Not sure what happened, but the ongoing satire series has taken off this year. Whereas I used to roll my eyes after the first paragraph, now I'm in stitches. Must be something in the Moroccan waters. I think getting out of the US elevated your sense of humor to absurdist heights.

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Nah, I've always been the world's greatest Muslim satirist, you're just developing a better sense of humor ; - )

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Moroccans are very well versed and knowledgeable about what's going on in the world because they studied history of many countries and continents as well as they're critical thinkers unlike Yankees who didn't even know where Iraq was until they bombed it. We knew since day one that it was this was CIA and Mossad inside job. Keep eating your cancerous food and water and watching your fake media that brainwashed you for decades!

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

That's true. When I did a year of Fulbright research in Morocco in 1999-2000 I discovered that the academic colleagues I met were much more aware of various aspects of "hidden history" (including the JFK assassination) than my American colleagues had been. They were even skeptical of the Holocaust! (That was before I looked into it and realized they had good reason to be.) Later when I became a well known 9/11 truth advocate and lectured in Morocco a couple of times, I found that Moroccans were already aware of the issue.

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Readership definitively needs a bouquet of flowers like you are !!!👍👍💪💪🌹🌹

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I'm crying, after laughing so loud

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they need it to stay strong.... I had a biz partner who turned me into an anti-, partly about how he was and then his narrative telling me and giving so many examples of how bad jews were... before that i didn't really notice or formulate and idea about evil jews.... wonder if his behavior was genetic as a wandering jew going out to make anti-semites for the good or survival of his tribe

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Though crest fallen by the declining rate, I’m not sure Adolph Thunberg and the AASS are correct about falling antisemitic levels. PM Netannutjob is doing everything in his power to raise those levels including the newly popular prisoner rape policy, though he may have to wait for Trump’s help to “finish the job” to break all APM records.

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Yeah, Netanyahu is definitely doing his best to raise antisemitism levels and save the world ; - )

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"NEVER disturb your enemy when making a fatal mistake" Sun Tzu

A wise man indeed !!!

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Right. The sheer courage of the man to even take on the uphill fight.

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I didn't know Thunberg had changed his gender. How can you tell, other than he listens to the Taylor Swift cat food songs?

As far as the American goydumb, how can they walk and chew gum at the same time if it weren't for the Zionist corporate media telling them how to think?

It sure getting harder to tell when you're telling a joke these days Kevin, and when you're being serious. And who really cares about Anti-so-what-emitism, except cat lady's who are missing their cats?

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"unquestionable projections coming out of Thunberg’s AASS"

lol - I'm hoping the whole essay was just a setup for this - well done ! 👍

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Betcha didn't see that one coming ; - )

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