As I was saying about religion, ethics also supersedes politics. We need to first agree on ethics--that whatever is wrong for you to do to me is also wrong for me to do to you. Not one person would ever be blown up with a pager. And yes, the PBI (powers behind Israel) own both/ all parties.

Mark Elsis had a funny meme today: The devil's greatest trick was convincing people he isn't real. But he Israel.

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John 8:44 KJV

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

" When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own" - every accusation is a confession, how very presciently divine of JC!!

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Ah I knew that meme would get me in trouble! The play on words made me laugh but the sentiment contradicts my core dogma that all people are created morally equal. If people are born of the devil, they can't help how they were born, yes? And so would deserve our pity, not scorn.

When the author of John writes about the devil, the word is being used to describe the zealot insurgents against the Roman Empire, according to Bible scholar Elaine Pagels in her book The Origin of Satan. They were fighting for the sovereignty of Judea and other vassal states like Samaria--which is why the 'Good Samaritan' is considered an exception like the 'moderate Muslim.'

The word that gets translated as Jew, which didn't exist until the 18th c, is Judean, the rebels and followers of Judas the Sicariot, who founded the zealot movement. In the context of that passage, 'Jesus' is accusing the Judeans of not being children of God. That's a pretty horrible thing to say. I think the Christ is the one who sees the Christ in others, not one who says "Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?" while he tells them that they're slaves of sin and will die in sin.

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Sorry, too much verbiage, John the Baptist has reported (KJV 8:44) Jesus (pbuh) as having said thus, so was Jesus referring to Iranians or Arabs or Hezbollah or was it jews of the Rev 3:9 synagogue of satan? The present day gvirs and satanyahus wantonly bombing children in tents?

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Wow, the author sure whistled up some mad dogs in the Comments, poor man.

Anyone who can look at these two candidates for president without snorting in derision deserves to live in the shit hole this country is fast becoming.

The last time I had any hope in a candidate was when that CIA thug was pretending to be a liberal in 2008. Live and learn.

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Same here, and the hope was lukewarm, like just going along for the ride.

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Like the first fake shooting "Iran" came up almost immediately. Suggests that this too might have been fake.


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Do you know what a leftist actually is?

To be a Leftist is to bemoan how it has been

in any way associated with the Democratic Party.

The Leftist perspective is articulated in the U.S. political arena by Jill Stein as an ALTERNATIVE to the Democratic Party (and, of course, to the Republican Party).

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Does the trans movement still own the US Greens? They barred the Georgia Green caucus in 2020, cashing out a lot of serious leftist cred for… a nothing burger distraction issue? At best? Smelled like a DNC-driven operation to me.

I’d like to vote for Dr Stein again, but the Greens won’t be on Georgia’s ballot until their political balls drop.

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Politics is issue driven and my issue is the childhood vaccine schedule which will no doubt expand under Kamala and Waltz—no doubt. Everyone in Kamala’s campaign staff had to be up to date on their covid shots—I mean all nine or something—still the Democratic convention was a super spreader event. Will there be a big different in the candidates on your issue of justice and statehood for Palestine, probably not. It will be exactly the same under Harris—tons of money and bullets for Israel while weeping and showing commitment to a Palestinian state while vetoing it at the UN. On the other hand, Trump is just as committed only a lot cheaper. I can’t see him propping up Israel with 64 billion a year and draining away the U.S. supply of munitions, But then I can’t say what he would do. In any case, don’t buy any electronics from Israel—they explode.

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7 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

In all this push n pull, mearsheimer is going to con the "exceptional" dumb hillybillys into attacking China in the South China Sea with the aid of the US sailor favourites, pinoy prostitutes and thai ladyboys, and all to prevent China from threatening his tribes current chosen supremecist status. The rate at which the Chinaman is progressing he has become an existential threat to the jew synagogue of satans perch at the pinnacle of Western civilisation. The last time sassoons delivered a 100 years of shame upon China using Queen Victoria of England, this time mearsheimers will do it with the aid of Queen Lindsay Graham of the US. They may just fool the cuntonese in HK who still yearn to be ruled by a queen, but the Mandarins in Beijing will nuke telaviv if the wendyshermans ever foment a nuclear war in their backyard. .

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👍👍👍💪💪💪 !!!

When will the gullible Goy finally understand ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Fake Presidential Race

Don't burn your popcorn



Is this fake?:

No blood on hand. Trump attempted assassination hoax


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Why don’t we just declare the Dumbocrap cheek of the great malodorous American behind to be a terrorist organized?

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Nice overall analysis about the dynamics. But as of now, on just the specific issue of Routh, (unless I misunderstand you), there's no way I believe this was a legitimate lone wolf event, or actual assassination attempt. Who might be behind it I make no claim to know. I thought I had seen where he ALSO allegedly expressed criticisms of Israel and, at a minimum, pro-Palestinian sympathies. How many actual people are there who hate Russia, love Ukraine, like Palestinians, and don't like Israel at the same time?

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Maybe I'm crazy too Professor Barrett, but tomorrow's my birthday, so maybe I deserve a little break.

So I posted another short fictional story on my blog at "WolfeOut.com" in my series called "The Dirty Little Secret About Transparensee" called "The Last Jew."

So you be the judge, am I just crazy like Jim Fetzer, or just a poor guy seeking justice in our Jewish controlled legal system (and perhaps some pay back for the Palestinian children)?

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Thank you for the great write up, Dr. Barrett.

About the “millenarian-messianic Zionists” who run the NWO…

I recently commented on a well known anti-empire writer’s post (Caitlin Johnstone), inquiring why they don’t explicitly call out Israel/Zionism & Jewish Supremacy as the faces and names of the NWO instead of vague terms like “shadowy cabal”, “lobbyists”, etc.

She responded by saying she thinks it’s “dogshit analysis” and “batshit”. Basically the whole US empire runs Israel and world, not the other way around.

What are your thoughts on this kind of thinking? And do you have any work in reference to it that I can check out?

Safe travels inshaAllah

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She is exactly right.

The psychotic Israelis serve exactly the same function as the Nazis in Ukraine - to provoke and carry out a proxy war with Iran as the Ukrainian Nazis have done against Russia.

The USA is behind both.

China is on the docket as well.

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What benefit does invading and destabilizing Iran…like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, being the United States?

In fact, it mainly benefits Israel. It’s mentioned as much in the 1996 document, A Clean Break, which was presented to Netenyahu.

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Iran, China and Russia threaten the West’s hegemony that has been in place 500 years.

The dollar is threatened and the belt and road project, with the possibility of uniting Eurasia, is a threat as well.

The global South recognizes what they call ‘the axis of resistance’ - resistance to Western hegemony. Russia, Iran and China make up this axis.

I suggest that you look into the work of Michael Hudson the economist who once worked at one of the think tanks who craft US foreign policy.

He is familiar with the underlying motives and strategies of US geopolitical maneuvering.

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