When I visit Bujumbura, I will send a personally engraved card signed by the Grand Panjandrum himself. In the meantime, I am still stuck in the District of Chaos, Capital of the Fascist States of America

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Thanks for the list !!

I'd rather stay in Saidia ...

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Thank you I've lost my appetite for travel. But my penchant

for demolition draws me to Khazaria.

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I live in the United Snakes—in fact I might live at its very head, California. Or maybe New York City is the head of the snake and California is the tail—that’s right. It’s nice here most days but I’m not a tourist. Lots of sun, swims in the pool, a red tailed hawk announcing dominance from a tree branch. Sometimes we visit family in what I guess is the coil, that is Montana. It’s very beautiful. The snake is beautiful and it has a culture as well, that is Americana. But we don’t have to be great or even have tourists. The snaky Trump guy will go where the wind along paths led by conditions so maybe genocide will diminish—fingers crossed. Joe will weep and move forward with it, despite conditions I’m going to travel one more time to Italy and so I need a passport. Actually thought I would never have a passport because during the mandates the new normal was that unvaccinated wouldn’t be able to travel, so I didn’t renew it. Oh well, those were wicked times but snakes shed their skins.

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Well, we knew Trump was a snake before we took him in ; - ) As I wrote years ago:

On its way to vote one Tuesday

Down the path along side the lake

A tender hearted nation saw a slick, silver-tongued snake

His orange-red hair and skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” the nation cried, “I’ll take you in and vote for you”

“Vote me in oh tender nation

Vote me in, for heaven’s sake

Vote me in oh tender nation, ” sighed the snake

(more at https://veteranstoday.com/2017/05/08/trumpsnake/ )

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Trump is against child trafficking which is better than Biden. He is against drugs and criminals coming across the border. Parents don’t dare let their kids out of their sight: it’s that bad. He cares more about the working class than Biden administration. It does make me nervous that the Zionist pac has shifted in his direction. I’m afraid, though, that there is no candidate to challenge them….none. I’m voting for RFK, jr. , but he won’t help Palestine. Americans have to consider their own interests too. Look at Turkey—what has it done for Palestine or Egypt or any of them. So it isn’t just the United Snakes. Most people are completely bamboozled by the Zionists, or afraid of them. In my opinion, from snakeland, I think the Zionists are doomed but it might take awhile.

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I wish I were more optimistic about the existential situation in Gaza and Palestine. Although it hardly justifies anything, there is the revelation of the methods that are not new. This isn’t the first time that carpet bombing or starvation or lying propaganda have been used by the same people. I can better connect the dots what happened in the Soviet Union and in Weimar Germany where starvation was a tool against the people. So, there is a pattern, not that it eases the suffering. I am optimistic that sooner or later the whole thing will completely fall apart because no one will believe the Zionists about anything and in that sense the Gaza suffering will have exposed the culprits.

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I would love to visit all of these - they sound fascinating except for the last one, I am already trapped there and would rather be in those other places you describe!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Don't make the mistake of asking to be treated by a Dr Shipman if you ever visit the Kaganate of Khazaria.

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The self … the country matters little if your self is broken. Have the best day you can.

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