Superior show. So many great quotes from EMJ that we should all be repeating. Jewish Revolutionary Spirit either too expensive or out of stock. Not available on Amazon. Wonder why?!? You KNOW why. Well if I can't get a copy I at least hope lots of other people will.

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Now who would buy up all those copies and put them on sale for hundreds of dollars each? I wish they'd do that with Truth Jihad. I still have a box of those.

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I heard "winning a war is the only way to create Palestine." As I remember when the war was in Gaza there was a great deal of opposition to the genocide. When Hezbollah got involved, it became a war, and the genocide was lost in the war. Then Syria fell, and Israel won. Yet now I hear more about the genocide than during the war, and I think Israel is losing again. It is obvious that neither the US or Europe can get anywhere with the albatross of Netanyahu's genocide hanging around their Caucasian necks. And that is a problem with Zio-Trump coming in.

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As Non Catholic Armed Christians we consistently find many grounds for corroboration with ex pat Muslim evangelist prof.K.Barett. We also appreciate almost 100 percent of his snarky ultra realistic post Midwestern humor....we are disgraced to hear Substack.Com has not defended his right ..to monetize...which he earned..was not..'allocated..allowed..permitted by some very poorly hidden obvious Jew- often...a Homosexual Jew fascist.....---..there are so many ..still no man or woman is any where near the Divinity.onmnscience...omnipotense of AllMighty Jesus Christ**,We see the ugly Jewish debanking of prof.Barett....with revulsion... and a tidal wave of non Jews also depkatformed by mentally ill schizoid JEWS!**..as part of the inexorable..inevitable unavoidable war to come its vital...to oppose....THEJEWS--Not just the hideous hook nosed pack rat ZIONISTS *.

*The Christmas day. s..are over...the holi--days are sloming to a complete close..No one can escape Moral responsibility to oppose all deleterious Jewish secular..political. fiscal..legal..cultural*influence...Though e.m.jones is excellent on some points..fact is..in our view. that..the majority of humanity MUST FEROCIOUSLY--STAND UP AGAINST THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN...--- resist in every conceivable way like the heroic houthis do**In our house experience.. .. THE Supremacist JEWS...not all..but most.. have no problem or qualms with Dead Palestinian Christians ....dead and innocent..Muslims and Palestinian Jews--neither could the Jews care less about...the Jewish gay disco meat grinder of Ukraine for them it is the 2nd isreal**...fact stands..all that is remaining of innocent humanity must align against THE JEWS..""Make it a hanging offense to murder poison exterminate devastate any innocent person anywhere without even a shred of double standards. ever again *Happy New Year....Now Go...Rearm to the teeth.*.

*For those of you too old..or... infirm..unable for any..reason..--solution is...support in any.all possible ways....your own people who do Rearm* For young people and new listeners...----This jewdeviltry..holoausting. ..exterminatings..ethic cleansing.s.... will Not be solved by the Roman Church. the U.N. clowns....or. **..Muslm ZIONISTS.***..there are many---...be firmly advised"" or Davos**..Happy New Year.*Remember the firebombing of dresden..the katyn forest ..Geinrich yagoda.....lubyanka prison..the ....lavon affair. ..The U.S.SLiberty**...Irgun..the last 3Nakba s....mossad...satanic hasbara trolls....remember Jon polllard.**.charlie lieber.....**alan Dershbag dershowitz.** bill gates..hotep.. kushner sorios..thiel.....Reid Hoffman geffen..potok..greenblatt..mandy cohen Debby lipstadt..Gavin gruesome faggot newsome....fauci the little rat faced Italian Jew **You don't have to be Jewish to hate the Synagogue of Satan*. As our many diverse Christian friends say***..Beware The 666.***do not be surprised if **IT **appears as a Jew**(No it wasn't Henry Kissinger now in hell..*)Rearm Now**

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Typo..in our consistent experience..found zero empathy among the great majority of JEWS .vis a vis Non Jewish genocides..sufferings..obliterations...actually..they could care less**

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Typo Holocausting*poste script .new readers..new listeners..oppose the WEF--blackrock Jew cyborg demons **before THESE SATANIC GLOBOHOMOSEXUAL JEWISH GARBAGE DEVOLVE THE WORLD INTO VILE REPROBATE TOTALITARIAN DYSTOPIA*......Hold the fat old megalomaniacal Jew warthog trumprat s stinking feet to the fires of accountability**

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The Pakistani doctor is not English!! English is a distinct ethnicity. She’s Pakistani with British citizenship. We have a shocking problem with muslim grooming gangs in England. We don’t want Muslims or jews in our country that has been invaded, our native Brits abused and murdered.

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Israel Delenda Est!

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Is it useful to critique one religion from within the framework of another that you won't question? Or is that a competition for who God likes best? That's what I look at with E. Michael Jones in this episode: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-jq-to-jp.

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When the 'we' changes to an 'I', when each person recognizes that they have a soul and not just a 'we' - then the world will blossom and we will no longer give power to the genocidal madmen and madwomen. We must tread a new path and not cultivate giving them the power of decision. What was that cry Kevin? 'God is great'? He comes before All.

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Good point. But you said we.

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Yes, but there is context ...

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The death of the American people would be great for the real American people.

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Oh , that God that / who wasn't there.

All religions are political patriarchy gangs. So here we are. The Century of the Jew and we are arguing about 10 Commandments? Which one is out of vogue. Is it ever do unto others as you'd want done unto thy self? At the grocery store? Schoolyard? Football pitch? Parliament? Oh. Those male mercenaries running Banks and Mining and Media and Financial Institutions and Surveillance Companies?

Circumcised Goyim hobbled by the Judaic Abrahamic Christian nuts of the male variety dictating what is or isn't a useless eater?


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The question is resolved, in my opinion! The Worst, is it not, is the enemy of Evil and, we can appreciate, on a daily basis, the inexhaustible imagination of the Evil One. The real question remains: What can we do, we, citizens of the world to influence the course of events? Is there, really, on this earth, a force capable of opposing this wave of tectonic madness which is leading us, inevitably towards a major earthquake, a gigantic collective suicide? ...

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She’s not English ffs! English is an ethnicity, she’s a Pakistani with British citizenship. In addition we have a shocking problem in England with muslim grooming gangs. I don’t want jews or Muslims in my once beautiful country that has been invaded.

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To take at face value any of the religions built on the same globalist template is to remain in the domain where the enemies of humanity want us to stay. In these times of universal deceit, reading Mauro Biglino's books is a revolutionary act.

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Bingo!.....directed to Attorney J.M. Springmann.*

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Not only...

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