Opposition to Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate, is not because he fails some single issue purity test. His pro-LGBTQ position favors drag queen story hours for children and men in women's sports. He also supports other leftist POVs such as pro-vax, pro-abortion, open borders, and decriminalization of all drugs.

The other two major alternative candidates, Cornell West and Jill Stein (Green Party), likewise have full-blown leftist woke bona fides. It's great all three alt candidates are anti-war, but their ongoing support of standard liberal-left policies is all of a piece with many of the very reasons why the failed Biden administration is so reviled.

This does NOT mean the conservative/right is any better option. The winning ticket for humanity at this point in time is the multipolar Global Majority's positive direction in favor of peace, prosperity, and traditional values -- so opposite the unipolar West which is in the throes of a misanthropic ZOG'd death spiral.

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I agree that the Global South and its multipolar allies are the real alternative. That's why I posted Imam Khamenei's message as an upbeat ending.

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I like your idea of writing in Thomas Massie, Cat!

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I agree, writing in Massey sounds good.

I like West, but his views about LGBTQIA stuff is difficult to swallow (no pun intended).

I feel compassion because Transgender people have a temporary mental disorder and mutilating them and sterilizing them is wrong, especially children. Transgender people are people with a disability, and are protected under the ADA, but nothing more.

But the homosexual people are completely deviant. They want company, because misery loves company. But their failure to demand special rights for transgender people rather than seeking damages against corporate America for their injuries (poisoning them with forever chemicals and plastics) is selfish and short sighted.

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Oops! I mean Massie. Better get that right if I want to write him in, or it probably won't count.

Although, on the other hand, Massie is from Kentucky, and Mike Johnson we know is a shyster lawyer also formally from Kentucky. Maybe they ran this huckster, Johnson (another word for dick) out of town before he ran for Congress?

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Massie agrees with Leftists that we should take Cuba off terrorist list, not aceptable in my book.

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Castro threw out Lanski and the Jewish mob. So we know he started out as a good guy, until they kept trying to kill him.

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Were you in Cuba when Castro lead an insurrection against Batista?

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I wasn't born, but I'd like to hear more.

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I can assure you that Fidel, like his rabid Leftist mother, was never a good person or had good intentions. Unlike his mother, he was charismatic and an excellent communicator. They lived in my father's hood, everyone hated his mother (she always had a rifle strapped to her body), his father was respected.

When Obama ran for POTUS in 2007, my father advised that I listen carefully to the language he used - Barry wanted to be like Fidel but he lacked his intellect, his speaking and leadership skills. In December 2014 my father was proven correct, Barry's love affair with Fidel was made public. Unfortunately for Barry, he will never have the same skills as Fidel, without a teleprompter we get lots of ughughugh just like with Robert Malone 🤣.

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I agree with Cat, the problem is in Judaism itself.

Excellent scholarly work explaining this has been undertaken by Laurent Guyénot. He has published a fascinating book on this:

From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land...Clash of Civilizations


He also published excellent articles on Unz: https://www.unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot/

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Glad you agree Fadi! As for Guyenot's magisterial Yahweh to Zion book, FYI, Kevin Barrett was the translator of the English edition, and I helped Kevin with copyediting.

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I just finished a study, in which Guyenot's book is referenced:

Israel: The Jewish Settler Colony in The Levant, a Prognosis


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That's a great article, Fadi! I hope you can come back on my show to discuss it before too long.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Another good book on the subject is Thomas Dalton's "Classic Essays on the Jewish Question" which I haven't quite yet finished, it's available from the Barnes Review.

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You always have the best cohosts

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Posted the Khamenei letter on Substack, Facebook, Twitter, & Linked In

May the Force not be with Genocide Joe, Trumpelstiltskin, or RFK, Jr.

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Funny how there is a candidate for President who will talk about Zionism committing genocide in Gaza. His name is Shiva Ayyadurai. He does talk about the swarm that controls much of the world. Even Kevin Barrett apparently isn't aware of him. He has a web site (Shiva for President) He is on the ballot in two states. He is working on getting on the rest. He is not the lesser of the many evils.

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I should have mentioned Dr. Shiva, whom I interviewed a while back. He is more of an alternative than any of the people I named. I like most of his positions. Personality-wise he seems kind of overly stuck in his own ego, a bit like Trump, only Trump is far less intelligent but much, much funnier. In any case, a vote for Dr. Shiva would be an authentic protest vote. https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/dr-shiva-ayyadurai-on-booby-fing

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Thanks for putting the link to the Shiva interview. It would have taken me an hour to find on today's internet. Why did you not mention him? I agree with many things he says. He does have a bias for technology as befits his accomplishments . He isn't big on spirituality. I am 50-50 on the not so establishment establishment. He does come across as angry at times. I have found personally that this often turns off people you are trying to make a point to. Another perception i have is most people are like I am and generally accept what our parents and the culture we're raised in believe until we notice reality is different.. For me it was the Vietnam War. Then a gradual noticing that as Paul Simon said in a song: " When I think back On all the crap I learned in high school It’s a wonder I can think at all." It took a long time for Ron Unz to look past what he never looked into. He still has a problem with the religion of vaccines. I think many of the people Shiva thinks are just tools for the establishment are just somewhere on this road to discovery. He is correct in saying how the establishment uses them. I have to wonder about people like Chris Hedges who never acknowledges the obvious false flag that 9/11 was even though he is right on with so many issues. Or even Robert Parry who noticed the CIA cocaine importation to bypass Congressional oversight on the El Salvador situation and the October Surprise in Reagan's election. would never go there. I imagine it was the same for you when you noticed 9/11. Before that the system worked for you as it does for many people who live with the cognitive dissonance of the many anomalies in major events. Once you start looking... I disagree with Shiva in that I think JFK was a serious reformer who wanted the system to work. It is true that the same as Paul Robison's wife said about Paul , "he didn't stray from the path, he took a hike." JFK did get the above air nuclear test treaty ratified by Congress. He refrained from invading Cuba twice and the second time avoiding nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Nobody who didn't use his position in the establishment to become President could have done this. MLK was part of the black bourgeoisie but was sincere in his actions to better blacks as a whole but "they" killed him went he went against the Vietnam War. "They" will kill you if you won't be intimidated even if you come from them . Enrico Mattei in Italy and the banker Herrhausen in Germany are other less known examples. . There is the same story in the history of China. After a while everybody in the ruling dynasty wants to live like royalty but not do the difficult work of governing. There are always elements that want the system to work. Even the general population prefers a working system to chaos and revolution. Reformers are brought in, Most are not competent and are fired. The competent ones get killed after stepping on powerful toes. Then an outlying energetic group away from the central controlling court take over and it starts again. "They" killed the reformers of the 60s. The 70s were when the solidifying took place and each decade 'they" have gained power. I also think there isn't a monolithic deep state, swarm, global elite, AngloZionist Empire .... leftover Royal families global merchants, international bankers and corporations, the military and national security complexes, Anglos in the City of London, other old European money . Anglos in New York and New England and California and Texas, Zionist Jews in Israel and around the world. Technology makes the pie bigger. Even billionaires in Asia and a few in Africa are included. The Jews in Israel and the US and Europe seem to be the leading dominating group today. Some of these groups are actually into evil. I believe as Solzhenitsyn said, " If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

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Dr. Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire are among the very best that we have. God bless them all as well as their hosts.

At 78, I am still a committed Muslim, and Kevin and I must have the same perspective regarding the genocidal, racist, Hubaal, Molochite, and Yahu “Jews”, and Apartheid Israel allied with Zionist “Christians”, Islamophobes (Misislamists), Arabophobes (Misarabists), and the abominations called televangelist millionaires and their demented fanatic followers; Scientologists, Freemasons, Zevites, Jacobites, and the Vatican Qabbalah!

In the 1970s, as Head of the UNESCO Club I had set up at the Trinity College, Port-Louis, Mauritius, where I was Head of Biology, I carried out a series of lectures after school hours on Occupied Palestine and we concluded that Messianic Zionism was the same as German “Nazism”. Sometime later, I read that the UNESCO (UNO) announced the same conclusion and this infuriated NAZI (ZIONIST) USA!

It will be only some 40 years later that I would see and hear one of my many heroes, Eustace Mullins, confirm that the Zionists had allied with German National Socialists in 1923.

In 1933, the USA recognized the Zionist led USSR, and the “half” Jew Adolf Hitler signed the Transfer Agreement with the Zionist Communists who wanted to take over Germany they were already controlling – after they had slaughtered millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews in East Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, destroying and closing down some “1,100 churches, 500 synagogues, and 110 masajid (“mosques”). They won the Third Judean War (WWII), destroyed Germany, Holohoaxed 6 million Jews in non existent homicidal gas chambers, and created JEWERMANY that has been arming and financing them to holocaust the Arabs of all confessions and create GREATER ISRAEL!

My deluded “friend” Mike King (“Real History”) was not happy to hear anything I had to say about his idols and protégés, mainly his “Messiah Commander Trump”, and accused me of having taken “an overdose of black pills” and to have “rocks in my brain”! I sent him the present interview between Dr. Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire and his response says it all:

Sherrie King


To:Basheer Soormally

Mon, 3 Jun 2024 at 04:26

“...you read the writings of uninformed ignoramuses...”.

By “uninformed ignoramuses”, he meant Dr. Kevin Barrett and Cat McGuire! WOW!

Thank you all.


Monday 3rd June 2024

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With Biden we are on the verge of nuclear annihilation with extreme aggression and no diplomacy. I have never found a national leader who had any sympathy for Palestine. I can only say that I am sorry. I have voted every which way—Democrat (Obummer, just once), Republican (Bush, just once), Libertarian (Just Once out of no alternative), Trump twice. I didn’t like Trump moving the embassy and I guess the Abraham accords were bad because they excluded Palestine. So, this time I’m voting for Bobby—not perfect, but in most ways I agree with him. But I have to say that I wouldn’t mind if Trump wins. So… that is, if, we can survive the next eight months with Biden, which may be a miracle. I have to add my opinion of the Israel/Palestine war, which is shaped by watching Judge Napolitano’s experts, which is that Israel is doomed. I can’t imagine it surviving this criminal massacre of woman and children, this level of destruction, and condemnation in world courts. Sooner or later even American politicians are going to have to notice.

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Great show, guys. Did not know about Libertarian candidate or Lopez Obrador heir apparent.

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This is so spot on! I'm voting Independent and my conscience for Emanuel Pastreich who would be a great guest to have on your show Kevin!


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Thanks, Amy, Emanuel looks interesting, but his campaign website is in an Asian script I don't recognize, and his Substack "about" doesn't offer much of a biography or strategy. Is there a website where I can find out who he is and what he wants to accomplish and how, and why that strategy might actually work?

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What the…………?

When I go to https://emanuelprez.substack.com

Everything is in English and some Asian languages but mostly English. Maybe it has something to do with internet access in Morocco that is different than in the American hemisphere?

Emanuel Pastreich’s substack is replete with inspiring material on enlightened and awake wavelengths.

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This is the one with "gaming in Macau" in an Asian language: https://www.emanuelprez.com

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The url's are not the same! Please go here: https://emanuelprez.substack.com

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

Every soul, upon birth, is given a term of life. Only the God defying jew has the temerity to use WMDs (eg oppenheimer, fauci) to curtail the term for goyim on a wholesale basis. By testing missiles from Kapustin Yar to Kazakhstan (equidistant from S Russia to telaviv) President Putin has put the devils on notice any nuclear shenanigans and Russia will wipe out israel, with millions of Arabs on the sidelines eagerly waiting to mop up and remove 76 years of shame. Effectively the jew poacher has been turned into a gamekeeper, it is in his interest that a nuclear war should not arise, wherever he is in charge from the White House to Balfour House. So relax goyim WW3 is not on the cards, but Yahweh may have plans for the khazar/slav mutts again, deciding to remain silent EVER AGAIN, having already snared millions of mahers also, for being complicit in Gaza genocide. And Allah knows best. The devils are simply unable to realise the Yahweh who made the largest super star in a far away Galaxy knows every time a white hair sprouts around a golda meirs ass hole.

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Only in America..We got Felon Trump vs Genocide Biden.

Trump a slick operator VS nobodys home Biden.

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Good point. Though being a hush money felon seems less serious than being a genocide perp.

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I agree with you. I never ment they were equal

assholes. Genocide Biden has to go with his

Israeli controled administration.

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You should look into the Constitution Party candidate for president, Randall Terry of prolife fame in the 80s and 90s, founder of Operation Rescue. This has been my Party of choice for the last 3 presidential election cycles. I will only ever vote for someone I really want to be president. Terry seems like the guy for me this year.

I doubt I could hold my nose for 5 months to vote for Trump let alone 4 years if he were to win, but it would still be a break from the sulphur and smoke of the Biden administration.

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"Though Kennedy decries the corrupt forces that have taken over America, and denounces the coups d’état that killed his father (1968) and uncle (1963), he seemingly fails to recognize who was behind the takeover and the killings." .............I concluded that he is very much aware who was behind the kiling and consequently does what he believes will keep him alive.

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The Jupiter Wall of Jewish Witchcraft (JUWJEW) disguised as Lamentation will soon be the Holy Altar of the JUWJEWS Temple protected by the heavily armed Zionists. Soon, they will have a Qabbalist Buckingham Palace where their Sanhedrin will offer sacrifices to their God Lucifer, but no matter what, they have been granted the right to use nuclear and bio-tech weapons to make sure a maximum people will perish during their Tikkun Olam Yehudim Holy War.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012



Dédié à Eustace Mullins, l’un des plus grands intellectuels du dernier demi-siècle !


Monday 4 October 2021



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I like to think there is ALWAYS an alternative. Sam Husseini has a very interesting idea that could bring us all together, with votepact.org. I think we ALL can agree we are tired of so msny things!

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