“Should the entire leadership classes of US and UK be executed for war crimes & genocide?”

NO! The entire leadership classes of Israel, US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand should be executed for war crimes & genocide

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Thanks! I knew I was forgetting something...

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The leadership that you are referring to are Rothschilds Zionists that are just playing pretend to help save the Rothschild Empire. David Icke does a great job explaining this… you should have him on one of your shows!

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"the people now who have to show their governments that we are not complicit with this and anyone who in any manner has been linked to the Zionist lobby, they are not going to be voted in."

Yes...this is absolutely horrifying -- the murder of innocents, the genocide of an entire city, the wanton destruction has exceeded what even those who are used to such madness thought possible.

This must stop. Now.

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Dominion Voting will ensure a compliant party is installed, regardless of the voters. Change will take real action, not a ballot. Our political system is rotted.

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Cornell West is the only one (unless you trust Jewish Jill Stine) on the ballot who is calling for a total ceasefire but he's okay mutilating children for what is a temporary mental illness. So who's left?

I knew Biden's peer was another joke on America when he suggested it. He's a war criminal and should b executed too! Bobby Bowers sure looks like the good guy in all of this now, doesn't he? I suppose that's what the Zionist want, a reason to kill the rest of us, who see the truth (with their psychotronic weapons, that cause a stroke).

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I actually voted for Jill Stein once. That was when Ajamu Baraka was her VP pick, and the media attacked him for coming on my show. https://www.unz.com/?s=ajamu&Action=Search&authors=kevin-barrett&ptype=all

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IMHO - the pier was designed to remove Palestinians - the US shows up and provides food - under some weird belief that the Palestinians have no idea that the weapons that killed and maimed their relatives came from the US- and that they will be thankful and will win the trust. Then conditions get even worse and the US offers to remove them from the harm, but the Palestinians know that unlike the Jewish Zionist - they have no "right of return". Their is no shortage of aid only access to it. I am at the point of belief that nothing will wake up the vast majority of Zionist - I question if they contain an ounce of humanity. Yes many have been brainwashed - in the past the capture of the media and institutions and the difficulty in finding alternative views - may have been somewhat understandable. Today - there is no excuse. I have read SS comments from professionals including psychologist that claim that there is no genocide and no starvation and that Hamas has a huge PR reach. This is Tribal.

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sickening, isn't it? Well, at least there are still pockets of sanity at Universities--one can still read about students angry and disgusted with these horrifying attacks and genocide in the M.E and so are protesting and boycotting. But otherwise--God help us all!

I always wondered why "good Germans" supported Nazis...now I know. They were all cowardly sheep--just like the people here. Nothing ever changes....

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I loved what you said above about the politics of the pier, but this Greg Reese video is only about half right w/ many distortions and unproven/exaggerated assertions re Hitler's ancestry and extensive support from International Finance. Zionism (colonialism) does not equal Nazism (nativism).

The deeper truth not touched upon is that there was no Holocaust - no systematic plan to exterminate European Jewry, no 6M Jewish deaths and no weaponized gas chambers, only disinfection of clothing and linens. Once that stunning revelation sinks in, the endlessly repeated myth of unprecedented Jewish suffering is laid bare as a self serving lie.

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Agree to some extent - I do think that Hitler was controlled. Find someone who is influential that is not - I don't think an organic rising to power is even possible- usually they get knocked down or infiltrated. French revolution, 1812, civil war?, WWI and WW2 and every incursion since were all designed and controlled and people were put in place for that purpose. Everything seems to fall in line with the protocols. I do not subscribe to the 6m number - though the number of Christians eliminated during the Bolshevik revolution exceeded that and never seems to get mentioned. I do not subscribe to the crematoriums or the gas chambers - these are post war constructs and most were instigated by the Soviets. Just using Jewish census numbers, the reconstruction of gas chambers and the time and energy needed for cremation- shows these assertions to be impossible. Atrocity propaganda - but then who controls media and academia and government. GR should do a video on these lies - but no doubt the reach would be cut. I recently found this post - not yet through it but so far seems to be on the right tract to truth. https://shonaduncan.substack.com/p/zionism-vs-judaism-the-holocaust

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Bankers want wars; but so do revolutionaries, hungry industrialists, militarists and activist oligarchs. Does that mean these power groups control political leaders who engage in war? Wouldn't that be overstating their influence? There is a distinction between influence and control.

Who was controlling Hitler? What decisions did he make because he was being forced to do so by some power w/ a differing agenda? Blackmail of politicians offers a lever of control. That's what Reece was getting at by falsely asserting Hitler had Jewish ancestry.

I'm pleasantly surprised at your stance on the H, but you've obviously done your research and so we're in major agreement about a major item. Then how can you promote/trust someone like Reece who doesn't agree on this major issue and would refuse to do so if confronted, as you surmise? Are you anti-Hitler and anti-Nat Soc while still disbelieving the H? There are others like EM Jones and Michael Hoffman would hold this opinion. Both are Christians, tho I think Hoffman a crypto J.

Just skimmed the long video which contained many interesting items, w/o concluding she was someone who had synthesized her compilation of disparate material. That clip from the Chicago World's Fair w/ the Moloch child sacrifices is astounding, but then there are many revelatory statements from prominent Jews that also indict the Jewish Mission. It seems she thinks of them as self-hating.

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I am so sick of Biden, Netanyahu all their cohorts.

Israel has to be from another planet run by machines.

They seem to have no HUMAN values.

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May 29·edited May 29

The Prophet of Islam foresaw the defeat of the hitherto undefeated mongol hordes (Beijing, Moscow and Baghdad already ransacked) in 1260 at Palestine, 700 years earlier. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has also made a "gharqad" prophecy (+), which is a cornerstone of Hamas philosophy.

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In the US, all three candidates are pro Zionist. Voting for one may change the flavor, but it's the same foul soup. In Canada, the only real man on the political scene is little known, as the zionist press have 'disappeared' him. When Max Bernier speaks, he makes perfect sense, but few hear him.

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For the begin… But who should do it?

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