This restores my faith in the younger generation:

"A poll from this spring found that about half of voters 30 or younger believe that it doesn’t matter who wins elections. Describing the burgeoning nihilism of this generation, one pollster told Semafor, “Young voters do not look at our politics and see any good guys. They see a dying empire led by bad people.”" - NYTimes https://archive.is/R4WFx#selection-957.0-961.110

"A dying empire led by bad people." I couldn't have said it better.

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'Land of the Free', fake, empty, fabricated Slogan! We live, are Enslaved on the US PLANTATION, owned, ruled by the Evil Agents of the Israel Lobby-AIPAC and the dozens of other Jew-Christian Zionists Organizations, the Enemies Within, who drive, dictate, control our(?) Foreign and DOMESTIC Policies!!!

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You are ignoring the “health freedom” factor and Bobby Kennedy. You are ignoring the totalitarian over-reach of the bureaucrats who in true fascistic manner allowed corporate takeover of the agencies. You are ignoring that during covid schools were closed, causing many children (minorities especially) to fall behind. Look I don’t want to argue with you but there are other issues that mattered to people that you can’t fathom are important. I can understand why you support Palestine—I do, too. I pray that the Trump administration can stop the slaughter of innocents. I pray that Palestine can have its own country back again. But I can’t ignore my own country’s desperate needs to be free of these lunatics (that you have named).

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No he s not ignoring your correct concerns..but fact is.... exchanging one mentally ill schizoid Jew for another schizoid Zionist Jew will Not resolve your correct concerns*Try holding trump's feet to the fire...how d that work out the n trumprat first admin?..crickets.......The main body politic. of Trumpers mean well but are hoping against hope hoping against the Jewish mob facts of trump ..adelson...pritzker kushner Soros Cheney chertoff pritzker yellin Schmidt bezos ballmer Ellison Geffen Barbara Lerner specter..smotrich geveer. Kololomoisrkey...satanyahoo....it's not that Kevin ignores your moral and current correct concerns. It's the ultimate reality of the bait and switch trojan horse Jewdeviltry cannabalism beseiging ....corrupting..degenerating ..enveloping consuming America for easily 70 years worsening. horribly in front of our Non Jewish eyes...**You really can't cavil or appease vile obvious Jewish totalitarian micromanaging controls...*

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Without meaning to sound sexist, The Antichrist in 'The Book of Revalation' is a man not a cackling witch. Trump was preordained to "win".

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As Pro 2A armed non sectarian Christians we think this interview commentary by prof.Barrett is probably the best he has ever done.

Kevin speaks incisively to the actual facts ,... the deeper reality of Jewish Controligarchs of the uniparty in fallen Jew super parasited america....absolutely unrepresentative of the Non Jewish citizenry....Prof Barrett speaks sharply of Jewish homicidal maniac extremists..Jewish mob

bosses ..long after Jew faggot Roy Cohn..trumprat s mentor.."mob boss JEWS .. ..gentrified for decades....who as subverters of all truth..health freedoms..perverters of ..information streams..mass or *other*communication streams..are the *putative.usual suspects " that self protecting pusilanimous persecutorial normies call *globalists*illuminati* Jesuits*Converso Catholics .Converso Muslims etc. in actual fact these are ..JEWS*As brilliant intellectuals..scientists. writers before our era..in former times consistently cogently said...*The Jews*Not Just Zionist -butcher

Jews" religious Jews globohomosexual JEWS*......who wants mob boss gene Simmonds ......Alan dershowitz.... rabbi Solomon fried (pornhub) pritzker Eric Schmidt sam.b.fried...ari emanuel..ezekiel Emanuel Paul ehrlich..cecille Richards(Jewish planned Parenthood....)

... Schwb Harari fink schwarsmen..satanyahoo Ben Shapiro geveer Kolomoisekey Ronan abramovitch..coward stern.. Jon pollard..greaves...-.anton le vey..real name HOWARD LEVY..Robert durst. Davud berkowitz...(so if Sam).Schumer nadler Schiff kushner..adelson.. Soros marina sbramovitch..bill gates(JEWS) as neighbors?......just a thought..**O K Trumpers. Now...wake up....."hold Zion Don s stinking Jew feet to the fires of truth ....*we wouldn't"celebrate beating

word salad moron whore bot kameltoe too much just yet...*if trumpdog does anything like his first pathetic Judas goat trojan horse Isreal firster first admin did..it's over*.. so much for......*I like take the guns first due process later* and I'm the loud..proud..and dead wrong father of the isreali Quackzines*Jan 6 .... at the end of the day....be careful what you wish for (America s greatest ally**) you just might get it**Great interview Kevin"

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Degraded thinking. So, fucking homophobic homo Trump, rotten head, rapist, controlled by Kushner and Roy Coen types, and well, he is smarter than Harris? What the fuck, dude. You do not know Trump, and you do not know AmeriKKKans, and alas, Trump couldn't spend a minute with a book, and alas, Harris lost for many reasons, including your fucking line -- lost because most/many AMericans hate women and hate blacks and really hate black women.

Dude, I am a journalist in small towns, a social worker, teacher, and fuck it, I interact with hundreds in many cities and towns. As a communist and radical, I know, brother, I know the racism in this dirty country.

Harris makes Trump look smart? This is it for your time in Israel-Land, Morocco?

Get real.


A dying empire? Fuck, Iran has no water, Syria has none, Iraq and Turkey, and 14 Eyes is the Empires army, along with Larry Soulless Fink and other Jewish black hearts.

All paper, well, toilet paper prognostications.

You really want to compare the evils of the lessers, Democrats and Republicans? FUCK.

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My guess for the final for this selection is 313 for Trump.

A thought provoking movie

The Jones Plantation


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