
Even if you and I are right about this and she is wrong, that doesn't make her less than astute on many other issues. And she's right that DNC corruption makes running as a Democrat an uphill battle too.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 29, 2023Author

I can see Bobby winning the Democrat primary nomination, only to have it denied to him by the Democratic machine who have ambushes built into the nomination process at every step of the way, as per the DNC Fraud lawsuit and the DNC rules (see link below). If he were denied the nomination, a coup or insurrection of sorts within the Democratic party would have to happen in order for the machine to relinquish it's control so that Bobby could officially capture the nomination. We're probably talking a fraud lawsuit all over again or some sort of serious disruption delays.


The above scenario would be completely impossible if Bobby runs as an independent or on some third party ticket. Ralph Nader third party issues were then. This is now. Someone of Bobby's stature, charisma, intellectual acumen, and extraordinary leadership doesn't need the Democratic machine for media eyeballs, debates, or endorsement -- or even campaign money.

Running from outside the Democratic machine means there is no way they can steal a presidential *candidacy* from him. The election, probably, but a *candidacy,* no. But it would mean ballot access (i.e., getting signatures from 50 states) would have to be a top priority. The Greens and the Libertarian parties have both been successful getting on the presidential ballot. But it will be virtually impossible in the election season to go independent if he waits until he is denied the primary nomination.

A possible option if he loses the Dem nomination is that he'd be invited on the ticket of one of the third parties. But is the presidential candidate of a given party really going to step aside as VP so that Bobby could commandeer the party to the White House? Not likely.

That's why I say starting an independent campaign now early on offers far less obstacles than running as a Democrat -- and is a less insurmountable route than people think. There's a groundswell of populist sentiment out there that RFK, Jr., as the finest 2024 candidate in the running, could very realistically ride to a White House victory.

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If I were Bobby, I would offer that pledge of party loyalty in exchange for a promise of an open primary process with public debates.

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Wait wait. All good questions ANSWERED BY RFK Jr. In recent Kim Iverson interview!

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This is the first time I have heard of Cat McGuire, whom you identified as (not quoting) an astute political observer. If this conversation is any indication, I miss the astute part. Weren't Ralph Nader's troubles sufficient to demonstrate how impossible it is for an independent candidate for president to get even a fair chance at campaigning? It's enough for me. I can't see anything astute about her arguments.

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It's time for us boomers to get out of the way. Bobby's run is not realistic. He's taunting death as we all are. We are going to have to face the reality that Bill Clinton, Bushcheney, and Joe Biden are going to be the legacy we leave. AAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!

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I've always assumed that there is a contract which coerces an endorsement of the eventual candidate--the DNC being a private entity. Makes practical/ tribal sense--if we had a fair and open process, which we obviously do not.

This opens the whole 3rd Party question- perhaps the 'pivot' RFK mentioned in the Iverson interview. A true can of worms.

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This is the first time I have heard of Cat McGuire, whom you identified as (not quoting) an astute political observer. If this conversation is any indication, I miss the astute part. Weren't Ralph Nader's troubles sufficient to demonstrate how impossible it is for an independent candidate for president to get even a fair chance at campaigning? It's enough for me. I can't see anything astute about her arguments.

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"Biden" will not be a candidate in 2024; he's a literal imposter, and the deception can't last that long.

"Michelle" won't be a candidate either - she's still a man. (May explain the trans-push though).

Everything will be different by year-end. I have to assume RFKJr knows *everything* (or will find out what he doesn't once in office.)

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