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As Kucinich says, speaking of his experience in 1979 as mayor of Cleveland and fighting to keep the electric power company Muny Light in the people's hands, "Is it possible people can be blind to a major theft happening in plain sight? Lacking information, or suffering through misinformation and disinformation, the public can be misled." He goes on to say "I looked far into the future, toward others who would judge this day. Would they understand, forty, fifty years from now, would anyone care about the one-term 'boy' Mayor of Cleveland who drew the line, took a stand for the people, and told corrupt interests 'No!'? Or would they wonder why I didn't take the deal?"

I see a real parallel to what is going on now and for the last 20 years with the lies people have been fed about 911 and the pandemic by the media and the government. People ARE more awake than they are given credit for. There IS hope for our country and our world.

Thank you, Kevin, for a very good interview here with Bob, Ray, and Joe! Thank you all.

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