Funny you would mention "technology" since the first half hour wouldn't play on Revolution Radio but it's here, in full. And you say Alan's mic was shut off? I wonder who could have done that?

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Odd comments disconnected from the story. Riper & Sabrosky have the right idea. If you're too dependent on gee whiz tech, you set yourself up for disaster.

Oh, and by the way, there is no still news in the US of the Yankee-Ziobeast attack on Russian bases in Syria.

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Observe highly hidden synagogue of satanist mearsheimer cunningly kibbitzing for a nuclear strike on Iran in aid of his real "homeland". Both him and sabrosky (and hersh and chompsky) are past masters of this game, come down hard on israel after the job has been done (eg Gaza ruined) to gain credence among the goyem, and then slip in some cunning rationalisation on the now unsuspecting goyem to gain their acceptance for YET another strike by their synagogue of satan (eg nuke Iran). Its this "hypnosis" that Ilhan Omar was puzzled about.

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I believe that Alan is being a little paranoid regarding his microphone.

I am a senior software engineer and I can say that device conflicts are fairly common no matter which operating system you use.

If Alan did any updates recently, they could have adjusted his settings without him realizing it.

As to the War Game Exercise he relates, this occurred around 2005. The US Forces were summarily defeated and the result was that the Pentagon refused to hire the OpFor Commander fir any other such exercises in the future.

The biggest problem with software is that it is extremely fragile. As a result, any minor glitch can cause major issues. And as software becomes more complex, the more fragile it becomes.

The result of this is that low-tech will always be able to defeat hi-tech. This is basically an axiom in the profession.

This was well demonstrated in the first few episodes of the last "Battlestar Galactica". In this respect, Commander Adama redeployed the older Viper fighters after finding that the latest versions were susceptible to Cylon jamming techniques. The older Viper fighters which were more analog than digital were then completely unaffected by Cylon ECW...

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Russia and Serbia will jointly celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory over fascism

Active preparations are underway for the celebration of the Day of the Liberation of Belgrade from the Nazi invaders by the forces of the Red Army and the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia.

"We expect that at the upcoming events in the capital of Serbia, the Russian side will be represented at a high level,

- the Russian embassy stated.

In 2014, Vladimir Putin attended the military parade "Step of the Winner" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade from Nazi invaders.

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Right, the US, Israel, etc., all think they're pretty smart with all their technology....until someone pulls the plug. That's what war is about today....pulling the plug.

btw, why does China have a four-million man army? What's all that for?....

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