Wow to the wow! IMO I think we can extend this control to the Catholic Church. I think Vatican II was influenced by Jewish interests. They especially objected to the Good Friday prayer which prayed for the conversion of the “faithless Jews” with no genuflection. This prayer was prayed in the Good Friday liturgy of the Traditional Latin Mass. Abe Foxman was all for the crushing of the TLM when Pope Francis issued Traditionis Custodes two years ago because he said, “Words matter.” And can we guess who is behind the harsh prison sentences of Christian pro-lifers (Merrick Garland DOJ) and the FBI memo that said that Traditional Catholics who attend the TLM and are against V2 are suspected to be domestic terrorists? I was raised an evangelical Protestant and I thought we had to be pro-Israel. I totally changed my mind starting with the murder of the mother and daughter outside of Holy Rosary Church and Missionaries of Charity convent in Gaza by IDF snipers. Thank you Cynthia McKinney and Kevin Barrett for more truth-telling.

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'Land of the Free' is a fake, empty, fabricated Slogan! We live-are Enslaved on the 'US Plantation', that is owned, ruled, by the Agents of the Israel Lobby-AIPAC and dozens of other Jew-Christian-Zionists Organizations, the Enemies Within, who dictate, control our(?) Foreign and DOMESTIC Policies!

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There was a time when I was blind to the realities and I did not like Cynthia McKinney. However, time brings about change, and I watched many youtube videos of her with Robert David Steele. He referred to her as a goddess and talked about running for president with her as his VP. God bless her for her efforts. Fortunately, I had a huge change of heart even before her collaboration with Steele.

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By the way, the mycelium she spoke of is not only under Washington but extends to localities around the country - including my school district where a pro-Israel group recently boasted online of winning a board of education spot just to oppose a pro-Palestine candidate. It was clear to me what was going on, but not everyone is able to analyze these situations and that’s a difficult conversation to have with people. And by the time you have the smoking gun, it’s too late.

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Congressman Thomas Massie's wife just died. I can’t find anything about how. Was this a Mossad hit?

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That's what THEY do to good people IN THE SYSTEM.

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Jun 28Edited

I think I'm starting to gain some insight into these cryptic lines from the late Leonard Cohen.

Everybody knows the deal is rotten

Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton

For your ribbons and bows

And everybody knows


or for that matter these as well:

Everybody knows the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor, the rich get rich

And everybody knows

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Thank you for a great interview! I was a Cynthia McKinney fan back in the day and it was interesting hearing some of the surprising details of her experience 😯

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We need that flyer for the streaming event on the 30th...

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Sorry! Just added it to the post.

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This rejection of Zionism site was started in 2009:



Everyone seems to want to stay in their little boxes and not COME TOGETHER to become a UNION -- key word: UNION.

And the only way to get the BIG GUNS out now with the UNION to snatch our freedom back from the money changers:


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