I sometimes read Steppling’s blog posts. He once referred to the “myth of Jewish supremacy,” though he often uses the term “white supremacy.” He acknowledges the horrors in Israel, but in one of his most recent posts he mentions white supremacy in the context of Zionism in Israel. It appears he lumps in the Zionists with white supremacy. Notice in the interview he notes western media without mentioning the Jewish influence behind it. I find Steppling’s work often interesting but often abstruse, as he quotes a lot of philosophers and writers with deep, intellectual insights beyond my grasp. That’s his focus, so I don’t think he’s aware of, or doesn’t agree with World War 1 and 2 and holocaust revisionism. I do think he was correct when he once said that the US military is the greatest terrorist organization in the world. However it may compete with or perhaps overlap with Mossad terror. I believe it’s mostly Jewish/Zionist billionaires behind all the US military invasions and occupations around the globe.
Did I hear that "they" have been ejected from an enormous number of countries over the years? How could this be so? Why would nations want to kick out their tribe? My family heritage emanates from Poland. For a 300 year period, tribal oppression in virtually all of Polish society and culture were treated with heavy hands by members of the Poland tribe. Germany was jewphilic compared to Poland. Poland was totally stifled by the jewish population, especially in the business community, and it was absolutely hated by the native Gentile Poles.
I sometimes read Steppling’s blog posts. He once referred to the “myth of Jewish supremacy,” though he often uses the term “white supremacy.” He acknowledges the horrors in Israel, but in one of his most recent posts he mentions white supremacy in the context of Zionism in Israel. It appears he lumps in the Zionists with white supremacy. Notice in the interview he notes western media without mentioning the Jewish influence behind it. I find Steppling’s work often interesting but often abstruse, as he quotes a lot of philosophers and writers with deep, intellectual insights beyond my grasp. That’s his focus, so I don’t think he’s aware of, or doesn’t agree with World War 1 and 2 and holocaust revisionism. I do think he was correct when he once said that the US military is the greatest terrorist organization in the world. However it may compete with or perhaps overlap with Mossad terror. I believe it’s mostly Jewish/Zionist billionaires behind all the US military invasions and occupations around the globe.
Did I hear that "they" have been ejected from an enormous number of countries over the years? How could this be so? Why would nations want to kick out their tribe? My family heritage emanates from Poland. For a 300 year period, tribal oppression in virtually all of Polish society and culture were treated with heavy hands by members of the Poland tribe. Germany was jewphilic compared to Poland. Poland was totally stifled by the jewish population, especially in the business community, and it was absolutely hated by the native Gentile Poles.
"Why the Brutal Crackdown on Anti-Genocide Protests?"
To further protect God's chosen psychopaths with new laws, and to criminalize any critics.
You go protesters and dissenters! God is with you, and so are we.
With their behavior, the police and the post office (by stealing our ballot), only show us all who they are here to protect, the Zionist scum!