With Trump's shouting match put down of Zelensky his MO went from high school to sand box. Add in his Gaza video and Musk's chain-saw jive at CPAC and we're now officially an idiocracy.
Makes you wonder, can they keep this stuff going for four years? With each new stunt crasser and more shocking than the previous one? Get out the popcorn...if you've got a strong stomach.
But its all predicated on a western (maybe that's not the right word) populace that is disengaged, propagandized, largely indifferent and virtually catatonic. What should be civil society is basically a factory farm of clueless meat chickens.
I hope it does. Maybe I have to check my cynicism (realism?) at the door. Meanwhile, the poor schmucks in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and the middle east are getting slaughtered like insects that happen to be in the 'wrong' place at the 'wrong' time. And that's to say nothing of our own fate if this thing (global jewish supremacy/world control ambition) is not somehow nipped in the bud.
For example, this kind of shit has to stop:
Palestinian Hostage Released With Obvious Torture Scars; Western Press Ignores Him - Caitlin Johnstone - February 28, 2025
If you look at X and people like Stew Peters and Jake Shields and many others, I would submit that many many Americans are awake to the Zionist BS and are sick of it and see right through what Trump is doing and how he has assembled an All-Star Cast in his cabinet of rabid Zionist filth. People see through it and they are angry and they are tired of it and they are calling it out. Many Christians also are finally disassociating themselves from A Zionist form of
Christian Zionism is Jew micromanaged satanic regressive unscholarly shallow politicized. weaponized cult delusion at best...* To us...there never was such a "thing* as..judeao-christian" that was and that is .a satanic oxymoron* however.the road to Hell is paved with good(often neoliberal) intentions...**
There are tens of millions of primitives, brainwashed, 'Left Behind' Christian-Zionist ZOMBIES! I just name 2 prominent ones: Ex. CIA Guy Mike POMPEO and Ex. Gov. of Arkansas Mike HUCKABEE! Evil Creatures! Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!
Interesting points John. I am attentive to both people you mention - Stew & Jake and others. But one thing I find weird and perplexing - there are a number of analysts and commentators who lean left who wouldn't touch those two with a ten foot pole. I lament the fact that, for example, people like Max Blumenthal or Glenn Greenwald or Kim Iversen or Chris Hedges or Norman Finkelstein and many others restrict themselves to political silos where they seem to studiously avoid dialogue and conversations with "nuclear" folks like Shields or Peters.
This engineered political partisanship (staying within the confines of "your tribe") will be the death of us. All of the above mentioned are in fact saying much the same things - i.e. are in agreement on the facts on the ground. A much larger coalition against the Global Zio-Ghouls could be established if these people would put aside their minor differences and come together. Make sense?
We must resist the Divide & Conquer strategy the ZioBots have imposed upon us by always fanning the flames of tribalism and partisanship. The whole Left/Right "divide" bullshit has to go, as Stew so often says. It's "fake and gay". Ha!
There's a simple reason the second group refuse to join the first - "antisemitism" accusations against the first (some of whom are rabidly aggressive, which makes no friends of anyone sober and sane). Which accusations are based on the idea of special Jewish victimhood rooted in the invented, post-'60s-'70s Holocaustianity narrative.
Which is why this false belief of special Jewish victimhood that has been inculcated in the minds of the masses for decades by those who control the media, publishing, banks, Hollywood, etc. now needs to be unequivocally refuted and dismantled emergently.
And then and only then can and will everyone see clearly past the fog that keeps many half-blind to the real source of our troubles today.
My attitude toward it all is expressed in my favorite line from e.e. cummings' conscientious objector poem, i sing of Olaf glad and big: "There is some shit I will not eat."
Superb meta summation of America's 100% Jewish-controlled foreign policy. So well analyzed.
Only thing missing was not nearly enough references to describe the US as ZOG'd to high heaven. IMO, every single instance of "the US" should always say "the ZOG'd US."
Love the AI video! I was waiting for such a scenario to break out in real life. Given the unprecedented crass interplay, I would not have been surprised. Really classy, Team Trump. More fallen empire documentation.
Here's the poor bullied coke clown letting escape a sotto voce slur.
Quite right to compare the dismissal of Zelensky to what should be a much more germane dismissal of the other militaristic, Genocidal tin-pot dictator eliciting much larger heists from US taxpayers.
Kevin as usual speaks a lot of truth but probably as an expat forgets that most real Americans are not fat ..not trumprat fans not Jewish not isreal firster dupes and as he probably used to know .have no power over the jewdevil money printers who certainly will happily genocide Christians..white people the hook nosed Jewdevils call AMALEK..EDOM..Goyim..SHIKSES . Schwartzahs .KUSHI s..KOOSHIM..etc. We as Armed Christians tend to agree with fabulous Prof.B on many ..not all points..but remind the world..be aware that... global revulsion to deleterious sadistic gay Jewish massmedia..not just Zionist cyborgs.... has been increasing by leaps and bounds. this revulsion cannot be obstructed by Isreali Jewish online censorship..astoundingly..even some. former pusillanimous persecutorial normies are ..slowly ..opening up to the real machine -,, political--facts....how the Jew lawyer liar Pharisee machine works...*---we share the revulsion to zelensky trump thiel satanyahoo geveer Shapiro Geffen Ellison gates Schwab harari ..Jon Pollard kushner and all the other loud proud and vile Jewish totalitarian perverted scum .but just because expat s live outside of fallen corrupted Jew super parasited America..or..Jewmerica. .don't blame ..smear..mischaracterize....innocent regular folk for whatcJEWS in the majority..not all..Do**
However..millions of White and black..brown asian Christians despise trumprats jewdog Gaza whore house plan..** Ukraine .or the 2nd isreal escape sewer..is a Jewish neocon schadenfraud ..not really at all an American majoritarian approved ......Jewish gay disco meat grinder of white Slavic Christians ..that JEWS gleefully profit from..not limited to vile Jew depopulation Advocates...Ehrlich Soros gates Fauci all the cyborg scum*"who must hang..""
You took the words right out my mouth, Kevin. I'm currently shunning the media even more assiduously than usual so I won't be exposed to replays of the Trump / Zelensky puppet show.
We note that at once..many called the zelensky trumprat Vance scenario as more..Jewish mob boss.. theatre ..bread and circus red meat for hopeless trumptards....and obvious . territory wars of for..and by mentally deranged JEWS*yes .that does include many post Vatican 2 neoliberal Catholics . and other gay clowns such as..pointless.. pink bubble bath faggot Rubio and high heeled midget desatan In Florida..(Jew -R.id-dah.....
Trump full of feces? The 110 IQ freak is a Rapist in Chief and total lifelong criminal. That's Roy Cohn coming out of his double orifice.
Zinc and wheat and gasses (as the cunt Trump hacked up yesterday) for millions of bodies rotting. Amputated. Spiritually hollowed out.
Fucking demographics man. Russia better get over its racism and start recruiting fine Chinese and Africans and Asians, man, to populate and work the land sustainably.
At least the ZioAzovNaziLensky didn't sign the metals away yet.
And if so, is this kosher with Russia? Americans littering the Ukraine?
Love your humour and penmanship Kevin! But...It's not just the Jews. It's the Zionists et all (more Christian Zionist than plain old Jews by a multiple of probably 100). The Jews are the red herring and the canon fodder. Useless eaters that are absolutely disposable by the real satanic cartel! The real cartel? Jesuits, Khazarian, Talmudic and perhaps askenazzi Jews, European (and Asian and ME) aristocracy! Billionaires whose greed and lust for power is insatiable. Israel is also a red herring - used to put the controlling cat amongst the Arab pidgeons and oil. The genocide in Palestine is being reported semi-honestly by the main stream media. Why? Because they want and need an enemy of the people. And Israel is brandishing that medal with honour. So I suspect that Israel might be obliterated shortly, should the PTB allow vent to Arab and awake people's desires. Perhaps by themselves evoking the Samson option. Wouldn't that be nice (after removing the innocents obviously therefore focusing on the Knesset baby eaters). WW3 is being provoked from its hibernation. The Great Reset heralds and our dystopia is just around the corner. So sit back, pontificate, light a cigar and enjoy a good whiskey (or perhaps coffee in your case). Masalama for now!
With Trump's shouting match put down of Zelensky his MO went from high school to sand box. Add in his Gaza video and Musk's chain-saw jive at CPAC and we're now officially an idiocracy.
Makes you wonder, can they keep this stuff going for four years? With each new stunt crasser and more shocking than the previous one? Get out the popcorn...if you've got a strong stomach.
But its all predicated on a western (maybe that's not the right word) populace that is disengaged, propagandized, largely indifferent and virtually catatonic. What should be civil society is basically a factory farm of clueless meat chickens.
Wait a few months ..that cynical resigned black pill conception may explode...give it some time..otherwise. Rearm Now**
I hope it does. Maybe I have to check my cynicism (realism?) at the door. Meanwhile, the poor schmucks in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and the middle east are getting slaughtered like insects that happen to be in the 'wrong' place at the 'wrong' time. And that's to say nothing of our own fate if this thing (global jewish supremacy/world control ambition) is not somehow nipped in the bud.
For example, this kind of shit has to stop:
Palestinian Hostage Released With Obvious Torture Scars; Western Press Ignores Him - Caitlin Johnstone - February 28, 2025
Rearm indeed!
If you look at X and people like Stew Peters and Jake Shields and many others, I would submit that many many Americans are awake to the Zionist BS and are sick of it and see right through what Trump is doing and how he has assembled an All-Star Cast in his cabinet of rabid Zionist filth. People see through it and they are angry and they are tired of it and they are calling it out. Many Christians also are finally disassociating themselves from A Zionist form of
Those “christian zionists” have blood on their hands.
Christian Zionism is Jew micromanaged satanic regressive unscholarly shallow politicized. weaponized cult delusion at best...* To us...there never was such a "thing* as..judeao-christian" that was and that is .a satanic oxymoron* however.the road to Hell is paved with good(often neoliberal) intentions...**
Any Christianity is it, not only Christian Zionism. Old Testament is full of abominations yet for the Christians its the "holy writ".
Give me a break
There are tens of millions of primitives, brainwashed, 'Left Behind' Christian-Zionist ZOMBIES! I just name 2 prominent ones: Ex. CIA Guy Mike POMPEO and Ex. Gov. of Arkansas Mike HUCKABEE! Evil Creatures! Christian-Zionism is an OXYMORON!
Did someone say..Hucksterabee"?.."*Ha! Thank you IJJT!..,
Unfortunately true
And christians tout court don't have blood of Palestine on their hands?
Many real Christians are not at all pro isreal or pro Jewish influences in any way shape or form..fact.not mere opinion*
Absolutely correct magisterial stentorian comment*
Interesting points John. I am attentive to both people you mention - Stew & Jake and others. But one thing I find weird and perplexing - there are a number of analysts and commentators who lean left who wouldn't touch those two with a ten foot pole. I lament the fact that, for example, people like Max Blumenthal or Glenn Greenwald or Kim Iversen or Chris Hedges or Norman Finkelstein and many others restrict themselves to political silos where they seem to studiously avoid dialogue and conversations with "nuclear" folks like Shields or Peters.
This engineered political partisanship (staying within the confines of "your tribe") will be the death of us. All of the above mentioned are in fact saying much the same things - i.e. are in agreement on the facts on the ground. A much larger coalition against the Global Zio-Ghouls could be established if these people would put aside their minor differences and come together. Make sense?
We must resist the Divide & Conquer strategy the ZioBots have imposed upon us by always fanning the flames of tribalism and partisanship. The whole Left/Right "divide" bullshit has to go, as Stew so often says. It's "fake and gay". Ha!
Alexander Dugin already voiced this: "The issue is not left-right, but top-down, i.e.: us, the people vs. the elites"...
There's a simple reason the second group refuse to join the first - "antisemitism" accusations against the first (some of whom are rabidly aggressive, which makes no friends of anyone sober and sane). Which accusations are based on the idea of special Jewish victimhood rooted in the invented, post-'60s-'70s Holocaustianity narrative.
Which is why this false belief of special Jewish victimhood that has been inculcated in the minds of the masses for decades by those who control the media, publishing, banks, Hollywood, etc. now needs to be unequivocally refuted and dismantled emergently.
And then and only then can and will everyone see clearly past the fog that keeps many half-blind to the real source of our troubles today.
High-time to rip the Zionist Matrix for good !!!
Spot on. But the cruel, psycopathic "god" of the Old Testament has also to be dropped definitively.
True words were perhaps never so concisely spoken....**Cheers!
My attitude toward it all is expressed in my favorite line from e.e. cummings' conscientious objector poem, i sing of Olaf glad and big: "There is some shit I will not eat."
Superb meta summation of America's 100% Jewish-controlled foreign policy. So well analyzed.
Only thing missing was not nearly enough references to describe the US as ZOG'd to high heaven. IMO, every single instance of "the US" should always say "the ZOG'd US."
Love the AI video! I was waiting for such a scenario to break out in real life. Given the unprecedented crass interplay, I would not have been surprised. Really classy, Team Trump. More fallen empire documentation.
Here's the poor bullied coke clown letting escape a sotto voce slur.
Cat is as usual..stentorian..magisterial.no nonsense..no pretense..awesomeness*
Kat, we might as well have been witnessing this. (Yiddish Theatre for the *ZOG-aton masses)
Stone Cold Steve Austin and Booker T Brawl Inside a Grocery Store - (7:00)
Interesting he uses a Russian word, instead of a Ukrainian equivalent. But then, his 1st language, until 22 Feb 2022, was Russian.
If you voted Dem or Rep you are an accessory to murder.
Hi Amy,
THAT was a real quickie today !!!
👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥 !!!
Quite right to compare the dismissal of Zelensky to what should be a much more germane dismissal of the other militaristic, Genocidal tin-pot dictator eliciting much larger heists from US taxpayers.
Also a premiere .excellent comment** directed to J Thring"...
It’s not the means, it’s the end results that counts.
The sooner the war ends, the better.
Then we can put the heat on Nuland and her gang.
I’m very happy with putting these Congress critters in the spot light for their graft and corruption.
Patel and Bongino, a dream team, is going to something to watch.
JFK, 9/11, back in the headlines is comforting.
The U.S. has been a cleptocracy too long.
The Congress Critters who can’t pass the Al Capone income to asset test have got to get neutered and euthanized to Gitmo!
We empathize with your goals..the KIKEISTOCRACY must burn in Hell*"
New Hollywood production starring...
Zelenskyy - a Jewish comedian
JD vance - an actor
DJ Trump - an entertainer/TV personality
Trump is a chabad lubavitch Satan cult Jew convert since 2018..**
Don't fall the show of these actors.
"He'll never do that to Bibi!" Ask yourself, why.
Excellent article, Kevin, well done and courageous to state this so overtly.
Kevin as usual speaks a lot of truth but probably as an expat forgets that most real Americans are not fat ..not trumprat fans not Jewish not isreal firster dupes and as he probably used to know .have no power over the jewdevil money printers who certainly will happily genocide Christians..white people the hook nosed Jewdevils call AMALEK..EDOM..Goyim..SHIKSES . Schwartzahs .KUSHI s..KOOSHIM..etc. We as Armed Christians tend to agree with fabulous Prof.B on many ..not all points..but remind the world..be aware that... global revulsion to deleterious sadistic gay Jewish massmedia..not just Zionist cyborgs.... has been increasing by leaps and bounds. this revulsion cannot be obstructed by Isreali Jewish online censorship..astoundingly..even some. former pusillanimous persecutorial normies are ..slowly ..opening up to the real machine -,, political--facts....how the Jew lawyer liar Pharisee machine works...*---we share the revulsion to zelensky trump thiel satanyahoo geveer Shapiro Geffen Ellison gates Schwab harari ..Jon Pollard kushner and all the other loud proud and vile Jewish totalitarian perverted scum .but just because expat s live outside of fallen corrupted Jew super parasited America..or..Jewmerica. .don't blame ..smear..mischaracterize....innocent regular folk for whatcJEWS in the majority..not all..Do**
However..millions of White and black..brown asian Christians despise trumprats jewdog Gaza whore house plan..** Ukraine .or the 2nd isreal escape sewer..is a Jewish neocon schadenfraud ..not really at all an American majoritarian approved ......Jewish gay disco meat grinder of white Slavic Christians ..that JEWS gleefully profit from..not limited to vile Jew depopulation Advocates...Ehrlich Soros gates Fauci all the cyborg scum*"who must hang..""
Go Kevin go! You're starting to see the Phoenician Navy as clearly as Miles!
You took the words right out my mouth, Kevin. I'm currently shunning the media even more assiduously than usual so I won't be exposed to replays of the Trump / Zelensky puppet show.
We note that at once..many called the zelensky trumprat Vance scenario as more..Jewish mob boss.. theatre ..bread and circus red meat for hopeless trumptards....and obvious . territory wars of for..and by mentally deranged JEWS*yes .that does include many post Vatican 2 neoliberal Catholics . and other gay clowns such as..pointless.. pink bubble bath faggot Rubio and high heeled midget desatan In Florida..(Jew -R.id-dah.....
.de Santis..*..
Trump full of feces? The 110 IQ freak is a Rapist in Chief and total lifelong criminal. That's Roy Cohn coming out of his double orifice.
Zinc and wheat and gasses (as the cunt Trump hacked up yesterday) for millions of bodies rotting. Amputated. Spiritually hollowed out.
Fucking demographics man. Russia better get over its racism and start recruiting fine Chinese and Africans and Asians, man, to populate and work the land sustainably.
At least the ZioAzovNaziLensky didn't sign the metals away yet.
And if so, is this kosher with Russia? Americans littering the Ukraine?
No trurer words were ever written.
Love your humour and penmanship Kevin! But...It's not just the Jews. It's the Zionists et all (more Christian Zionist than plain old Jews by a multiple of probably 100). The Jews are the red herring and the canon fodder. Useless eaters that are absolutely disposable by the real satanic cartel! The real cartel? Jesuits, Khazarian, Talmudic and perhaps askenazzi Jews, European (and Asian and ME) aristocracy! Billionaires whose greed and lust for power is insatiable. Israel is also a red herring - used to put the controlling cat amongst the Arab pidgeons and oil. The genocide in Palestine is being reported semi-honestly by the main stream media. Why? Because they want and need an enemy of the people. And Israel is brandishing that medal with honour. So I suspect that Israel might be obliterated shortly, should the PTB allow vent to Arab and awake people's desires. Perhaps by themselves evoking the Samson option. Wouldn't that be nice (after removing the innocents obviously therefore focusing on the Knesset baby eaters). WW3 is being provoked from its hibernation. The Great Reset heralds and our dystopia is just around the corner. So sit back, pontificate, light a cigar and enjoy a good whiskey (or perhaps coffee in your case). Masalama for now!
Great post Kevin! Where do these AI rehashes come from? You can't do that on the lightweb ones...