Thanks, glad you liked it! They are two of my favorite people.

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With regards to my final words that "Jews are disproportionately in control of all of the terrible things that are happening in finance, Big Pharma, Tech, they are all dominated disproportionately by Jewish people . . . "

1) I was highly remiss in not qualifying my remark with the obligatory designation of saying "ELITE" Jews.

2) There are three primary domains for controlling society. While obviously, of course, many 1% Gentiles are implicated as well, net net, elite Jews disproportionately predominate all three of these domains in spades.

MONEY — Wall Street, City of London, IBS, Federal Reserve, the world's central banks, insurance, “philanthropy,” white-collar crime, etc.

NARRATIVE/PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT — News media, entertainment industrial complex (Hollywood, music, television, social media), the academy/education, publishing (including text books), art, fashion, psychology, advertising, public relations, think tanks, nonprofits, etc.

TECHNOLOGY — surveillance/security/contact tracing, medical industrial complex, military cloud contracts (via Microsoft), nuclear codes, widespread back-door access (Bluffdale via NSA), Silicon Valley censorship/algorithmics, AI/bio-nanotechnology, mind control/transhumanism, etc

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Regarding category 2, I think it's a lot more complex than you're suggesting. Historically, Jews' outsider status helped produce a disproportionate share of dissidents violating taboos and critiquing the dominant culture in creative ways. In a sense that's what all participants in this interview are doing. Daniel's spiritual-philosophical challenge to mainstream materialism, my many challenges to orthodoxy here at Truth Jihad Radio, and your and Alan's heretical take on WW2 history resonate with that tradition. We are all outsiders and troublemakers! But since the Jewish ascendency in mainstream institutions post-WW2 a lot of the Jewish "culture of critique" (Kevin Macdonald's pejorative term) has gone stale. Now it's Jews producing the dominant discourse, and "conspiracy theorists" questioning and critiquing things. And when the "conspiracy theorists" notice Jewish power, especially its negative manifestations, they are labeled "anti-Semites." I hope more Jews can rediscover the positive side of that creative/critical outsider heritage and join forces with the "conspiracy theorists" in critiquing all unjust power including Jewish power. Marc Ellis, with his distinction between prophetic and Constantinian Judaism, is barking up the right tree.

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It is difficult to build complexity and nuance into online postings that favor brevity. But, yes, I agree with you, Kevin, critique is vital and good! Jews of conscience need to be at the forefront of the critique of bad behavior by their brethren. Without loud, prominent voices providing intelligent, wise understanding and direction in terms of the pernicious side of Jewish Power, the opportunity for positive social change gets abdicated to demagogues.

Unfortunately, it seems like progressive Jewish leadership has devolved into a critique not of The Man, but rather in opposition to We The (grassroots) People. As such, the Left now is an astonishingly strong voice in support of full-on Establishment positions via claptrap, bankrupt analysis on climate, Ukraine, the covid industrial complex, woke excesses like transgenderism, immigration, etc. that is steering the global ship in disastrous directions.

For an analysis of the Left vis-à-vis most of the rest of us now, please refer to a half hour talk I gave last year called "Beyond Left and Right."


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Cat, free speech has never meant "well, uh, some free speech" for a damn good reason, for anyone who has any sense at all. Just like what the science of a real chemical analysis of the dust from the Twin Towers shows, just like what the science of a real chemical analysis of the so-called gas chambers of the so-called holocaust of 6 million so-called Jews shows, just like the manipulated science of climate change scam, the manipulated science of the Covid/mask/vaccine scam, and probably just like what the science of a real chemical analysis of many other things would show, just like many things we've been told and shown, for no telling how long now, are probably actually counter-psyops created because these psyop scammer bastards spy among us honest people who have any sense while the psyop scammer bastards pretend to be for this, or pretend to be for that. This is the power of the fake money bankers and controlling all of the legacy mainstream media thus far. I just keep telling myself well, some of these "truth advocates" must just still be too butt-hurt to be honest in the first 25 years or so of the internet. Even with thousands and thousands of people pointing these massive crimes and deceptions out. I had to spend a couple of hours today with 4 people and 3 of these people were the reason I had to pretend that I am mentally incapable of critical thought at all. None of this bs benefits anyone. Not the scammed, or the scammers. Not in England, not in America or anywhere else the system is a complete lie on purpose. For over 100 years now too. It's like they see how dumb some people are and just keep piling it on, getting more and more ridiculous every day. What they do is use the more suggestible among us against the rest of us. My efforts have always been to learn and share the best truth I can that makes sense to me until someone can show me otherwise, but when you have supposed "truth advocates" all over the place that simply pretend to not understand things or just say "I have a different view" which is just psyop speech, nothing more, like Vanessa Beeley did to me not long ago, then deleted my comment with links many days later after I made it, and I go to the grocery store and see all these people walking around in masks, it just makes me think of two memes going around a lot lately. One says if someone blames you for your reaction to their disrespect, that is manipulation (intentional) which is definitely true. The other meme says tyranny only happens if you comply or something like that. What a damn disgrace to the human race for people who play dumb to any of this bs. And I have some friends and family like that. We need many more Gilad Atzmon's.

Where Comedy Ends and Hasbara Begins

By Gilad Atzmon

"The ADL says of me that I am an “outspoken promoter of classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” This is an absurd lie as I have repeatedly argued that there are no Jewish conspiracies since it is all done in the open: from Epstein’s Lolita Express, to Israeli war crimes, to advocacy of Zioncon global conflicts and plans for an ‘New American Century.’ The UK chief rabbi’s call for Brits to turn their backs on their opposition party is not exactly a conspiratorial clandestine move, it is actually mainstream news in Britain this morning. There are no Jewish conspiracies, what happens takes place in front of our eyes but we cannot discuss it because Jewish power, as I define it, is the power to suppress criticism of Jewish power."


or https://archive.ph/R6DMw

Best regards,



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Just a quick note to say I corrected the spelling of Vanessa Beeley's last name in my comment above. I had mistakenly typed Beesley.

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Here is an article that I suggested Daniel Pinchbeck read to dispel his facile acceptance of the widely-believed myth that Jews were forced into being money lenders in the Middle Ages because Christians were forbade to engage in usury. If Jews want Gentiles to buy into their version of fixing the world -- Tikkun Olam -- it would behoove them get their facts straight.

Reply to Danya Ruttenberg on Jews and Usury

By (the great) Andrew Joyce, Ph.D., November 16, 2018


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After listening to the first half of the show with Kevin and Daniel I felt that truth was somehow hazy.

Then on listening to the second half of the show with Alan and Cat ..wow the truth started flowing like a breath of fresh air.

Kevin we must speak truth to power and there are times when over compromising approaches dampens the truth.

I read a book many years ago "the founding myths of the Israeli policy" by Roger Garaudy and it exposes the gas chamber theories and ..and..

Thx u guys..truth shall always prevail .

Bye guys

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Excellent and fascinating interview with Alan Sabroski and Cat McGuire.

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Excellent second half. Love you all

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When people talk about looking at your own behavior: is it an Ashkenazi thing to be mistreated, or was it proportionately similar for Sephardim and Mizrahi?

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Dr. Barrett I enjoyed the interview with Dr. Alan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire. Thank you for doing it. I'll be honest, I un-recommended your substack a while back when you just seem to keep promoting the Republican and Democrat scam. To me that's like a net that is cast to capture people, then say the godless are on mostly on the left, and the racist are mostly on the right, and they do that on purpose I think. They leave out people like me who are Deists, like some of America's Founders, who have the humble, natural view that nature is all our God and mankind just doesn't know everything, in a nutshell. I don't call myself Pagan or any of that. I haven't even looked into that bs yet. I think they keep the Rep and Dem thing like that on purpose. AIPAC controls these Rep and Dem scam parties in an illusion of choice who mostly pretend to oppose one another in the end. Even if AIPAC didn't we are supposed to have a Republic, not a Democracy with worthless electronic voting machines today even. I'm still trying to learn about that more so I can promote it better. And you keep saying the psyop word Nazi which from my research is a political epithet made up by some idiot named Konrad Heiden, who says he was a Jew anyway, during the 1920’s and was/is spread around by Communist-Marxists as a psyop word meant to confuse people about the political and financial ideals of National Socialism - like some who fought these same NWO bankers and their enabled psyop scammers all over the place. I don't really know what to think about this Masonic bs except maybe it' got corrupted at the top but not at the bottom so to be an illusion too.

Also FYI I recently stopped promoting Whitney Webb, the "Jeffrey Epstein network exposer" that's gotten popular in recent years. I have shared some of her work. The reason I stopped promoting her is because after I sent her a good while back some of the easily available truth about WW I & II through Telegram and also to her in email and she never replied, then I noticed she recently did a video and promoted these lies with psyop scammer extraordinaire Glenn Beck, and after I noticed she also recently started allowing other psyop scammers to promote these lies on her website, I can't go for that mind manipulation bs, as no sane person should go for any of these psyop scams or scammers and omissions of important understandings in the bigger picture.

"holocaust" just means any mass slaughter, reckless destruction or sacrifice of life, especially by fire.

the word "Semite" means a member of different peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs. It also refers to people speaking a Semitic language.

-What happened to the Japanese people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a "holocaust".

-What happened to the German people in Dresden and Berlin was a "holocaust".

-What happened to the North Vietnamese people during the American carpet bombing was a "holocaust".

-What happened to the people in the Twin Towers on 9/11/01 when they were blown up with some kind of explosives after some planes were remote controlled into them was a "holocaust".

History is full of senseless killing, much of it by "false flag" trickery too, and we should always use common sense and strive to improve. In the sense of the physical destruction depicted in the above events - what happened to some people and some Jews, or people who were told they were Jews anyway, in WW II in Europe was NOT a "holocaust" and there were no gas chambers. I think our Founders were running from this same bs. And I noticed in the movie The Lone Ranger (2103) they showed in the plot how rich scammers can demonize people like Indians who had no man-made religion and then pay some scumbags to take part in a "false flag" murder scam on them to make war, take land, etc. I think Indians fought each other too and some had slaves. So the US Constitution and people like the Deist Thomas Paine with his The Age of Reason and "A Republic if you can keep it" is what makes sense to me.

Share WW I & II Truth for Peace

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Note: If my Share WW I & II Truth for Peace bitchute channel is restricted to anyone like it is to some because of their location, use some VPN like https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ to access the internet where you can change your location to one that works (in the USA) and you can view the channel. I have other channels so it's not like I focus on this only. Also just FYI I switched to Proton email https://proton.me/ in a 50/50 chance effort that it's more secure any of this US or British Big Tech. Proton also has Proton VPN, Proton Calendar, and Proton Drive for storage too.

I'm going to re-recommend you.

Best regards,



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