Tragically funny and subversive at the same time. The National Socialist/swastika version of the Pride Flag is a good symbol that would work well to describe the ideology of Justin Trudeau and Bandera Canadian Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland

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Wallahi! Sidesplitting! But too close to reality.

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Kevin...its more of the GBLTQI situation and not porn, or gay piano porn. And I am actually agnostic about this GBLTQI swing in our society and I do not know what to firmly think as I have spoken about our "chemical world" before? Revictimizing possible "chemical victims" is something I won't do until there is more research completed showing that it is a "personal choice". However, the GBLTQI folks surely prove, once again, that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. [No sexual meaning intended.]

And oddly, in my ramp-up to institutionalize my "CI: Civil Informationing" tactics, I use the growth and legislative accomplishments of the GBLTQI community as being the only movement that has gained some ground since the 60s-70s activisms. The: anti-nuke...antiwar...pro-labor...pro-environment...pro-racial justice...pro-women's rights...pro-voting rights movements [all of which also started back then], have not really kept pace with such GBLTQI growth.

And I argue that this is because the latter groups essentially "quit" while the GBLTQI movement kept at it every day of every year. The highly visible gay pride parades are not what actually made the governmental changes...its the direct political action that the GBLTQI communities and movements worked at daily that has made the difference. Check out my first two of an eventual five short films in which I show background and example of CI-ing. I am trying to get those "quitters" to "un-quit"...a very big reach...


And Zelensky speaks and displays himself for himself. Why his true story is not exposed by the deep state is because the Military Industrial Complex [including the huge fossil fuel energy companies] and its "profiteering share holders" will use anyone, doing anything, at any time, in any and every way, solely in order to keep up their profit and control margins...AKA...via the new customers for their armaments in and around Ukraine...and the rest of the world. Those "MIC oligarch shareholders" care not one bit about the conditions of, or the uses/abuses of, human beings outside their oligarch families and...after all, we are "lesser"...don'tcha know?

Peace and Planet robin

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Kevin, even though I do not agree with your views about human sexuality [nor anyone else's at this time], this is excellent satire. Well tethered from beginning to end...verbally and "subject-wise", accessible to most average citizens, and some pundits...and FUNNY!!! Well done Kevin...your humor is getting better and better. Peace and Planet robin hirdon

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Thanks, Robin! Maybe you should come on my radio show to debate whether Zelensky's playing piano with his penis is an "unnatural act" ; - )

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Haha! So good.

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