Kevin, I have so much respect for the work you and your guest have been doing. It’s so needed. American Muslims are in a weird place being a small minority with the majority already primed, deliberately by the Z team, to see them as enemy outsiders. And unfortunately many second generation American Muslims - millennials - have more or less believed the official narrative, which has eroded their confidence and made them even less likely to protest anything.

The older generation, the immigrants at least, more or less know the deal but don’t want to rock the boat and risk what they came to America to build.

Shortly after 9lI I stopped in a small take-out restaurant I’d been going to not far from the Pentagon owned by a Muslim immigrant couple and the guy told me the planes were flown by remote control. I said, “you think so?” And he was like yeah of course. The next time I went in there he was totally silent. They had put up American flags outside the place and the mood was somber. Soon after that they sold the place and left.

The American Muslim community was totally traumatized and is only now starting to find its voice.

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PS, I just did a deep dig dive on Phillip Zelikow. He is a SUPER not-so-crypto Jew (just take a look at the guy) born in Brooklyn, NY and is a SUPER-duper WEFer/CFRer revolutionary; super-educated, super certified and blessed by all the right Zio-Power elitist halls of highest places where the highest-of-the-high NEOCONS and the priests of Jewish University socialist idealogy are born.

Here is the incredible super ZIO background of the man who STOPPED all pilots from speaking their Truth at the 9/11 hearings. Phillip Zelikow is quite possibly the most frightening ZIO mouthpiece/globalist intellectual warrior I've ever seen...or at least his Resume is! Check out his website and all the nefarious things he has his Kosher hands in. It is EVERYTHING bad that has happened to America in the last 20 years...HE WAS THERE...

LIke "Kilroy was here"...Zelikow was there! (In a very, very bad sense).

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Here is his website...LOOK what he's been doing and WHO he does it for:


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It just occurred to me that the Israeli Mossad could have duped the dumb Muslim student wannabe pilots by handsomely paying off all their living expenses in Florida, AND paying for the Muslims' piloting lessons fees...a Mossad honey trap of sorts. Then all they had to do was get these Muslims on the three 9/11 planes implicated in the supposed manned tower crashes. BUT really it was just to get them on the planes as passengers...that would then be radio-controlled to expertly hit the twin towers. In the end, the suckered Muslims were only patsies in whatever scenario you can think up to explain the 9/11 flying planes.

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There were no planes on 9/11.

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My bad. You are probably right...nary 1 single passenger seat seen in the scene of any of the "crashes,", nor jet engines anywhere, nor fuselages, etc.

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Wow this was revelatory…in a way that has you slap yr forehead and like yuh, of frickin course. Great work. 🙏🏽

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My Internet was out for a week, so I didn't have a way to watch this until now. But Dan's argument that a remote controlled system was used on all the planes is the best argument and is probably right. The 19 patsies would be fairly unreliable and the idea that a projected image was used, kind of like the batman spotlight over Gotham, is ridiculous.

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Great work, thanks. Hope I haven’t overlooked an obvious link but where can I listen to the 2nd hour: Mees Baaijen and Laurent Guyenot discussions?

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Working on it now...

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