
I like that uncertainty principle, Karl! "You can either see that it's anti-Semitic, or you can see that it's true, but you can't see both at the same time."

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Thanks Kevin! Next please unravel for us. . . Quantum Entanglement:).

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According to Einshtein, "strange antisemitic entanglement" occurs when you measure something to find out whether or not it is antisemitic, and when you discover that yes, it is indeed antisemitic, it turns out that every subatomic particle in the universe that ever came into contact with it immediate "collapses" from its indeterminate state and becomes antisemitic too. By this process, the entire universe is always becoming increasingly antisemitic, and will one day collapse into a gigantic black hole of antisemitism.

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Exactly. Columbia Jewniversity has proved that with its study on how Zebrews need to be protected from antisemitism through mandatory courses telling the goys how to behave. (NOT a joke. Real news)

Fight back by eating ham & cheese sandwiches on Saturdays

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

You forgot to ask Dr Einshtein a key question - just why did Yahweh keep silent whilst hitler was at it? The answer could have resulted in the death of antisemitism but instead of repenting in a corner in shame (that their God did not raise a finger, preferring to keep the Pope company), we have this constant cacaphony of auschwitz, annfrank, swindler list, etc and now we even have Southern Baptist goyim (well versed in untermeyer financed notes of the scofield Bible) going to pissrael to sign bombs to behead babies!! I daresay Yahweh will also remain silent yet again when boxcar 2.0 happens.

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whatever hinders their psychopathy is antisemitic of course the universe is antisemitic

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Ultimately it must be God who is antisemitic. They never do anything wrong, and look at how He repays them!

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never wrong always the victim.... God must have a place to put them in the end.

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That's why they say THEIR g-d, don't they?

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Excellent satire! Best way to put forth deep truths, oftentimes. (Am presuming it IS a parody... but truth today competes with satire anymore!)

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Yeah, it's hard for us satirists to keep ahead of the news ; - )

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Dr. Einshtein also stated that the U.S. congress is passing a bill that will make any protests against the Large Antisemitism Collider an Antisemitism Hate Crime.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Kevin: Brilliant! Please consider insights I found (and copied link) just moments before reading your post. If a person/ people and the surrounding world is entirely the product of what minds are constantly focused upon learning and achieving - what is the end result of all those minds obsessively dwelling on their "Talmud?" Yikes! Perhaps another nuance of physics you can help us better understand in context is Heisenberg's Defamation Uncertainty Principle: Anyone focusing their energy to find, label and attack every circumstance as "Anti-Semitism" is incapable of simultaneously recognizing any actual truths therein. https://twitter.com/Thekeksociety/status/1803988964392472962?s=19

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Looks like the Jews will not be going into space any time soon. Doubt and other civilization would want them...

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Israel has announced the lanch of its new MARS

bound interplanetary space explorer the GAZA 2.

It was pickup by the moosade that martian artifacts

recently discovered may be ANTI SEMETIC..

The US is awaiting weapon delivery instructions.

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Your best so far.

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I understand that Johns Hopkins performed a study which states that 97.5% of those in Israel are not of Semitic bloodlines???

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THAT's common knowledge; I hope ...🤔🤔🤔

Most of them are imported Khazarian, Sephardic and Ashkenazi.

Btw: DNA-tests are absolutely FORBIDDEN to be performed in the Occupied Lands of Palestine.

Guess why ???🤣🤣🤣🤣

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If you can bear it, here is an on-the-ground case study of American Zio Derangement Syndrome from NYC.



Some interesting context for the above (Zionzits hating real Jews) from Glen Greenwald:

INTERVIEW: Orthodox Rabbis on Condemning Israel's War


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I thought he was called "Dr. Einstink?" But maybe I'm thinking of another fine (stein) institution, perhaps Cornell or maybe Columbia?

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Maybe you're thinking of the generous benefactor who endowed his Institute, a certain Dr. Jeffrey Epstink?

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Oy! Satire so good I laughed so hard I let Schrodinger's cat out of the box!

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Kevin, your creative writing is pulitzer level.

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