What an excellent and timely essay. Well done, Kevin.

One component of mind control entails torture. Bolstering the feelings of revenge, betrayal, and suspicion that circumcision instills, one could assume that 3000 years of brainwashing has done its part to epigenetically solidify the results of such practices into the psychological soul of a people.

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I have not researched it, but I bet the practice of circumcising Gentiles in the US is more a function of strong Jewish influence during the AMA's founding years in the early 1900s to increase doctors' fees given that circumcision has nothing to do with health. It's actually more detrimental than anything.

Then too, the religious rationale of circumcision on Jewish baby boys has zero applicability to non-Jewish males, so one wonders if any psychological implications were purposefully meant to be instilled, as well as the actual psychological fallout , if any, on Gentiles.

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A double win: 1. They increase their ability to hide among us, by having many non-Jews circumcised. 2. The traumatize us, destroy our mother-child bonds, wreck our future ability to enjoy bonding sex, generally weaken us, our families and our culture.

A win in their perpetual war on "Amalek"?

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Tragically, one casualty of the practice of circumcision was that thousands of African boys were mutilated by botched circumcisions on Tony Fauci's watch. It seems a faulty device to do the procedure was outlawed in the US, but the illegal devices were then shipped to Africa where primarily Israeli clinics financed by a Fauci PEPFAR program performed the botched operations.


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A young Jew named Eric Clopper did a presentation on the evils of circumcision, at Harvard, and was fired for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc After realizing the depth of the harm deliberately inflicted, he resolved to end it. (Warning: he's not humble.)

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I recall him saying that the other ancient people were so disgusted and revolted by the torture and mutilation that it was a primary reason for their low opinion of the Jews at the time. Is it a technology for perpetuating sociopathty?

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As a "victim" of what I feel is in actuality a form of 'male genital mutilation', I can tell you a little about the results, although I can't claim to remember the moment it happened.

But if it had to be done (without my consent), I am grateful for having being raised by Irish Catholics. Since I do know for sure it was done to me by a doctor in a hospital, rather than in a back room by some holy man's teeth. OUCH!

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I don't remember the moment it happened either. But at age 20 when I psychoanalyzed myself by free-associating back through traumatic experiences that had a connecting thread, I surmised that the first/worst was probably when I was circumcised as a newborn.

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Early-circumcised men reported lower attachment security and lower emotional stability while no differences in empathy or trust were found. Early circumcision was also associated with stronger sexual drive and less restricted socio-sexuality along with higher perceived stress and sensation seeking.

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History is not what happened. It's what somebody says or can remember what happened. But there is a problem with this. Both attackers and víctims tend to see or remember events that confirm the wickedness of the other. Some literally witness events that did not take place. That is the reason, for example, that if you want to read an unbiased history of the Spanish Civil War, you must get a book that was not written by a Spaniard. I would bet that this also applies to Israelies and Palestinians.

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That's true. But Jews are in a category all their own in terms of putting out a false narrative that puts them in a good light and their enemies/victims in a bad light. See: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-israel-gaza-and-broader-issues/

If you compare the way Jews have remembered their encounters with adversaries, versus, say, the respective Christian and Muslim accounts of the Crusades, it's night and day. The Christians and Muslims mostly stay within hailing distance of truth or at least plausibility. Jews, not so much. In fact, not at all. Allowing them to take over and dominate Western media https://mondoweiss.net/2008/02/do-jews-dominat/ has turned out to be the worst mistake Western Civilization ever made.

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