
A red-blooded American who prefers anonymity emailed me: "Getting little mention in the Trumpian melodrama is the color of the blood on Trumps cheek. As anyone who has ever suffered a cut knows, blood oxidizes to dark red as soon as it sees air. Blot a cut with a tissue and what you will see is maroon and not red. What you see on Trumps face is definitely not blood."

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Your anonymous "red-blooded American" is wrong. Blood does not turn dark red as soon as it "sees air".


How Long Does It Take For Blood To Turn Brown


"Blood is a vital fluid that plays a crucial role in our bodies. It carries oxygen, nutrients, and waste products throughout the circulatory system, ensuring the proper functioning of our organs. However, have you ever wondered why blood changes color from bright red to brown over time? In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating process of blood oxidation and its significance in forensic investigations."

Notice the reference to "bright red".

Photos of head wounds...





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Kevin, I've followed you for many years. Thanks for that excellent piece. My question is this: was Crooks a MK-ULTRA Monarch assassin? Otherwise, how could someone who excelled in academics and had a such a bright mind be lulled into wanting to assassinate anyone? Are there credible sources out there Re: his upbringing? His own father had bought the AR-15. And in the few interviews I saw of his parents, they didn't show much emotion about their son's demise. Those are tell-tale signs.

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He sure sounds MK-Ultraed to me. This might be worth an in-depth investigation.

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I have a kid who is very bright but also autistic — doesn’t understand the social environment and is thus naive and doesn’t know who to trust. This kind of youth has not been popular with peers and craves praise and acceptance. These characteristics would make him an easy target for manipulation.

I haven’t seen the parents, but autistic traits can be hereditary so they may have their own social deficits. Or there could be another explanation for their behavior.

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In PA I was surprised that the crowd behind Trump didn't dive for cover during the shooting. Strange. In the Dallas '63 false flag operation the obvious beneficiary was LBJ, a seriously BAD MFer. In reading the LBJ biographer, Robert Caro, you learn that LBJ and his minions stole the 1948 senate race in TX from a very popular Coke Stevenson. LBJ was on his way..."Hey, hey LBJ...how many kids did you kill today". JFK was offed on my 12th birthday and the coup has obsessed me until the present moment. Lee Oswald was a "patsy" as was the 20 y/o imagined shooter in PA. Mind control coupled with drugs? Nothing to see here..move along.

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Bascom Hall.

Renowned for its ice cream if I remember correctly.

Quite serendipitous, given Biden’s and Pelosi’s proclivities towards frozen milk and sugar.

I also left the employ of the UW System, when I discovered that my chancellor and various department heads were conspiring to keep “an honest internal auditor” from detecting and correcting graft.

That was in 2002, shortly after the controlled demolitions in September of the previous year.

If I’d have had the courage and guts to do so, I’d have gotten my family out of this shithole country.

Kudos to you, Kevin.

Thank you for doing a deep dive into this

ass-ass-in-nation bullshit.

It stinks to high heaven.

I have shared your posts with others, to little to no avail.

But, I am still able to share your musings with my mouth.

Nobody dares “left swipe” that source of information.

Best wishes from Wisconsin.

I’m still trying to escape from, not escape to.

I don’t fuck with guns, so I’ve got no expertise to share.

Just my intuition that this whole affair is another Hollywood B-movie.

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Thanks, Mike. Sounds like you were a UW-Madison whistleblower a few years before I was.

By the way, the ice cream place is Babcock (not Bascom). It is a few blocks down the hill from the Sifting and Winnowing plaque.

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Kevin, Mike! Fellow Wisconsin boy here. Went to UW-LaCrosse, class of ‘73.

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I always liked LaCrosse and the whole Driftless region. In fact, I kind of miss it. I wish it were in a better country.

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Great approach, Kevin. Gather and sift, consider and ponder. Don't let your biases get in the way of logic, though.

There is a lot of information available on the effects of graze wounds, here's one study:

"The common appearance of a graze wound consists of an elliptical furrow in the skin of variable depth. The initial point of contact or the proximal corner of a graze wound may have a partially round or crescentic margin of abrasion resembling a portion of a typical entrance wound margin of abrasion. This can be helpful in distinguishing a graze wound from a laceration and in determining direction. The edges of the graze wound may have small diagonal lacerations. Because the kinetic energy of the projectile is dissipated away in every direction, the lacerations tend to radiate away from the initial point of contact. These small lacerations create corresponding diagonal skin tags that point back in the direction from which the projectile came. The distal corner is variable in appearance, often irregular, and lacerations may be present (Figure 1)."


Here's another overview of the effects of graze wounds:


There is nothing in the information available about graze wounds that contradicts any of the reporting about Trump's wound. There's no indication that graze wounds cause hematomas. There's no indication that graze wounds cause concussions. There's no indication that graze wounds rip off ears.

There are many case studies of graze wound incidents on the internet.

Trump's doctor released a memo providing details of the wound and care provided:

"The bullet passed, coming less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the

top of his right ear. The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the

cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked

swelling of the entire upper ear. The swelling has since resolved, and the wound is beginning to

granulate and heal properly. Based on the highly vascular nature of the ear, there is still

intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing to be in place. Given the broad and blunt nature of the

wound itself, no sutures were required."


Normal government incompetence, passive aggressive Deep State management, and Diversity-Inclusion-Equity explain this incident.

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Your conclusion overinterprets the evidence. The report from the doctor contains politically convenient information not necessarily relevant to the actual injury: “coming less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head” = OMG he almost died! And maybe you have more direct knowledge of the doctor and medical care, but I for one can’t corroborate the medical information released to the media. And, your one bit of “evidence” doesn’t explain away all the improbably fortuitous bits in the story, of which there are many.

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"...improbably fortuitous bits in the story..."

Life is a funny thing. God works in mysterious ways.

Improbably fortuitous (and improbably unlucky) events happen every minute, every hour, every day.

Use your favorite search engine, search for "bullet graze wound victims".

Here's the results, just in images, of such a search:


Dozens, hundreds, thousands of such wounds--just reported, the number of unreported graze wounds is likely much higher.

Each of those incidents--to normal people--goes unreported, and is outside the realm of their reality and experience.

Thus, utter disbelief when such an incident is reported--Trump's wounding. People immediately claim that it's impossible--or that, of course it's possible, my uncle knew a guy who was in the army and met a dude who was gonna be a sniper, and he said that he could nick an ear from a half mile away.

Improbably fortuitous events happen. Just because most people's bubble of reality doesn't include them doesn't make them go away, or require tortured conspiracies to explain them.

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You are over-fixated on the graze wound.

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Not at all.

Others throw out silly interpretations of facts to claim a grand conspiracy. I just responded to one of those interpretations. They make various claims about the graze wound--that it's improbably fortuitous for such a wound to occur, that such a wound would have massive hematomas, that such a wound would cause a concussion, that the wound was fake--Trump/SS agents/a fairy annointed him with fake blood, that the blood coming down his ear/face was the wrong color, etc, etc, etc.

Just responding to issues raised by others with facts and clear-eyed interpretation.

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The only thing that can be concluded for certain is that sound travels faster than light ... :-)

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I am not an expert but I was in a small war in 82 . And even 7.62 rounds do strange things. Like bounce of a head without causing any damage. Enter through the cheek and come out the chest area without doing any serious damage. And kill and cause lots of damage. So one never knows what any round will do. What is an expert there days? Someone who asks a computer program what the out come of a given event is. I agree though there is something very strange about it. Watch the people sat behind DT during it. Some seemed to me like they knew it was about to happen. Interesting read. Thanks.

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Thank you! I've also heard from others, including a doctor friend who has treated countless gunshot victims in war zones, that "bullets do the darndest things."

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Similar to a number of others here, the first odd thing I noticed was the behavior of the crowd. I would have expected to see more ducking and lying down, more sense of urgency, of panic even. But you really don’t see that, you see people milling about, some shouting and pointing but mostly looking useless, including to some extent law enforcement and official personnel. It’s weird.

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In my opinion, the best argument against this is that the Republicans seem to want an investigation, and the Democrats are stonewalling.

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Good point, Josh. But think about the COVID origins scandal. Even though the real origin of COVID was a Trump Administration crime—a bio-attack on China and Iran—the Republicans seemed to want an investigation, while the Democrats stonewalled. Why? Because the "investigation" was focused on the "dangerous cover story that could start WW3" namely "blame China," in the same way that any actual investigation of JFK's death would have been steered toward the "dangerous cover story that could start WW3" namely "blame Russia." In the case of the fake Trump shooting, the "investigation" Republicans want would be steered toward "Trump's (Democrat) enemies tried to kill him" which could start Civil War 2.

Bottom line: The reckless perps behind these murderous deceptions set up a "dangerous cover story" and then "threaten to investigate it" to scare the careful people into avoiding the whole can of worms.

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There's also the reports that it was a cloudy day, yet the whizzing bullet shows clear blue skies, as does fist pump shot.

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Trump has already stated that he ‘took a bullet for democracy’. What a convenient pitch for military recruitment. I believe your analysis that Macho Man Trump is needed to usher the U.S. into the next battle to ‘spread democracy’ is spot-on.

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The bullet in the photo is the second one not the first one. Look at Trump's hand already up! Look at the video of the shotting, in the first fire Trump's hand is down. In the second fire (viewed in the photo) his hand is going up to the ear shoot and his mouth muscles contract as a reaction to the hit.

It is not the third bullet also because his is already ducking this time.

The photographer triggers the bust photos after the first fire and catch the second bullet. Which shows how close was the path of the bullets.

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When I posted the following comment, it was immediately deleted. It’s about how I met a MK-ULTRA assassin during an anti-war event that we conducted in Ottawa. I gave her a ride back to Montreal while she told us her story. She and her sister had been systematically tortured and raped by their parents. Her father was a university chemistry professor who developed bombs for the Pentagon. Her parents sold her sister and her to the Pentagon for scientific experiments. She developed a split personality which was then triggered by either a phone call, a letter with a torn photo inside, or both. Her MK-ULTRA persona then went to a pre-arranged spot where she was picked up and sent on an assassination mission.

This went on for years.

Diane sought therapy. She was interned in a psychiatric hospital. During her sessions she recalled her “good” personality and through art therapy she overcame her programmed dark side. She eventually became a very good artist and started to work against the war machine, organizing artistic events around Montreal. Canadian National Film Board Director Martin Duckworth made a beautiful movie about her.

As Kevin would say, you can’t make this stuff up.

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More evidence that the assassination attempt was faked from https://peteryim.substack.com/p/the-magic-ear:

“As reported in The Daily Beast , TMZ, The Independent, and the New York Post, despite claims by the republican presidential candidate of an assassination attempt that wounded his right ear, no evidence of a wound is seen in photographs from July 26.”

For links to the photos see Peter Yim's substack article.

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Thanks, Andrew, I saw that. The Trump cult will say God miraculously healed his ear.

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As far as I know neither Trump nor any of his entourage have accused the "deep state" of conspiring to shoot him. (Could be wrong.)

There seems to be the unofficial narrative, i.e., that the deep state organized a hit job on Trump, which most on the right actually suspect and then there's the official one that Trump and his homies endorse, i.e., incompetence, mismanagement and an unstable young man.

It seems the right leaning folk are being played, because Trump won't publicly entertain the deep state conspiracy theory.

Similar to January 6 where Trump left his followers out to dry when they actually did his bidding, I wonder if those that promote the deep state assassination theory are going to be hung out to dry by the very person they think they're defending.

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I am a steady reader of Mr.Paul Craig Roberts webzine,and it seems to me you are both dissident truthtellers.Here your analysis,speculations are very different.I don't know if you could elaborate on this?

Thank's in advance.


Ole H.Johansen

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I think PCR like Jim Fetzer has fallen for the Trump schtick, but is right about many things.

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