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I recently raised the question: “Do 90% of Israeli Jews support genocide?” I said “yes.” Richie Allen said “no.” The comments section is full of other opinions.

Coincidentally, right before last week’s interview with Richie, RT published a piece on Israel’s anti-Zionist Jews: “‘I don’t want to be a pawn in this sick game’: Israel’s anti-Zionist fringe is taking a stand.” I brought it up in this week’s False Flag Weekly News:

Yes, there are actually some anti-genocide and even anti-Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine, aka Israel. But there aren't very many. It's less than 2%, probably even less than that, especially the vocal ones. But at least there are some, and RT's correspondent managed to track a couple down.

One of them, 25-year-old Tomer Avrahami, is quoted as saying: “Thanks to media research and tours in historic Palestine, I came to the conclusion that I had no willingness to take part in the ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people,” meaning the Palestinian Holocaust. And they mentioned another one named Tal Mitnick, who keeps getting sentenced to prison because he refuses to serve.

The majority of the people who refuse to serve in the armed forces in Israel are doing it for other reasons. But a minority of maybe 10%-ish (of the refuseniks) are doing it because they are against genocide.

So there are some, and God bless them.

According to the Torah, if there were even ten righteous men in Sodom, the city would be saved. Are there ten righteous Jews in Israel? Very likely. Naturei Karta, the anti-Zionist Orthodox (Haredi) group, is based in Jerusalem. And since RT reports that 30% of Israeli Jewish young people are draft evaders, 10% of whom are anti-Zionist, we may surmise that Tomer Avrahami and Tal Mitnick represent hundreds or even thousands.

But the righteous anti-Zionist Jews of Israel are such a small minority, amidst a general population of genocidal lunatics, that God and man both have good reason to be getting fed up with the place. Even America’s pro-Zionist Jews are worried—not only about the future of Israel, but also about its implications for Jews in general.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a hardcore Zionist and the USG’s highest-ranking Jew, sees the writing on the wall and is demanding Netanyahu’s head on a platter. The BBC reported Wednesday that “US Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer has called for Israel to hold elections to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.” Bibi fired back: “We’re not a banana republic.”

Actually, Bibi, Israel is even more dependent on the US than your average banana republic. Most banana republics would continue to exist if the US wasn’t propping up their governments, economies, and militaries. Israel wouldn’t. It’s surrounded by over a billion people who don’t want it there. The US cutting off support to Israel would have the same consequences as France cutting off support to French Algeria in 1962.

Another well-placed and rabidly Zionist ultra-ethnocentric Jew, Thomas Friedman, says “Netanyahu is making Israel radioactive.” Presumably he means that figuratively. He knows that Israel and world Jewry have benefited for 75 years from the presumption that they are quintessential genocide victims, and that their sudden transformation into universally-reviled genocide perpetrators bodes poorly for their worldly prospects.

But Friedman may have chosen the radioactive metaphor because he knows that Bibi is leading Israel down a path that could end in smoking radioactive rubble. It’s quite likely that there has been far more nuclear proliferation than meets the eye, and Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, with its unlimited potential for regional and global escalation, could easily lead to a tragic, horrendous nuclear solution to the Zionism problem.

Even absent the use of nukes, a regional escalation that unleashed the full might of Hezbollah’s arsenal, much less Iran’s, Turkey’s or Russia’s, could largely destroy Israel, according to an Israeli military study. That’s one reason why Netanyahu’s incessant attempts to provoke all-out war with Hezbollah have been shot down by the US as well as elements of the IDF.

Schumer and Friedman are trumpeting an Anglo-American consensus that’s engineering a long-overdue Israeli regime change, according to Thierry Meyssan of VoltaireNet:

(After repeated provocations by Bibi’s “Jewish fascists”) Washington decided to radically change its policy. Until then, it had considered that it could not afford to let Israel lose. It had therefore supported its crime. Now, it could no longer afford to let the Jewish fascists win. It’s important to understand that Washington didn’t change its mind when it saw the suffering of the Gazans, nor because of a sudden outburst of anti-fascism, but because of the threats of the "revisionist Zionists." Its positions are dictated exclusively by its desire to maintain its domination of the world. It could not contemplate another defeat for its Israeli allies, this time after those in Syria and Ukraine. But it could even less envisage losing to the "revisionist Zionists".

The Biden Administration therefore invited General Benny Gantz, the former alternative Prime Minister and since October 12 Minister without Portfolio, to consult in the United States, despite the opposition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s a kind of backlash to the way the latter was invited to deliver a speech before Congress against the advice of President Barack Obama, in 2015.

Can the US force new elections on Israel and enthrone Gantz? Will Netanyahu respond by attempting to “flee forward” into a wider war? And most importantly, even if the US manages to regime-change Israel, will it solve the underlying problem? (The expression “underlying problem” is an understatement, since what it describes is seven million Jewish colonists, 98% of whom are pro-genocide and millions of whom are raving fanatics, squatting on stolen land in the midst of a billion people who are determined to get it back.)

When Netanyahu steps down, Israel will be symbolically admitting defeat. The writing is already on the wall. Last week Israeli Major General (ret.) Yizkhak Barik announced: “We have already lost the war with Hamas, and we are also losing our allies in the world…If a regional war breaks out that destroys the country, there is no doubt that in the history of the people of Israel, they (Netanyahu and his cabinet) will be remembered forever.”

Any new Biden-installed Israeli government would have to concede defeat by, at the very least, massively scaling down its assault on Gaza. The Americans will try to push through a peace plan that would sideline Hamas while resuscitating the long-moribund two-state solution along the lines endorsed by Saudi Arabia, creating a “state of Palestine based on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.” Rousing success could ensure Biden’s re-election.

But success of any kind is far from assured. Every US president since Carter has tried to become the “brought-lasting-peace-to-the-Middle East” president and all have failed. The reason: Zionism’s stranglehold on American politics, finance, and media.

Can Biden force Israel to evacuate 700,000 settlers? To do so, he would have to prevail over the will of the Israeli majority (backed by the hardline American Zionists who haven’t figured out, as Chuck Schumer and Thomas Friedman have, that Israel’s current course is suicidal).

With or without Netanyahu, Israel is highly unlikely to withdraw from the territories it stole in 1967. To make that happen, Biden would have to threaten to block US aid. Such an unprecedented move would unleash a torrent of Zionist hysteria—and funding for Biden’s 2024 opponent, Donald Trump, who is on record supporting everything Israel does including genocide.

So Biden needs to engineer a PR spectacle in which Israel pretends to re-commit to the Oslo peace process, but without doing much of anything tangible. And the Palestinians would have to accept more vague, empty promises.

Good luck with that. Remember, this will be playing out against a backdrop of a perceived Palestinian Resistance victory—and amidst residual fury, which may not dissipate for decades or even centuries, over the Gaza genocide. The notion that Palestinians will settle for the same old two-state-solution schtick that has been defrauding them since the mid-1990s, after Hamas, Hezbollah, and AnsarUllah just collectively whipped Israel’s butt—and in the wake of a genocide whose punishment really ought to be the elimination of Israel and imprisonment of 98% of its Jewish population—is a non-starter.

Following Israeli regime change and “official defeat,” the Resistance will be emboldened by its victory, strengthened by the soft power bonanza handed it by the genocidal Zionists, and in no mood to accept half-measures. An immediate and complete Israeli pullout from the post-1967 occupied territories, and the quick establishment of a universally-recognized Palestine, might suffice. Anything less would convince the Resistance to stick with its prevailing assumption that Zionism can only be defeated militarily.

And Zionism will be defeated militarily, if it comes to that. Gen. Barik’s forecast of a “regional war…that destroys the country” is apt.

Why are Netanyahu and his cabinet risking destruction, while American Zionists like Schumer and Friedman demur? One would think it would be the other way around: The Israelis, after all, are the ones in the line of fire.

One reason is that the Israelis are steeped in millenarian messianic myth, while the Americans think in terms of global geopolitics. Netanyahu’s cabinet is full of crazies who think they can force the Messiah to come save them if they just kill enough Palestinians, blow up the al-Aqsa mosque, and find a heifer whose hide is the perfect shade of pink.

Not all Israelis are that crazy, but they’re getting there. Likud and the Revisionist Zionists used to be marginal. Now those genocidal maniacs represent the middle ground of Israeli politics, with even loonier genocidal maniacs occupying the right flank.

Ultimately, the roadblock in the path to peace in Palestine is Israeli public opinion. The vast majority of Israeli Jews just can’t conceive of treating the Palestinians as equals. Israel’s hardcore Jewish supremacism, horrifyingly exposed by the Gaza genocide, threatens to undermine the milder Jewish supremacism in America that has made life so comfortable for the likes of Chuck Schumer and Thomas Friedman.

So to “save the Jews,” Israeli Jews need to not only repudiate genocide, but also Zionism itself. Only the transformation of genocidal, supremacist “Israel” into a normal country for all of its rightful inhabitants, including the descendants of those ethnically cleansed by the genocidal supremacists, will bring peace and prevent the world from turning against the Jews.

Somehow the anti-Zionist Israeli Jews need to stop being a fringe and start being a majority. Since Israel is the world’s leading manufacturer of the “love and compassion drug” ecstasy (which was presumably widely used at the Re’im Music Festival) maybe Tomer Avrahami and Tal Mitnick will find a way to sneak it into their country’s water supply.

Failing that, or something equally improbable, Israel is going down the hard way, and the Jews with it.