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Anthony Hall on Israeli Reaction to ICJ Genocide Ruling

Anthony Hall on Israeli Reaction to ICJ Genocide Ruling


Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, discusses his new article “Thousands of Israeli Jews Responded to the ICJ Ruling on Israeli Genocide By Dancing and Chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’.” Hall notes that just days after the ICJ ordered Israel to stop committing genocide, and to prevent and punish incitements to genocide, what amounted to a “Genocide Incitement Conference” was held last Sunday at the Jerusalem International Convention Center featuring 11 government ministers and 15 coalition lawmakers. Participants called for starving the Gazans (“don’t give them food…they will have to leave…”) and demanded the death penalty for “terrorists” (Gazans who remain in Gaza).

How will the ICJ respond? Will anyone, outside the Axis of Resistance, enforce its anti-genocide order?

Update: Prof. Hall just published a new article developing his criticism of the ICJ ruling. Compare it to the counter-arguments of Moon of Alabama and Craig Murray.