

The book "The Controversy of Zion" by British journalist Douglas Reed (1895-1976) is an eye-opener. He strongly suggests, with tons of evidence, that by the early 20th century, Zionism had merged with a much older revolutionary force coming out of Europe that sought to destroy all religious civilization and replace it with what the Protocols described. He sees the Protocols as meeting notes by this force. He traces WWI and WWII to the same force. He ends the book by saying that WWIII will start for the same reasons, but that the forces of religion will prevail. He was referring to Christianity, but I believe Islam has the same essence. We are now at the point of that crisis with the current US regime on the wrong side.

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We must make clear to the pentagon that Americans are not to be forced into supporting Israel. There is no enumeration in our constitution that permits congress into voting to send foreign aid of any type. Each and every one that did has violated their oath of office and is to be removed. "Republic Review" at ReclaimingtheRepublic.org explains the process of bringing the government into compliance with the constitution.

Meanwhile, I just started a thread regarding leafletting interested parties regarding the draft for military service is not constitutional. I mean, try staging WW3 without drafting Americans.

Please comment at my thread as well as here and Sarah Westall is asking for ideas too

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Thanks for your relentless posting on this issue !!!👍👍👍

Zionists allegedly have not been able to "finish" Hamas during the last year but were able to locate Hassan Nasrallah's underground hide-out ... This makes TWO facts clear as crystal-water:

- Hamas (since their very inception, a brain-child of Zionism) just serves as an excuse to keep bombing

Gazans (hostages are not part of any calculation, have never been) and

- it's high-time Hezbollah scrutinizes in-depth how many in their ranks get additional paychecks in

Shekels ... !!!! احذروا من الخونة

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"Will the World Allow It?"

Of course, the world is brainwashed and so deep in the a$h of ISrahell, it is unbelievable. Anything else is not even imaginable.

apollo-news.net is typical of the idiocy of all German media and the thinking of most conservative people. The result of more than 70 years of brainwashing, punishment for wrong thinking and wrong questioning (Holo...) etc.

ISrahell was the victim, is the victim and will always be the victim, and when they kill the whole world.

Let's not forget the software dominance including the so-called "anti" virus software (=spyware) of Microsoft, which is essentially an ISrahelli company, as well as Intel, Broadcom and many other companies.

"Obey or we will completely destroy your country." It's that simple. And I didn't even mention the Samson option.

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The Israelis want the Litani River. I am married to a Jewish man for many years who has Israeli cousins. While they lived in the U.S. we were fairly close friends as we had children about the same time. Their first son’s name was Litani. The cousin’s wife explained that the Israelis want the Litani, that they resent that Lebanon allows the waters of the river to flow into the sea when it could be in Israel, which is very low in water resources. Israelis name the kids Litani like a magical talisman to realize the dream of owning the Litani River, I guess. Many years later I helped my son write an essay for college on resource wars in the Middle East. Israel was still low in good water. They have depleted their underground water that is filling up with salt. They already steal half the water from the territories. They do convert sea water but that is very energy intensive and expensive, as well as mineral deficient. Anyway, when I see Israel go into Lebanon I think the “Litani”. We have basically lost touch with the cousin’s family, but I wonder if Litani has kept his name or changed it. Resource wars???

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Wow! So many lies!

I'm an Israeli living and Israel and I don't know even 1 man or woman called Litani! you can search statistics in the internet and find it out for yourself. how come you are not ashamed of yourself spreading such lies?

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Not lying… But I would guess anyone named Litani would change his name given the political situation. Just for the record…Israel has no intention of claiming the waters of the Litani and you guys don’t have any water problems.

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Kill all the Enemy Jews and let Satan sort them out.

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If there was not a devil before, the zionist crazies are him Their hellbent revenge on the world that they claim has always persecuted them has sucked everyone into their self generated tragedy. If only they would pick on someone their own size, they would soon be gone.

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Eight Israeli soldiers were killed today when they sent in their ground troops, so we know it won't be so easy in hand-to-hand combat for the Israelis. If Iran can shut their air power down by destroying bases and planes, this war will be over before you know it, and the Nut can crack. Or is he already cracking? After watching the UN performance, he sure looks cracked.

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I am trying to upgrade, but thr Screen just freezes !

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Sorry to hear that! If you can't get the paid Substack subscription to work, your two options are (1) Substack help, or (2) send a paypal donation to truthjihad@gmail.com along with an email notifying me that you did so and asking me to comp you a subscription.

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This article is so wrong, biased and one sided.

Why do you see us Jews in this way?

What do you really know about this conflict?

Did you know that Hezbollah lunched over 8000 rockets since the 07/10/2023?

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I would be happy to discuss Zionism and Jewish identity politics with you on my podcast. I take a dim view of the Jewish tribe/nation, especially its Zionist manifestation, but not of individuals who were born into that tribe. What I know about the conflict comes from a bookshelf of several dozen volumes, dozens of hours of interviews with experts, enough Arabic to follow the news in that language, VIP contacts in Iran, etc. I have also read/skimmed a whole lot of the propaganda garbage spewed by the Zionist-dominated Western media, and am well-versed in how hideously false that whole narrative is. Email me at drkevinbarrett at yahoo dot com and we can set up a live or prerecorded podcast discussion.

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Hey Kevin, I would like you to watch 2 more videos from Oren the tour guide whom explain this topic very clearly. If you will find anything wrong in his video you can comment and he will answer you. Please give it a chance:


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Another victim card user

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