I didn't hear anyone saying rude things about Judy Wood. What gives?

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"Its been a long time comin"...thx u guys for pursuing the truth in the midst of an alien world of lies and deceit .Evidenced based seems to slip into what evidence and who holds the base. good luck for the future..never will we loose hope despite the challenge from the demons and their accomplices.viva viva kevin and the gang.

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The day somebody unearths why a 4th "hijacked plane" that was supposed to hit WTC7 instead had to be diverted to a field in Pennsylvania (and all the Hollywood drama impossible 30,000ft cellfone calls that fooled the dumb USA USA USA goyim completely) leaving jew Larry having to pull the rigged building instead (later than BBC janestandley had been told of its expected fall), is the day 911 will be solved.

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