Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do!

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I know what you mena. Whenever I do a search on the Web, now the first choice is always AI, which I never use. I agree, RESIST, DO NOT ASSIMILATE!!!

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Unfortunately, correct. The Arab League, as one African journalist noted, is a collection of idiots sitting 'round a table & arguing who is the most ignorant.


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They sold Palestine to the Jews, and they sold Arabia to the Saudi heretics. Those decadent Muslims (over a billion) still worshiped the Saudi Crypto-Jewish Satanists!

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{...When will real leaders arise in the Ummah to unite our Muslim people and end the reign of the genocidal zionist Dajjal ??? ...} 🤔🤔🤔

The US-Zionist PRE-selected arab high-ranking traitors (NOT leaders, please !!!) love $$$, booze and sex too much, have no qualms in changing alliances 24/7/365. MI6 and Mossad have piles of video-taped compromat about them; ready to be used at any needed moment. No compromat, no power, that's the game. Same applies for the West in general and the US in particular.

Seems, your above question will not show any positive developments for the oppressed folks any time soon ...😪😪😪

Zionist are proficient psychologists with wast experience on a world-wide scale, especially when it comes to any kind of vice and sex.

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good essay Kevin. I wonder if there's a deeper level to all this somehow, but definitely you have pinpointed all the obvious and sad events of this past year.

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Just as there are Christian Zionists and Zionist Jews, there are also Arab Zionists such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Jordan leaders! The whole world is controlled by Zionist Jews; Secular Luciferian Evil. As we seen the Nature's Revenge recently with Storms, Snow and Fires which looked like HELL that was funded by USA on Aleppo and Gaza, they will come their turn too because God grant patience but will not neglect.

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General Behrouz Esbati, senior commander Revolutionary Guards in Syria, released a statement:

Russia was one of the main factors in the collapse of Syria and Assad.

Russia turned off radar so Israel could attack intelligence headquarters.

Russia both deceived Assad and betrayed Iran.

All Russian actions after October 7th were to serve Israeli interests.

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When Tucker interviewed Lavrov on 12.6 - do you think he was actually there to hand Lavrov a note from the US to give to Putin - To let Putin know what was going to happen in Syria, whilst also offering him a deal... and that Carlson was to bring Putins answer back to Trump ?

Just a thought that's been running through my head and might explain a lot

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I haven’t seen that interview.

Pepe Escobar noted that Lavrov seemed annoyed during the conference in Doha just as Damascus fell, implying that perhaps he hadn’t been copied in.

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I wonder what excuse the U.S. is using to justify the theft of Syria's oil and wheat. I can't believe the new regime is going to tolerate this, and we know it won't be an end to the conflict for the evil Zio bastards, just a short delay.

And now the Jews of Portland are sending money to the wealthy Jews of Jewifornia to help pay for the damages, but there's no more money for food for the poor people of Portland. Because why? Because the queer fire lady of LA is using the money for diversity training, hoping to get more unqualified women and queers in the fire department.

If we don't use the best people for the job, this is what we get. And who pays for these fires? The poor and middle class white people!

Where's my gun? Oh that's right, I don't have one...yet.

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Just the destruction of Syria? The Jews have a cool 400 long range nukes and all those biotoxins. Arabs are snookered. Pages? Worse than that.

All Arab leaders are circumcised Goyim...


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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 at 10:21

To: benjaminmerhav@hotmail.com


Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 04:01:47 -0400

From: dcadigan01@aol.com

Sent: Wed, Aug 19, 2009


Dear friends,

Please consider writing on Benjamin Merhav's behalf to the Australian ICj and the

ICJ 's Head for the Centre of Palestinian Human Rights , Mr. Raji Sourani .

It's beyond disgrace that this man and his family should still be suffering at the

hands of the Zionist Enterprise for opposing their build up of WMD at the Dimona

Nuclear plant in Israel some 46 yrs ago. (see Benjamin's Merhav appeal and

opposition with the URL below)

Yet the failure of such officials to respond and investigate Benjamin Merhav's com-

plaint demonstrates once again the cowardly approach many leaders and officials

take today towards the Zionist Enterprise.

Yet history has shown (see Gandhi below) that no fight has ever been in vain as it

is in the fight the hope for justice lies and the wall of opposition begins to crack!

Many thanks, in advance, Doris

P.S.Knowing the evil ambitions of Zionist Enterprise it would be naive to think

Benjamin Merhav and his family are its sole victims. Thus there is a greater

cause waiting to be tackled also. Please help and be apart of that solution too!

P.P.S. "When in despair I remember that all through history

the way of truth and love has always won; there have been

tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible,

but in the end they always fall." - M.K. Gandhi

The email address of Michael Kirby : mail@michaelkirby.com.au ;

The email address of Raji Sourani is the PCHR email address :


The ICJ addresses are :







of the -----Original Message-----

From: Benjamin Merhav <benjaminmerhav@hotmail.com>

To: fboyle@law.uiuc.edu

Sent: Sat, Aug 15, 2009 9:39 pm



I type this letter as a last resort, and with a heavy heart. As all of you know, I have been subjected to Zionist Gestapo torture by sleep deprivation every night for some 9 years now, ever since my return from hospital where a cancer tumour had been removed from my colon.

In addition, the Zionist Gestapo has subjected my daughter to psychiatric torture for over 31 years, and my son for over 19 years now. The purpose of turturing the three of us by the Zionist Gestapo is to kill us in the most painful manner.

Although all three of us are innocent of any illegal or any wrong doing, we are punished for my strong opposition to Zionism and to the zionist apartheid regime of Israel . It has began some 46 years ago in Israel with an article I wrote against WMD race which the Zionist regime has began then by production of nuclear bombs at the Dimona pile ( for more details see the first part of my autobiography : http://theautobiographyofbenjaminmerhav.blogspot.com/ ).

As you would have concluded by now from reading my 76 open letters to the current Attorney-General of Australia, my complaints to him, including the violations of the rule of law by ASIO, have been rejected, while the ongoing torture of all the three of us continues to damage our well being and health and to subject us to the risks of death as a result. Copies of my open letters have been emailed to goverment ministers, including the PM, as well as to Labor and to Green members of the federal parliament, but they all ignored my complaints.

My 3 appeals to the International Commision of Jurists, and to many prominent jurists in Australia and elsewhere, have been ignored too so far (see my latest post on http://5thautobiography.blogspot.com/ ).

Amongst those prominent Australian jurists is former High Court judge, former ICJ President, and current Honorary ICJ member , Mr. Michael Kirby. Here is what the international ICJ site says about him :

"Michael D. Kirby, Australia Justice Kirby was elected an Honorary Member in 2002. He served on the Executive Committee from 1992 to 1995 and as President of the ICJ from 1995 to 1998. Justice Kirby was originally elected to the Commission in 1984." I have had no reply from him so far.

Amongst the overseas jurists I appealed to were two current members on the international ICJ executive : Prof. Robert Goldman, former ICJ President, and Mr. Raji Sourani , Director of PCHR, and ICJ Executive Committee member.

That Prof. Goldman did not reply can be explained by his sympathy with Zionism and with the zionist apartheid regime of Israel, but why Raji Sourani ? As a Palestinian, particularly as the head of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), he sure should have demanded the urgent consideration of my appeal by ICJ ! Instead, he choose to ignore my appeal like Prof. Goldman and the other jurists did !

I therefore ask each one of you, as a group and as individuals to show your solidarity with us and your outrage at the injustice perpetrated against us by protesting to ICJ Australia, and to ICJ internationally, and in particular to Mr. Jaji Sourani, PCHR director.

Thanking you in advance, Benjamin

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It seems Turkey knew precisely what they were doing and how far the domino's would fall and in what direction... Qatar's pettiness is a disappointment and an insult to themselves... What can we expect from the UAE and the Saudi's going forward, regarding BRICS, etc... ?

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Miles Mathis says that Iran's rulers are just Jews with turbans and also that the word Khomeini is just a variant of Cohen

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"Miles" is a front for the ADL with a mission to (a) confuse "conspiracy theorists" by obscuring Jewish overrepresentation in conspiracies, and (b) defame Israel's enemies, the biggest of which is Iran.

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Sorry Kevin, but. mileswmathis.com/unz.pdf is just too funny

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LOL! I guess I will have to move my column to The Mathis Review ; - )

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Could Turkey's betrayal of occupied Palestine have something to do with the fact that Khzar "Jews," are a Turkic people?

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