I like Ryan Cristian and have watched him for years. The problem for me is his “two party illusion” stance which bothers me. I live in California, which has Democrat super majority. We might as well be living in the Soviet lite…The Democrats get their way or else. That is why pedophiles don’t get prosecuted, kids who have vaccine reactions are kicked out of school for not being vaccinated, and man/boy love rules San Francisco so families flee to expensive suburbs in desperation. Sometimes you have to take a stand and I appreciate, Kevin, that you take a strong stand for what you believe it. So, we take a stand and we are wrong. Isn’t that how we grow and learn to be better.

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May 15·edited May 15

Really what Gaza genocide is, is "chosen" entitlement. Theyr entitled to kill goyim cattle, that's all. Clearly enunciated by the jizzraeli ambassador on the UN podium "all you dumb goyim are wrong, totally against UN Charter its we who have been wronged, dont you cattle understand we are the chosen, we are entitled to kill the Amalek" This evil, delusion, arrogance and impunity, this rachelmadcow Russia Russia Russia type nonsense haranguing us with proven falsehood forcing it down our throats, as if we are all subhuman unintelligent beings, will only be swept clear by a boxcar 2.0 saga. With a lot of collateral damage upon us goyim, but there us still time to clamp down on the devils and avert a final final solution. Only Orthodox Christianity and Islam COMBINED have the spiritual power to clamp down on the synagogue of satan.

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Oh cool. Way to go Richie Allen.

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