Trump is the freak show and VD Vance is the South African-Kraut-LGBTQA Thiel's love child brown shirt.

Are you kidding that Gabbard is an a-okay putz?

Read up on that war whore. Track AIPAC and see little Tulsi's Jewish shekels


Looting, man, looting:



VD Vance?

Real Journalism here: Whitney Webb: Trump, JD Vance bankrolled by CIA/Mossad backed billionaire Peter Thiel



Oh, Mister Fascism Goes to Washington -- ya gotta be kidding / / / Reagan and freedom fighters and ketchup as vegetables, and since when did the USA ever respect dissent and/or real universities?


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Paolo is correct on this..but also check out gertler..glickman..the reason s that underscore why . .the Isreal firster AIPAC psycho s want trumpdog to go to war for Isreal s mineral stake in the congo .but. The Jews ...NOT WHITE... People *are scurrying like desperate rats to cover the congo war profiteering scam up** JEWS!........yeah...Tulsi is a flip -flipping feminazi opportunist...she spreads her tired. Old legs what ever way the political winds blow. .one minute she's 100 percent against gun rights for non Jews then lies to get elected..now secure in office she spreads her legs like Christie noem does for homeicidal Zionist lunatics**

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I make you day. Have you heared of MrE.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qyg3ytEelnYn The madmans woman( oi... all men)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/5AmxjfDiKvqN The horse

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Yep, Trump and his Roy Cohn LGBTQA love, the tapes Epstein has of him with baby girls and urine, and his liposuction jobs and scalp realignment for pulling his skin together like labias to cover the bald spot.

What a man who would last maybe 30 minutes in my basecamp in Vietnam along the Laos border where we studied bats, forests and insects.

Get my book if you can.


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they’d do it anyway. most of not all of these people including your “voices of sanity” have no shame in their AIPAC game. the question is, are the american people going to go for it? remember, over 80 million evangelicals believe they’re going to get brownie points in heaven by bending over for israel, and have no problem dying for the jews.

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FALSE FLAGs! 'LAVON Affair-1954! "USS LIBERTY", June 8, 1967! '9/11/2001'!! "Oct.7, 2023"!!!

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Kevin. Are you aware of the AI usage in creating the evidence for a Hamas attack?


As well my local propaganda on 13.2.25 used AI generated pictures. Watch the picture at the end:

Foto: Abdel Kareem Hana / AP at the end and watch the arms by the two in light grey.. Look at the arms.

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Like the Hebrews in Sinai following Moses to the promised land, Trump went up the mountain and came down. But instead of chastising them, Trump accepted the Golden Pager. If only Trump were more like Moses.

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Fuck, always always leaving out the Jews. Yeah, Larry Fink and Larry Ellison are just the two of the three stooges including Schwarzman, no Judaic Perversion there?

VD Vance and Musk have the 110 IQ's and the backing of the Mossad and Unit 8200 and the darker forces of the Jewish Question ruling media-AI-drone tech and of course, those Jews tinkering with RNA and DNA and internet of biology, well, that's the ticket.

Since when did Racist in Chief Trump's racist South Africans -- Musk and Thiel -- show any humanity in their lives.

Hedges is forgetting the 9/11 Jewish Comedy Tour, and of course, attackin Whitney, hmm.

As she states, a Jew like fucking LGBTQA Glenn Greenwald just is part of that PayPal mafia, a la on the side, and his fucking whining and grandstanding libertarian shtick just is in line with his Jewish misanthropy.

These gay Jews and other tech gays are fucking takers, as the gorrilla in Ishmael states.


Daniel Quinn:

It seems to be that there is only a choice between the Takers and the Leavers and is that choice really possible? But what would it mean if we base our assumptions on the choice between a Takers and Leavers-mentality and a value-system based on Givers and Receivers-attitude?

So that we become more aware of Nature as a Giver and that receiving is included. Instead of trying to get more or less of it.

I didn’t write Ishmael to present people with a choice between being Leavers or Takers but to show them why Leavers had (and have) a sustainable way to live while we do not.

It’s not just a matter of choice, like deciding whether to be a Republican or a Democrat. Being a Leaver is not a matter of attitude. The speech “The New Renaissance” on this website presents (in as concise a form as I’ve been able to achieve) the future we have to be reaching for.


Twenty-three years ago!



Try this out for size:


Absolutely none of it makes any sense.

Only it actually does...in a terrifying sort of way.

The first thing to remember is that real life isn't like a movie where the bad guys are all part of the same unified organization trying to take over the world. There are a number of bad actors with secret goals, and the one thing we may have working in our favor is that the ones we do know about clearly have different objectives, so it's entirely possible they sabotage each other before any of them successfully pull off their own batty agendas.

First, we've got Project 2025, whose long game seems to be implementing a sort of far-right extremist, quasi-authoritarian political regime within the current American political structure, where Conservative ideologies are shoved down everyone's throats whether they like it or not. The current immigrant roundup is part of this agenda, as was the ending of Roe v Wade, banning trans people, dismantling gay marriage (coming soon), insisting climate change isn't real, and waging non-stop culture war issues on mostly non-existent problems (see: CRT, cat litter in classrooms, and anything involving pronouns. Most of Trump's more controversial Executive Orders not involving Elon and DOGE are part of the Project 2025 agenda.

Then we've got the Christian Reconstructionists (see also: Dominionists and the New Apostolic Reformation), whose long game is re-jiggering the Constitution to make America less of a democratic republic and more of a Christian theocracy. Based on the teachings of R.J. Rushdoony—whose chief disciple Mike Johnson currently sits third in line for the presidency as Speaker of the House—this agenda acknowledges that

the secularists are actually correct that the Founding Fathers never set America up as a "Christian nation founded on Christian principles, and

the Founding Fathers got it wrong in that regard. America was SUPPOSED to be a Christian nation, and it's their God-given duty to "fix" what the Founders screwed up.

This group wants to install Christian Nationalism and legislate Biblical morality (according to their very narrow interpretation of it). Project 2025 wants to outlaw gays. The Reconstructionists want to execute them. They're basically the American Taliban for Jesus. Thankfully, they remain on the fringe and haven't had much success implementing their backwards agenda, other than minor victories like mandating the Ten Commandments and Bibles in every classroom in places like Louisiana and Oklahoma where no one knows how to read anyway.

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While Elbridge Colby may be a voice of relative sanity on Iran, he is batshit crazy on China. A real nutter.

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Oh, that slick willy sucker, Tulsi: Should be Macheted.

While many on the American left have denounced the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse as handing a get-out-of-jail-free card to racist militias, former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard openly celebrated the verdict. “The jury got it right — finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges,” said the 40-year-old lieutenant colonel, adding that the prosecution was so obviously politically motivated and his innocence so obvious that bringing charges against him should be considered “criminal” in itself.

The Rittenhouse trial was clearly flawed from the start. Among other decisions, Judge Bruce Schroeder refused to allow into evidence either video showing Rittenhouse fantasizing about killing Black Lives Matter protesters just days before the Kenosha shooting or images of him partying with the far-right group Proud Boys, flashing white nationalist hand gestures. Schroeder, who has a long history of questionable rulings, also ruled that those killed by Rittenhouse must not be referred to as “victims” in court, preferring the terms “looters” and “arsonists.”

To Gabbard, however, those questioning the verdict had merely had their minds poisoned by “pro-Antifa” mainstream media, a phrase she has repeatedly used over the past week. She tweeted:

With no evidence, mainstream media and antifa-loving politicians immediately labeled Rittenhouse a white supremacist terrorist. It’s obvious now that he was just a foolish kid who felt he needed to protect people and the community from rioters and arsonists because the government failed to do so.”

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Paulo, having watched and rewatched the FBI drone captured video and those relevant others, and deciding that young man reacted better than most others, including professionally trained law enforcement officers, and then having watched such professionals and their trainers praise his reactions to those life threatening situations that rolled his way, what relevance would some videoed captured expression of frustrations shared by decent citizens about the free-pass BLM protesters, looters, arsonists, cop-killers, murderers, ..? Or his drunken party 'get-along' 'fit in' social bonding?

With so much evidence that he reacted near perfectly, it was criminal to charge and prosecute him. But like may abusive law-fare supporters know "The Process is the Punishment" and kicking the testicles of a virtuous white man is filled with feminist and psycho jerk-off moments.

One may wonder how many objectors are really upset because they didn't get the c-m-shot of a white man protecting with virtue being sent to prison for most of the rest of his life - for his goodness?

Injuring minds want to know.

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I just realised that the American Elite class are the first prey-victims of Zionism. If they weren't so biblically-compromised, or just so gosh-darn easily influenced: perhaps that movement wouldn't have easily infiltrated into their society. Oh well...can't heal a terminally-ill patient with cognitive delusions; and that wouldn't have been so bad, if not the fact said patient has a nuke button on his palms to drag into the gates of hell with him!

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Kevin , I have a question that has been bothering me about the October 7th Hamas military action . My question is ,

What was the big idea ( military plan) ?

Where was Hamas going ? Were they going to kick the Jews out of Israel? Wreck Tel Aviv? Bust up a kibbutz ?

Hamas has been bottle rocketing their Israeli neighbors for several years, with the IDF returning fire with F-16’s and maybe F-35’s . I detect a pattern .

Shoot a bunch of unguided fertilizer rockets into the neighbor hood , then get carpet bombed . So I bet they could imagine that the IDF would respond unfavorable to their military excursion .

Hamas/ PLO relationship and Hamas relationship to the Israelis makes me uneasy . It seems like a combination / corruption . And the fact that the Hamas leaders live in Qatar makes the story a bit hard to swallow . I bet Hamas h

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Thank you Steve , I watched as the Israelis hold thousands of men women and children in terrible prison conditions .

I can understand the logic of the Hamas action . However ,

A good friend of mine is from Jerusalem , he is a Greek Orthodox pilgrim . He went to high school in Jerusalem . We would talk about Hamas firing rockets into the surrounding neighborhoods , it never seemed to make sense, it was not a good military gesture , the Israelis would bomb the hell out of Gaza .

My friend said that Hamas is most likely the Masad . After watching the destruction of Gaza and now the West Bank , it seems like a set up . Just to know I am not a fan of Israel . But that military action by Hamas does not look right. Hang gliders ? Ok .

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Paul, the Hamas mission was to capture and return with hostages to be used to release the over a thousand men women and children extra-judicially (without trial, defense representations, etc) abused, tortured, and murdered in israeli military prisons.

Since israel has exchanged sometimes 100's of their Palestinians victims for a single or few israeli hostages, the mission was rational, and executed well (no rapes, beheaded babies, ..) and because of the 'Hannibal Doctrine' israeli commended to military if has become clear that most of the non-military israelis killed were killed by israel military.

I will agree that there is something fishy about Hamas-israeli connections, and with israel seeming to allow Oct7th to occur, and other strangeness, something seems contrived.

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They want to create great Israel. Eufrat to the nile.

The create hell for jews so they go to Israel its a prerequest plus the 3 tempel for the return of the jews Messias. Its all being staged.

Watch cjbbooks on YouTube..

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maybe a botched attack on iran would tank US-Israel and liberate us.

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