was getting into.

something big.

something big.

I'm doing worldly stuff.”

stuff like that.

some pre-existing things that were already known

pre-existing conditions with them.

He would

The Mossad “the most efficient killing machine.” Oh, there is nothing, nothing, nothing out of (the bounds of) possibility with them. Absolutely nothing. They’ve got the hottest women working for them, their fingertips on the banks, law, finance, military, NASA, anything. You name it, it's plausible with them that they are one ruthless, God-unfearing, lack-of-human-empathy organization."



Friday 5 July 2024

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