The sooner the ZioNazis go to meet Al-Shaitan, the better—and take the Chtistian Zio filth as well.

But would the Devil want them!

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Kevin and Alan..this is one of an amazing peep into the agenda of events leading to the The New KING of the world.

Yes it is the demise of America and the shift to Pax Judaica and Glory Of King Solomons Temple"

How sad to see america on a leash like a fightened cheewawa.

Our absolute Truth is that history will repeat itself.

When the Zionist(pharoah) is blistering into the major kill..they will be Amazed to witness the Glory of God Almighty...

the truth will certainly defeat the satanic demonic zionist.God is the Greatest

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On Friday morning, as you Kevin were introducing Alan Sabrosky, my Dell computer blew up. That's really weird, since my parts warranty just expired.

And now there's no play button for Alan's interview, so I had to read the transcript. Uhg...

Now I know why Israel went into cyber insecurity...

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