Jul 1·edited Jul 1

It's the Russian emigre jews (now in charge at the WH), stupid!! https://old.bitchute.com/video/9S0WKGCeDAPS/

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The short answer in reply to this article is US leadership has been captured by Zionist Jews. It's unmistakingly clear as daylight!

Is it the time of the end? For Christian's that adhere to and apply the Scriptures to their lives, and are sincere in their fellowship with Jesus Christ, they discern that the time of the end is near.

A question that I once asked in another post is, "How are the Zionist's going to pull off destroying the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock on the temple mount, so they can build their third temple for the anti-Christ?" If they do destroy the third holiest sight in Islam, what a catastrophic event of mass proportion that will be for Muslims of the Middle East and worldwide. If there's going to be a third world war, this event should certainly cause it.

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Thought the AntiChrist was the collective members of both American political parties—both cheeks of the great malodorous US behind

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It certainly looks like the anti-Christ could be a Zionist-US collective influence, and to a large extent it will very likely include them. The Bible tells us in Daniel 11:29-45 about the characteristics of a man that is called the abomination of desolation, the son of perdition, who is no doubt an Israelite, and the anti-Christ, who will perform all the evil acts found in Daniel 11:29-45. It is alarming how Daniel 11:29-45, written approximately 2500 years ago, and conducive to what is written there, is literally unfolding in Palestine today. Further reference of this anti-Christ Jewish figure, who will sit in the temple masquerading as God, is found in 2 Thessalonians 2. What temple this will be is no doubt the third temple which the illegitimate "State of Israel" is attempting to build on the temple mount.

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Interesting to see these deeper themes coming up. AI, Antichrist, eschatology…one of my stomping grounds https://open.substack.com/pub/nizamixiii/p/apocalypse-now

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Thanks, Nizami. I like your essay's openness to drawing on diverse sources and pulling it all together with eschatological intuition. It reminds me of Sheikh Imran Hosein's "Sufi" approach of using intensive focus on and study of Qur'an to develop the intuitive insight of basira, which illuminates hidden, deeper aspects of history and current events.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

History is repeating, Adam schiffs grandfather sent jew trotsky from New York with $20m to kill the Tsar, and now they want to kill (Tsar) Putin and start WW3. The schiffs stole the tsars $400m in NY banks then and are doing the same now.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Mankind has free will, this guy is teaching predestination:

All we know is the first noun in the Quran is ALLAH and the last noun is man so we know that much on how everything started and will end., it will end with ALLAH and Man. The last Sura in Quran called Al-Nass Mankind. Existence started with ALLAH a Noun and ends with Man another Noun. Sheikh Imran is a smart Muslim when it comes to eschatological. The Masters in Iran and west Asia mostly the Shia have a deeper understanding of escho. The first So-called Sufi order traces back to Ali Ibn Abi Talib-(AS)

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Thank for reading, Kevin. It’s a strange area…somewhere between spiritual and factual, two separate and divided camps. Metaphor links them. On the ground, we might see Bibi or maybe Ben Gvir mount the Mount. In the ether, we might see the last stand of the Antichrist.

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Great topic, terrific guest. I would have liked to hear more details of the prophecies - interesting stuff if a bit worrying

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Kevin….Morocco allows an Israeli ship dockage while Spain refuses ? You may want to consider moving again

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Well, I moved here because I like the culture and people, not the government. I am glad to see the people protesting. In any case, the Moroccan government doesn't have the power to make much of a difference in Palestine, and it isn't significantly helping the Zionists (or the Palestinians, unfortunately). The US, by contrast, is singlehandedly propping up Israel and providing the genocide weapons. So it makes sense to hate the American government about 10,000 times more than the Moroccan government. If I were in the US I would be ready to (redacted to avoid being renditioned to Guantanamo).

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I get it. I am disappointed in the Moroccan government as they brought dishonor upon the country. I hope that you don’t get any backlash for your many insightful and informative comments there. Keep speaking the truth Kevin. We rely on that.

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