I respect your generally well-informed viewpoint, KV, but I think you've fallen for the cover story that Zionism is a secular nationalist project, conceived in the increasingly secular 19th century world. That is just not true, and indeed secularism itself is just ignorance enforced by the wise, i.,e. kabbalistic sorcerors. The real history of Zionism begins with people like Eliezer ben Hurcanos and begins to take its modern shape with Maimonides almost a millennium ago, and continues through a long list of rabbis and, yes, "Elders of Zion," who have long been planning to destroy the Christian and Muslim worlds in accordance with their belief in the inferiority of "Esau" and "Ishmael" and their destiny to become the slaves of the Jews. The architects of Zionism include Abraham Abulafia (1240-1290), Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508), David Reuveni and his student Solomon Molcho (1500-1532), Joseph Nassi (1524-1579), Isaac Luria (1534-1572), the Kabbalists of Girona, Menasseh Ben Israël, and of course the Antichrist Satanic Messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and his disciple Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who together created the modern power center known as the Rothschild dynasty and its affiliates. I will be publishing a translation of Youssef Hindi's Occident et Islam which gives a detailed account of the true origins of Zionism. Herzl was just a patsy!

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It's abhorrent verging on criminal how much AIPAC and the Israeli lobby control the US government. It's $1.2 trillion dollars of US tax dollars that went down the drain that would have been better spent on the ailing American infrastructure.

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Extremely well stated. So important.

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You say Kevin 443 whores got on their hands and knees and assumed the position for the Israeli Prime Minister, Nutanyahun the Yahoo. I think that says everything about our cons in Congress, who are being bribed or blackmailed by Israel. I wonder why?

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Compromised in many ways

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Great, courageous article. Kevin.

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Thank you! I agree that on this particular issue, the Squad is better than the rest, which isn't saying much.

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Is the tail really wagging the dog as is popularly believed? Or did the dog plan all along to sink its tail where it would cause the most agitation to serve its imperial machinations?

Palestine wasn't the first choice of locations for the creation of a Zionist state. Several alternative locations were proposed and discarded in the 20th century – British Uganda (part of Kenya today), Madagascar, Tasmania (Pacific island territory of Australia) and the Soviet Union's Far East adjoining its border with China. All these remote or relatively insulated parts of the world would have, by their sheer geography, severely limited Israel's potential to create mayhem.


Yet imperial Britain was determined to plunk down desperate Jewish refugees 'goaded' to flee Europe into the center of a hornet's nest in Palestine. It pursued and engineered this goal since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in spite of bitter resistance from the Arab states, and notwithstanding its pyrrhic victory in WWII. When the imperial torch passed from Britain to US at the end of the war, the plan to partition Palestine was rammed through a newly created United Nations, based on the 'unanimous' recommendation of an 'Anglo-American Committee'.

The ironclad existential guarantee to Israel from virtually the entire West since then is romantically framed as an expiation of its collective guilt over the historical persecution of Jews. Is that really so?

The 2nd Industrial Revolution which started in the late 19th century was in full swing by the mid-20th century. Its engine was fueled largely by oil, the line separating it from the coal-fueled 1st Industrial Revolution. None of those alternative locations considered and discarded for Israel had oil. Palestine was right in the center of the world's cheapest source of oil. To add perspective, the cost of producing onshore oil from the sands of the Middle East averaged a trifling US$4 a barrel in the 1990s. It cost $14 for the same barrel of offshore oil from the North Sea. It was oil that consolidated and expanded manifold the West's neocolonial economic domination of the world, even after it symbolically (and quite cynically) set free its erstwhile boots on the ground colonies.

Israel is not a tail wagging the dog. It was an imperial project from the outset, plotted and implemented to perpetuate Western colonialism in another form. All talk of wandering Jews finally discovering their fabled holy lands is a fairy tale blowing smoke in the eyes of the world. The real question we should be asking is if Little Britain has been the tail wagging the American dog all along to perpetuate Western imperial rule of the world. It is, and always was, about money and power.

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I respect your generally well-informed viewpoint, KV, but I think you've fallen for the cover story that Zionism is a secular nationalist project, conceived in the increasingly secular 19th century world. That is just not true, and indeed secularism itself is just ignorance enforced by the wise, i.,e. kabbalistic sorcerors. The real history of Zionism begins with people like Eliezer ben Hurcanos and begins to take its modern shape with Maimonides almost a millennium ago, and continues through a long list of rabbis and, yes, "Elders of Zion," who have long been planning to destroy the Christian and Muslim worlds in accordance with their belief in the inferiority of "Esau" and "Ishmael" and their destiny to become the slaves of the Jews. The architects of Zionism include Abraham Abulafia (1240-1290), Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508), David Reuveni and his student Solomon Molcho (1500-1532), Joseph Nassi (1524-1579), Isaac Luria (1534-1572), the Kabbalists of Girona, Menasseh Ben Israël, and of course the Antichrist Satanic Messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and his disciple Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who together created the modern power center known as the Rothschild dynasty and its affiliates. I will be publishing a translation of Youssef Hindi's Occident et Islam which gives a detailed account of the true origins of Zionism. Herzl was just a patsy!

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My observations were focused on the geopolitical context and Western imperialism exploiting a pre-existing fault line. This has been its modus operandi throughout the colonial era, until today. Whether a fault line is occasioned by religious dogma or a conflict between religion and secularism has seldom been an issue. As Deng Xiaoping famously said, it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice.

Besides, religion and nationalism are not mutually exclusive. Most wars in history were fought under the banners of particular gods, each side claiming its own divine dispensation for all too earthly motives.

That said, I am with you on the Zionist delusion of representing a chosen people whose destiny is to rule over all the rest. To be candid, deep down I wonder at times if there is a wisp of fire under the cloud of smoke. The extent of control they have gained over the levers of global power in spite of being a mere 0.2% of the world population is astonishing. It leads me to wonder further if the world has, as prophesied by a number of religions, indeed fallen under a Satanic spell.

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It all goes back to Matt. 23 & John 8, and before. It's progressed as warned about since then.

"It’s the product of a multigenerational Jewish-Zionist hostile takeover of America’s commanding heights. To remedy the situation, those commanding heights will need to be stormed and re-taken."

Swap out Germany for America, think back nearly a century now, and well ...

Good luck to US.

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Our real allies with Kevin's weltanschuung is none other than the Squad regarding "our only ME ally. On this issue, the Squad is right on. Hard to admit it, but.....

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The historical ties date back to the days of slavery.

The 13 Sugar Colonies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3mr0rsNyGs

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BINGO !!! 👍👍👍 💪💪💪

Hopefully you already left the US-territory before this post appeared on one of their government's screens ...🤞🤞🤞

How about the Zionist's ties to the Moroccan-regime ??? Tightly knit or else ??? ...

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Forever grateful for your courage, Kevin. Monique

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I guess you covered on side of our lopsided political ties to Israel. I am am looking forward to your analysis of the cultural side of it.

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The cultural side is a lot more complex and debatable. I'm translating and planning to publish Youssef Hindi's Occident et Islam which situates Zionism in a larger Jewish messianic-millenarian project which arguably has had a huge and generally harmful effect on Western and American culture.

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E Michael Jones covers this field well, too. Now I understand how deeply influenced my "thinking" and outlook have been by this ZioJewish dominance of the US culture (to my general detriment, with a few redeeming qualities).

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Exactly right. Get your Goy badge (see here: https://jmichaelspringmann.substack.com/p/jews-have-the-juice?r=omh21).

And read how local Maryland and Virginia congressional delegations kowtow to the ZioBeasts. (See here: https://jmichaelspringmann.substack.com/p/who-controls-maryland-virginia-congressional)

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