Speaking of the magic bullet, here is another mans investigation into that original magic bullet, that is really good food for thought. Title is "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". It's long but worth watching for alternative viewpoints. Very interesting. I also recommend "Dr. Mary's Monkey" for info on what Oswald was doing in New Orleans that the PTSB (the Powers That Shouldn't Be) wanted to use him as a disposable patsy for. Link: https://youtu.be/4oVpt_I9iQQ?feature=shared
I would share a link on the "Dr. Mary's Monkey" interview but it tends to get censored and taken down pretty rapidly
I not only saw that film, but may have violated copyright law by burning DVDs of it and handing them out, along with dozens of other good red pilled documentaries.
Commensurate only with WTC/911 free falling building 7 and the 'Magic Bolt'™', Securing column 79 to it's beam connection holding the entire 47 storied, 81 columned, steel framed high rise, intact.
Of the 462 comments, none offer any strong evidence against the false flag hypothesis.
Since there is no slam dunk proof either way, we're left with a whole lot of "what are the odds" elements that, in my opinion, are more straightforwardly explained by the false flag hypothesis.
"Improbable" is a pretty loose concept. Specifically, any time what appears to be a picture-perfect PR stunt happens, enormously benefiting a powerful entity, but the media assures us it is just spontaneity and/or coincidence, I will strongly lean towards believing it was orchestrated.
Example: During the 1929 NYC Easter parade, a bunch of women supposedly all spontaneously decided to simultaneously light cigarettes and call them "torches of freedom." While it is theoretically possible that it could have happened spontaneously, or resulted from a genuinely grassroots initiative, any well-informed person then would have known that the cigarette companies were probably behind it.
Likewise, any well-informed person today knows that if a "Trump shooting" happens that seems optimized for PR, complete with ear nicks and Iwo Jima pictures that the Secret Service was criminally negligent to allow to be taken...well, I will stop before I start insulting not-so-well-informed people.
Who ya gonna believe...the deep state or your lying eyes?! LBJ biographer Robert Caro established that Johnson stole (in a crooked election) the 1948 senate seat from the popular republican ex-TX gov, Coke Stevenson, and went on to steal the presidency (bullet in the head) from JFK. Move along...nothing to see here. LBJ was a very bad man. "Hey, hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?"
This time you have stretched the limits of honorble journalism in search of cheap guffaws. Just don't remind us of the exact origins of that magic bullet. Was it Pfizer, Moderna or Astro Seneca?
Thanks Kevin! I seriously doubt Francis Richard Conolly would mind you disseminating his material. May the red pills flow! I think you would appreciate the Coast to Coast interview also about Dr Mary's Monkey if you can find it. Mind blowing! But I know you wouldn't be totally surprised.
Seems, physics gets weirder by the day ... 🤣🤣🤣
I think since 9/11, everything we thought we knew about the
laws of physics was completely wrong. Our previous knowledge
failed to account for the supernatural.
I call it anthropogenic version of physics ... 🤣🤣🤣
Your humour is always welcome Kevin!
Speaking of the magic bullet, here is another mans investigation into that original magic bullet, that is really good food for thought. Title is "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". It's long but worth watching for alternative viewpoints. Very interesting. I also recommend "Dr. Mary's Monkey" for info on what Oswald was doing in New Orleans that the PTSB (the Powers That Shouldn't Be) wanted to use him as a disposable patsy for. Link: https://youtu.be/4oVpt_I9iQQ?feature=shared
I would share a link on the "Dr. Mary's Monkey" interview but it tends to get censored and taken down pretty rapidly
I not only saw that film, but may have violated copyright law by burning DVDs of it and handing them out, along with dozens of other good red pilled documentaries.
But which small hat will be this generation's Arlen Specter? Inquiring minds want to know!
Kennedy's magic bullet remained pristine. With Trump, it was the ear.
Commensurate only with WTC/911 free falling building 7 and the 'Magic Bolt'™', Securing column 79 to it's beam connection holding the entire 47 storied, 81 columned, steel framed high rise, intact.
Do you have any evidence at all that this was a false flag? I do not think you do. Get over it!
Do you have any evidence that it wasn't? That's what I asked in this article: https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/sifting-and-winnowing-evidence-in-the-false-flag-trump-shooting/
Of the 462 comments, none offer any strong evidence against the false flag hypothesis.
Since there is no slam dunk proof either way, we're left with a whole lot of "what are the odds" elements that, in my opinion, are more straightforwardly explained by the false flag hypothesis.
No evidence either way?
There were a hundred cameras taking video of the whole thing.
The bullet was actually caught on film.
Kevin, promulgating this weird "theory" aka delusion is not constructive.
Did you click the first link in my article? Check it out. I will be interviewing the author on my Friday live podcast. https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/23-solid-reasons-to-suspect-trumps
Yes, it was very improbable. That's not evidence of a false flag.
Yes, there's evidence of another shooter. That's not evidence of a false flag.
I think what you hate about this is that it's so improbable that you suspect divine intervention!
BTW: I'm not a Trump supporter. He might be the lesser of two evils, but like Hunter Thompson, I won't vote for evil.
"Improbable" is a pretty loose concept. Specifically, any time what appears to be a picture-perfect PR stunt happens, enormously benefiting a powerful entity, but the media assures us it is just spontaneity and/or coincidence, I will strongly lean towards believing it was orchestrated.
Example: During the 1929 NYC Easter parade, a bunch of women supposedly all spontaneously decided to simultaneously light cigarettes and call them "torches of freedom." While it is theoretically possible that it could have happened spontaneously, or resulted from a genuinely grassroots initiative, any well-informed person then would have known that the cigarette companies were probably behind it.
Likewise, any well-informed person today knows that if a "Trump shooting" happens that seems optimized for PR, complete with ear nicks and Iwo Jima pictures that the Secret Service was criminally negligent to allow to be taken...well, I will stop before I start insulting not-so-well-informed people.
Who ya gonna believe...the deep state or your lying eyes?! LBJ biographer Robert Caro established that Johnson stole (in a crooked election) the 1948 senate seat from the popular republican ex-TX gov, Coke Stevenson, and went on to steal the presidency (bullet in the head) from JFK. Move along...nothing to see here. LBJ was a very bad man. "Hey, hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?"
There was no ID but he was cremated. After which he was given a respectful Muslim burial at sea.
They burned him and threw his ashes into the ocean in accordance with Islamic burial custom.
This time you have stretched the limits of honorble journalism in search of cheap guffaws. Just don't remind us of the exact origins of that magic bullet. Was it Pfizer, Moderna or Astro Seneca?
At least we know now what happen to the bullet that was used. Thanks Kevin.
This event has all the makings of another jewish false flag. Are you aware that Trump had a kabbalah teacher? He mentions this in his book from 2003.
Trump was "made" by Roy Cohn, which is much worse than having a kabbalah teacher ; - )
You are right. Roy Cohn, a gay, Jewish pedophile… lovely! 🤣
Unique melding of two events -- and BRILLIANT. Thank you, Kevin!
Thanks Kevin! I seriously doubt Francis Richard Conolly would mind you disseminating his material. May the red pills flow! I think you would appreciate the Coast to Coast interview also about Dr Mary's Monkey if you can find it. Mind blowing! But I know you wouldn't be totally surprised.
This is honestly the most likely story so far, and I can’t stop laughing
L O L.......