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Abu Bilal Yakub on “One-Eyed Impostor Messiah”

Abu Bilal Yakub on “One-Eyed Impostor Messiah”


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Islamic scholar Abu Bilal Yakub discusses The One-Eyed Impostor, book one of his Messiah and False Messiah trilogy.

He hypothesizes that the Dajjal (Antichrist) is “in a realm (or dimension) suspended somewhere between the material realm (our physical universe) and the seven stratas (the seven heavens), which not only explains why he has not yet physically emerged (at the present moment of writing this book) but how he is able to enact his actions and their manifestations in our world, particularly how he is able to communicate with his servants, in the same way that sorcerers are able to communicate with the Jinn across dimensions.” His views about the relationship of Zionism to Antichrist/Dajjal parallel those of Sheikh Imran Hossein.

Sidi Abu Bilal Yakub is a senior teacher at the Online Institute of Islamic Eschatology. The author of several works of fiction as well as non-fiction, his approach to Islamic scholarship in general and eschatology in particular is distinguished by its philosophical bent.

From the interview:

They're trying to program (AI) in such a way as to make it seem as though it's able to empathize or sympathize, but it's only using information that arrives through the audible and visual that comes to it. It cannot actually sense on a deeper level.

You could sit next to, you could talk to somebody and you could sense that they're upset by what you're saying. Or that it's uplifting them somehow. A human being can do that. But the machine cannot do that.

Their aim is to take it to that level. And they have the Turing test, in which you would subject a human being and if they can be deceived by (the AI), then artificial intelligence has passed the test. And that's the idea. If you can be deceived by the entity, then it has succeeded.

And that's primarily the argument I make in the beginning of my book there, that his premise as the Antichrist (is that) he succeeds if you fail in your purpose. And he fails if you succeed in your purpose. So it's not on him, it's actually on you. It's actually on us as the human beings. If we adhere to our purpose of creation, then he essentially fails. And we're not actually adhering to our purpose of creation, at least not in the majority. And how can we fix that?

There are a number of really interesting kinds of predictions about the end times in Islamic scripture that probably a lot of my audience hasn't heard of. Some of these are very resonant with things today.

Often people point to “(in the end times) the desert Bedouins will compete with each other building tall buildings” and then they look at Dubai and Qatar and Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. But one that always jumps out at me, and did again after this presidential debate with Biden and Trump, is that “in the end times, the worst of a community will be its leaders—the very worst people will be the leaders.” And that seems to be coming true, nowhere more obviously than in the American presidential race. But I suppose that an artificial intelligence based on the world system we have today would maybe be the worst leader of all.

Well, there's no depth of perception, right? If you want to look at someone like John F. Kennedy, if you look at his speeches, or you look at Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, and you look at the way they speak and the kind of articulation and this charisma that they develop when they're speaking, how they move masses of people, it's genuine. It's honest. It's sincere. It's not just cooked up because you've got a whole database of information, terabytes upon petabytes and whatever. It's not hollow. And anyone who's intelligent can see that. It's empty. We know you're lying, but there's nothing we can do about it.

And it's not just the case with the American leadership. It's the case with any part of the world. Individuals like Putin are a dying breed, if you will.

Yeah, he can speak without a teleprompter.

Whoever's coming in next after them, we don't know what kind of individual they might be. But these kind of leaders are now a dying breed. We've now got the kind of Trumps and Bidens and these type of individuals. I mean, Biden himself, to be honest…I don't want to discuss politics, but there are things that as a leader, if he had the capability, I'm pretty sure he could have done certain things for the country. But then again, insofar as world events are concerned, insofar as foreign policies are concerned, you've got characters like Obama and Biden served under him. There are a lot of damages that these individuals have done to the rest of the world.

So gone are the times when we had leaders like JFK in the United States, We're now in times where you have the worst of people coming in to lead, and these are superpowers.

And one of the aspects of this “worst people are the leaders” prediction that seems to have come true in an uncanny and very disturbing way is that so many of the leadership classes in the United States are compromised, whether by having been approached by representatives of the State of Israel through the lobby group AIPAC. When they first elected to Congress, the first thing that happens, according to Cynthia McKinney, who I just interviewed last night, is that some Israeli representative shows up, and demands that you sign a loyalty oath to the state of Israel. And then you are assigned an AIPAC minder who basically follows you around, and they have a whole team that basically gets to know you better than you know yourself, better than your spouse knows you. And they totally run you.

And then it gets worse than that. The best way to make sure that you rise up in the hierarchy is to do something so horrific on camera that they own you. And a whole lot of the leadership class obviously has had that happen. Jeffrey Epstein is the famous case, but there are undoubtedly a lot of people doing the same job as Jeffrey Epstein. And so many of these people, a great majority, it seems, are in fact working with the state of Israel and a kind of global organized crime syndicate related to it. So it does seem that regarding the (prophecy of the) worst people coming to power, there's actually sort of a machine for creating or minting worse and worse and worse people and putting them in the highest positions of power.

Yeah. They definitely have. And they're not shy of it. The Zionists have openly admitted it. Netanyahu has spoken about it so many times in his speeches when he's asked about, “what about American policy?” And I think he's actually said it, once or twice, that “the Americans will do precisely what we tell them to do.”

Right now, he's on the verge of annexing the Gaza Strip, which has been his objective from the very beginning. This whole thing was an opportunity for him and for the Zionists,= whether they created it themselves or it just happened to fall in their laps that people died on that day. It seems very shaky that they were caught by surprise or whatever. That story doesn't make sense. For several hours on clear blue skies, how is it that your intelligence, your cameras, your radars could not pick up these individuals coming in? I'm pretty sure you created the opportunity for yourselves,

But they seized the opportunity and he laid out exactly what he wants to do with it. They need that strip. They need the whole thing. They cannot have an enemy on their back, while they're facing Jerusalem and trying to conquer that to make it ready for their Messiah to come and sit on his throne. It's not a viable strategy to have an enemy on your back.

So this was part of the plan. When Biden tried to reason with him, “do not make plans of annexing the Gaza Strip,” he ignored him altogether. And yet Biden, though ignored, though shunned in this manner, still sends warships, still sends weapons and aid and all these things to the Israelite side. What does that tell you about the leadership itself?

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