Trump knows the truth about 9/11. But with his very expensive ties to the likes of Miriam Adelson and his rabidly pro-Zionist cabinet I would be shocked if he even broaches the subject again. It would certainly serve as the starting point of a long overdue reckoning but I just can’t imagine him having the fortitude, character, and willpower to begin the process. I hope I’m wrong.

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If you think flying ✈ passenger jets into the twin towers makes them fall in 10 seconds you're a special kind of stupid

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Tith all respect, I think Dick Cheney was the real evil mind behind September 11th. George W. Bush is too dumb to organize his own underwear drawer. This is a guy who can barely read books about pet goats.

But Nuttanyahu the Yahoo is the real satanist behind the attack, with a lot of help from the American military and the Deep State, run by neo-cons.

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I think it was planned in Israel in the 1990s or even earlier and foisted on the Americans through deception. I don't think Cheney really understood what he was getting into.

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Excellent writing, Kevin. I am very curious if we'll see Trump spill the 9-11/JFK beans soon after the inauguration. US is headed for a long losing streak and exposure of these hidden secrets seems to be highly necessary to stem the tide.

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Word is you’re a bad boy and Stripe doesn’t like you, that makes you ok in my book!

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https://youtu.be/PcKlPhFIE7w that took a big bomb in the basement now the basement is the most vulnerable place cuz that's your foundation and it withstood that and I got to see that area about three or four days after it took place because one of my Structural Engineers actually took me for a tour because he did the building and I said I can't believe it the building was standing solid and half of the columns were blown out I mean so this was an unbelievably powerful building uh if you know anything about structure it was one of the first buildings that was built from the outside the steel the reason the World Trade Center had such narrow Windows is that in between all the windows you had the steel on the outside so you had the steel on the outside of the building that's why when I first looked and you had big heavy eye beams when I first looked at it I couldn't believe it because there was a hole in the steel and this is steel that was you remember the the width of the windows in the World Trade Center folks I think you you know if you up there they were quite narrow and in between was this heavy steel I said how could a plane even a plane even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been how could it possibly go through this steel I happen to think that they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously cuz I just can't imagine anything being able to go through that wall most buildings are built with the Steelers on the inside around the Elevator Shaft this one was built from the outside which is the strongest structure you can have and it was almost just like a uh like a can of soup

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Trump runs with users and takers, and Jewish ones at that, so it's likely he'll do nothing good with that knowledge and will just use it to extract favors. Similarly, every intel agency in the world must be sitting on proof of Israel's attack and doing the same thing with it along with a wink and a nod.

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meanwhile sara netanyahu is in miami for 2 months. hmmm.

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All roads lead to Rome and the Jesuit Order

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Elon Musk: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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I wonder if the tweet is the reason bibi isn't coming to president Trump's inaugural shindig...

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All roads lead to Rome and the Jesuit Order. One of the greatest deceptions ever pulled was convincing the world that the Roman and British empires fell

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Who knows. But to simplify things we have a war between the people who would prefer to live and let live and the people who are obsessed with destroying life, and things that lead to that destruction. There are definitely a majority of those in the group that would generally prefer to live and let live.

There can be over the top destructive individuals in any government or place, or job or activity. Yet no one is entirely perfect, and good people make mistakes and mess up on their intentions, and sometimes commit bad acts. The purely or majorly destructive need to be exposed, and restrained from harmful acts. So, it is best to make a firm decision of which group one is in and reaffirm it. If you want to live, get busy on finding out how you can best help. Though the destructive often achieve destruction under the guise of "help" (which isn't) it doesn't mean real help isn't possible. Anyone can help. Seek to live with the truth, spread truths, expose lies and harmful acts. Be with humanity and against those who, by their actions and the results of their actions show they are against humanity.

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IMO Sachs (and others) gets it wrong on Netanyahu/AIPAC owning the US Congress. The Anglo-US empire hides behind Judaism and uses 'Israel' (and the useful idiot Netanyahu) for the usual litany of nefarious colonial exploits: (which may or may not include the building of the Third Temple to welcome back the devil....who knows?) Divide, rule and sell arms to both sides.

It suits the narrative of the Anglo-US empire for 'Israel' to appear to be running the show (cue 6 wars and 1 to come) so when they cut Bibi loose, they can look like the adults in the room. Similarly, the Crown Corp City of London (CCCoL)/whoever, can cut America loose - which is probably why Musk-bot is trying to sow chaos in the UK. It won't work. These people - The Elites/Cabal/East India Co/Black Nobility - have been protecting their wealth and position for 100s of years - well before there were useful colonies (and idiots to run them) like the US and 'Israel'.

Incidentally, did you know the letter 'J' first appeared in 1524.

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Revelation 16 19 and Babylon became three parts Vatican city the city of London and Washington DC the unholy trinity

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Hmmm, same gang, different digs.

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Hmmm, Trump may not have read the whole tweet:/

He’s made hasty tweets before.

And it’s probably ok with Netenyahoo to come out of the closet now while he has a solid, bought and paid for and highly indebted man in the president’s position. Show the world who’s running the show.

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"Good propaganda, to be effective,... needs more than words, "Shirer wrote.

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