I'm a frequent reader and commenter on UR and I've done a few episodes on Ron's articles specifically, which I admire. However I not only agree with you, Kevin, on the Trump 'assassination attempt' but I find Ron's argument illogical in ways that seem uncharacteristic.

First, he assumes there really are two parties. Full stop. After doing an excellent job of showing why the bumbling debate was staged and timed to make sure the switch would happen too late for any non-Israel candidate to emerge, Ron still thinks it impossible that Israel controls both sides. If the DNC had chosen Gavin, it would have signaled that they didn't care who won, since both were in their pockets. But Kamala, with Shapiro as VP, is just a diversity face to rally the wokes but insure Trump, the chosen one, will win in a landslide.

Then he introduces a straw-man argument. You have never said this was a real Deep State assassination attempt. But Ron keeps arguing for why that couldn't be true. Yes, we all agree that's not true--it's either a 'nursing home aide' who got 'lucky' or it's a staged event by Mossad with no bullet anywhere near the Donald.

When Ron argues for why all the Secret Service and State Troopers couldn't have been in on it, he's also arguing the inverse--that they were all 100% incompetent. Your argument, that it only required one order distracting the two watching that roof, is far more cogent. No matter the explanation, either requires a herd mentality or, perhaps more kindly, silo responsibility for specific places and everyone thinking that someone else was taking care of it.

For me, the clincher was Trump's reaction. Anyone who has a brush with death that close would be in shock, even if they weren't a megalomaniac who believes he'll live forever. Trump's reaction would have been fear, and then outrage once the danger was over. He would have demanded the head of every Secret Service who let that happen. There's been no such purge. His composure was pure acting.

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Excellent points, Tereza, though I think Ron is his own straw man—he's the one who thinks there's a 30% chance that it was a real Deep State assassination attempt, and a negligible chance that it was a pro-Trump PR stunt. So he wasn't countering me, but presenting and shooting down his own second-most-likely hypothesis. Anyway, I think you're right that it was part of an effort to make sure both major party candidates are controlled by hardline Zionists.

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All three parties. Or one three-headed party in a unitard ;-)

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I basically agree that Trump's reaction was the clincher. Also, the still not credible photographic, forensic, or medical evidence. But, am I interpreting that you feel Trump is an inevitable winner in November? I did, but no longer feel that way. Perhaps it's what the mockingbird media wants me to feel, I don't know.

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Yes on all three of the lacking evidence. Really? A photographer catching a whizzing bullet? And I've seen more realistic Halloween blood drips. I don't even get the war paint streaks on the cheek--were those supposed to be where it grazed him? Or just making sure the full frontal camera shot had blood in it?

Going back four years, I think Trump was the Great Set-Up to the Great Reset. Without him being over-the-top offensive (while doing no worse in policies than Obama), it wouldn't have created the knee-jerk reaction of liberals being against everything he was for and for everything he was against--like censorship, Big Tech, Big Pharma, lockdowns. Trump took credit for the vaccine, then walked off the stage so Biden could absorb the economic fallout.

Now it's Trump's turn again, imo. Voters have nothing to do with it, although I don't think interference will be needed. Conservatives will be willing to go to war in the Middle East, although liberals may also be drafted. Trump can bring in CBDC and use Bitcoin to buy up Treasury bills--defeating the purpose of it, I'd think.

But mostly, Trump fulfills their prophecy of the Temple Mound and the Red Heifer. As a woman (even postmenopausal, as I've been discussing with Kevin on the last post) Kamala isn't a contender to usher in or even be the new Messiah.

My friend Isaac Middle has a strange but oddly irrefutable take on Trump's astrology chart, that shows him to check all the apocalyptic boxes. Isaac is no more a fan of the Donald than I am, but he knows his stuff, astrologically speaking. Of course, these are all signs that could have been faked, but they're setting him up for the role, which is a 'grand finale.' Here's his piece on it, and the video's pretty funny, with music and montage by my friend Tonika, who does Visceral Adventures: https://downthewombathole.substack.com/p/the-conspiracy-of-the-orange-moonchild. I don't believe anything but I find this amusing, as omens of the end times go.

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Yeh, it seems one element always "wins" no matter what scenarios play out.

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Unz has extremely odd limitations , first and foremost in regards to his position on the wacsine which most UR reg readers find puzzling , if not sus...which is reasonable as it's utterly inconsistent

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Agreed, I've seen those too.

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Tereza. If , in fact, this was a staged event I have often wondered why the Dem side hasn't called it out as one would think their intel would reveal to them that it was a stunt or is that because they are, as you speculate; just one big frat party and each knows what their role is in this very bad drama that is the US political scene?

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I doubt that it's a very big frat party, I'd say more a small covert cabal. I think Kevin's point is well taken that it only needed one person to tell the two watching the slightly-sloped roof to go for a walk, diverting them. There are no heads rolling on the security side, so no reason for anyone to stick their neck out and say, "Hey, I think we should have noticed that."

Trump's following a script given to him by someone; I would never say this was his idea. I just don't think he's that smart, I think he's an actor. I'd guess the idea came from the same thinktank that suggested keeping Biden (or the actors playing Biden, just not sure from some of those side-by-side photos) out of debates until the last minute, but letting some signs of dementia seed the public consciousness. I think the switcheroo, done too late to be elected rather than selected, has been long planned.

Maybe the two are in reaction to each other. Nothing good will come from any candidate, so I'm just speculating which one is most useful to Israel right now. I think that's Trump.

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Trump obviously did not know what had happened. He felt something whiz by his ear and create some pain. He instinctively ducked. His actions appeared instinctive. He was not badly injured but clearly appeared to be in shock. He would have gathered his sensibilities quickly in this scenario. Barret is illogical. Trump turned out not to gain by it at all.

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I think something to look for: will the Controllers have Trump “win” the “election” and then stage an “assassination” which appears to be successful this time? (Trump, the actor retiring down to Argentina - or wherever they go.) Imagine the effect of that. Miles Mathis theorizes that JFK 1963 was staged. I’m not sure about that, but they could stage one in the future.

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What would be their end game? Would JD Vance rally us into WWIII? Are they naming territories in the Golan Heights after him, as they are for Trump? No, I think Trump is Israel's ace in the hole for all of their apocalyptic plans for the next four years. If he were to have a heart attack, they'd put in his understudy. Heck, that person's probably shadowing him now, and it ain't Vance. My 2 cents.

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I see your point. Just a possibility. It would cause all these MAGA-tards to be extremely angry, just like after 9/11. Blame it on Iran? Who knows.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Didn't WWIII begin when governments declared war on their own citizenry via Covid con??

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Run Unz still doesn’t understand what’s happening in this country. That event was obviously staged and Trump obviously played his role. But the worldwide “deep state” controls both parties, including all governors and candidates for President. Does Ron still not realize that Covid was planned and all 50 governors played along knowing it was a fraud? The efforts to “get” Trump legally didn’t fail accidentally; it’s all scripted. Trump isn’t opposed to Biden or Kamala or Hillary. It’s theater. No one was killed at that multi-day made for TV production in PA. Why does Ron assume things after so many hoaxes?

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My comment in this thread agrees with you fully, Bruce.

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I side with Kevin, Bruce, and Tereza. I tend to think the “assassination attempt” was staged by the Deep State who is fanning the flames of divide so that Trump supporters will hate the Left even more for their apparent conspiracy to assassinate him. Just like the “apparent” stolen election where it was made “obvious” to Trump supporters that shenanigans occurred. Without that, you wouldn’t have had the rally and riot—erm, insurrection—on Jan 6. All planned, all theater. I’m not saying real bullets didn’t fly in Butler, but Trump’s near miss wasn’t God’s hand sparing him. He rose up, towering over his security, raised his fist in triumph and charged his minions to “FIGHT”, like a general leading his soldiers to battle. It was just too unreal. I think the DS needs to send the ball back into the Republican court, or there’s a schism in the Establishment that wants him there like before—he’s the one who finally “gave” Jerusalem to the Israelis.

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Oh excellent last line, Tabby. I forgot about that pièce de résistance in the Trump humps Israel bromance. Yes, the Deep State is Mossad and always has been. If you have time and interest, check out the video on Trump's astrology chart that I linked in my reply to Howard. I know that sounds 'out there' but there's so much of the occult that's going into this script, and Isaac's Conspiracy of the Orange Moonchild is charming.

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My opinion follows re the assassination attempt in PA. I think Ron Unz spends too much time on Crooks and his motivations. Like Oswald in Dallas in 1963, I believe the "shooter" here was a patsy. (mind control-drugs-hypnotism?)This time they didn't have to wait for a Jack Ruby character to take Crooks out. Conveniently, Crooks was put down which precluded anyone interviewing him. LBJ was a Texas based veep in Nov 1963 and Josh Shapiro was/is the gov of PA at the time of the shooting. That is, he had a fair amount of influence over the events of that day. Head of the PA State Police for example. Professional shooter(s) were likely somewhere else in the area and were not bothered when they were setting up their vantage point. I expect Kamala to pick Shapiro because she has a thing for Jewish men. (Husband for eg.) Like all American pols, she's probably owned by AIPAC. (Tom Massie a possible exception)

As a younger man, Josh Shapiro was in the IDF for five months and the cynical might ask where his loyalties were/are. I guess in the America of today it's perfectly reasonable to fight in a foreign military and then go on to be the gov of PA. Nicely symmetrical, no? Cynical me wonders what kind of relationship Shapiro might have developed with the Mossad, Israel's own Murder, INC. Perhaps he had a couple of beers after work going after Palestinians and formed long term relationships with snipers. Just spit balling here. Trump being eliminated would have thrown the R-Convention into disarray with a neocon like Haley likely being the candidate after a very fractious convention. Oh well, just a few observations...

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Crooks is a crisis actor.

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Like the LBJ/Shapiro comparison!

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Unz seems way into the two-party illusionism, and does not seem to realize that all of the election business is entertainment for the masses. The Democrats need Trump, the media do as well. Their sock puppet theater would fall apart without him. Faking an assassination attempt is perfect entertainment and distraction, and heats everyone up into believing in the electoral system and into lots of shadow boxing, while the real business is carried out elsewhere. There is no way that this was not fake (i.e. theater, an entertainment production, a fairy tale etc...)

Just like concerning covid, he never looked through the charade of the natural origin vs. lab origin "debate" (another sock puppet production for our entertainment so that we feel that there is "real debate"), not realizing that there was no pandemic because there cannot be an RNA virus infecting billions of people around the globe for four years because that kind of thing doesn't exist, and what really happened was a few carefully seeded outbreaks with infectious clones, as well as massive statistical fraud, and lots of iatrogenic murder. Just like they don't mind offing a few real people in their staged Trump assassination, it also took some real deaths to stage the pandemic. All of that created the illusion of a pandemic.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 3

Murder on the Orient Express. Everyone was involved, including Trump. (Biden has an alibi, thou. He was taking a nap.) Trump may believe it would help him win, but when Kamala wins the elections, there will riots, which are the ultimate goal of this event. Not only that financiers are trying to destroy the United States of America, but the destruction of the Western civilization is planned. Then, they will earn a lot of money from the impoverished population whose every move is tracked.

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Does anyone know what Ron is talking about when he mentions Josh Shapiros personal guard being at Trump rally?

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One thing is FOR SURE. Criminals will go to as extreme a degree as necessary to fool people, in order to perpetrate crimes and escape culpability. If people stop asking questions, and stop looking for themselves.....well.....then they don't have to go to very extreme lengths. To get one man's viewpoint on the lengths gone to in the JFK assassination watch "From JFK to 9/11, Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" at: https://youtu.be/4oVpt_I9iQQ. It is obvious Ron hasn't watched it yet, or dismissed it out of hand as "conspiracy".

I don't have anything against rich people in general. But I do have something against rich people who use their money to start wars and sell weapons, steal resources, or destroy others health and environments. Another thing is FOR SURE: criminals will use anyone for anything as long as they are useful and will have them killed or otherwise silenced as soon as they are not. Oswald was used in the biowarfare research that was planned to off Castro. That is why they set him up to appear Communist so they could insert him him into Cuba to assassinate Castro with a quick acting cancer causing "vaccine". When he realized the target was JFK and he was to be the patsy he became disposable.

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Great discussion. Following your original argument of Who is the beneficiary do you think Trump has benefited more from the shooting Or the replacement of Jo B after the shooting has benefited Democrats? Trump was already ahead before the shorting so there was no need for a FF to improve his chances. The more likely motive seems to replace Jo B with KH which JB resisted till the end. A simple examination of the people injured and killed would reveal which bullet type and from which distance they were shot and can confirm if there was a 2nd (professional) shooter. The fact no investigations conducted nor media raised these questions shows certain leanings.

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The kid did it on his own. He was very smart, and he was completely lathered up for many years by the media and the government about Trump. He would consider it his patriotic duty to try to kill him.

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The Z team does whatever it can to achieve its goals. The lobby plays both sides ALL THE TIME, so it wouldn’t have been strange at all for someone like Shapiro to have done so in this case. In fact, it’s the kind of thing you would expect — try to get your favorite candidate elected, while also positioning yourself to be optimally influential as a plan B. This appears to have happened in the 2000 election as well.

About 10 years ago I saw a TV program hosted by Jon Quiñones — maybe an episode of “What Would You Do?” — in which a man was hypnotized and given orders to shoot someone … and he did it (with blanks). This is not that far-fetched. Crooks not only had no training but supposedly got kicked out of the rifle club for being a poor shot. Perfect patsy. And if you think Trump wouldn’t go along with a staging, you forget he’s a “reality” TV personality with ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Regarding the idea that Biden could have simply been left in place to guarantee Trump’s election, it was just too risky. Biden’s deterioration is so severe that he’s become a liability.

The two main parties are not mortal enemies and not really pulling the strings. All the political posturing of the moment serves a sociological function while also distracting people from the pariah state now going off the rails in the Middle East and perhaps the next big vaccine push right around the corner.

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Duper’s Delight👍😊

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Shocking! Pass this on. We have to remove all Israeli Zionist backed candidates from the ballot starting with #DonaldTrump , #KamalaHarris Robert F. Kennedy, Jr . Seriously, they should have to take an oath that they didn’t take money from the same terrorist state intelligence agencies - #Mossad, #CIA, that backed assassination of #JFK, #RFK, #MLK, #MalcolmX, We know they did it because the evidence is in the software they used to cover it up meaning #PROMIS, #Palantir, #Pegasus, #CambridgeAnalytica, and money laundering through #Systematics, #AllTel, #SWIFT. We need a denazification Truth and Reconciliation commission that requires all Republican and Democratic Party candidates step down now because they are just putting in others from the same #Mafia #Syndicates. Literally, They have been covering up their conspiracy to defraud America since the 1980 election was stolen from Carter with the October Surprise Hostage Hoax and all American media has been covering it up since then. #America and #Israel and the Five Eyes #NATO countries are all run by a criminal ruling class that is #Fascist and #criminal and killing off anyone who effectively blows the whistle on them. All they have is biological, chemical warfare like the vaccines or nuclear warfare like bombs that US is sending to Ukraine and Israel who are all supported by the terrorist Revisionist Zionist Likud Party of Israel. Pass this on and demand they step down now!

CC: Project Censored The Electronic Intifada The Real News Network Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law Israel Did 911- No More Wars 4 Israel Schiller Institute Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression MintPress News The Truth About Cancer Jewish Voice for Peace Truth Action Project - TAP Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement Illinois for Jill Stein International Court of Justice ACLU of Illinois International Socialist Organization Truthout Afrika Porter Joseph Kopsick Luke Matthews Luke Rudkowski Michelle Howard Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Max Blumenthal Christopher Mark Wingate Mark Crispin Miller Human Rights Watch Amnesty International USA On 6/8 Anniversary of USS Liberty, Break Free of AIPAC, No War With Iran. International Criminal Court Project #JillSteinforPresidentRobert F. Kennedy Jr. For President 2024 Supporters Worldwide Jill Stein President Donald J. Trump Archived Ridin' With Kamala NPR NPR All Things Considered Fresh Air with Terry Gross Manhattan Institute for Policy Research The Heritage Foundation AIPAC Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William A Hamilton FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation SCOTUSblog President Joe Biden Donald J. Trump Kamala Harris

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I believe that both Kevin and Ron missed the point entirely here...

Was there a conspiracy maybe?

The problem here is that intelligent people such as Ron and Kevin can't really understand nor see stupid people in motion. This is an axiom in the laws of general stupidity, which is actually more rampant in societies than is believed.

So what if there was a conspiracy but so many stupid people involved simply made all the mistakes that one could not believe would have been made?

Or maybe there was no conspiracy but the stupidity of the security on grounds acted so irresponsibly that it appeared that there was such a conspiracy in play?

What is often attributed to conspiracy is almost always more easily explained as simple, sheer stupidity.

Look at the recent CrowdStrike disaster that recently plagued millions of machines world wide.

None of this was Microsoft's fault but they are reaping a lot of blame since the situation occurred on their machines.

And it wasn't the CrowdStrike software that was at fault since it went through a very rigorous testing program before it could be classified as a Microsoft driver (which is what this software was).

The fault lay with the people who prepared a data file that was used to process the updates to the CrowdStrike software's database.

No one seemed to notice that all the data was bad and sent the file out any way.

Or maybe someone in CrowdStrike's Quality Control actually wanted to blow up the world so they let a corrupt file enter the update process.

Or maybe this was just simple stupidity that arose from personnel being exhausted or driven to no longer care what went out.

Who knows.

But try to prove it was a conspiracy just like the Trump assassination attempt...

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There is a lot of incompetence and stupidity in the world, but somehow planes and buildings mostly don't fall down, lots of things get built and work, and the most hated president in history, who does live speaking events in ridiculous numbers, never faced any notable security threat till now (presumably a tribute to Secret Service pre-crime competence).

But you are right, there are three possibilities, and two involve extreme incompetence on the part of everyone involved on both sides.

The third - my hypothesis - involves only modest incompetence (they failed to make this ludicrously obvious PR stunt look remotely real).

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I was flying to Portland on Thursday, July 25 to attend a son's wedding. We'd originally planned on travelling Tues, July 23rd but changed our plans to the later departure. If we'd left as originally planned we'd have been caught up in the airport apocalypse. On the return I went to Chase bank and I asked the agent if their business had been disrupted by the computer outage. He said their computers were down and they were doing everything by paper and pen. Hmm...

My paranoid self ponders the possibility that the deep state people were Beta testing this outage to survey the possible negative effects. Analyze the damage to business and adjust for a bigger disruptive roll out. If American (Western) banks lost all their data, how long do you imagine it would take to repair systems and get back online? Maybe it all gets fixed but takes 18-24 months. Maybe it's the perfect time to introduce a digital system. A month ago I was at a coffee shop getting a drink and the store's computers were "down". I paid with cash but numerous customers only had credit cards. No coffee for them. I think having some paper currency on hand makes sense and even a larger amount stashed in a hidey-hole at the house.

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Don't get caught up with the conspiracy theories behind the CrowdStrike event. I am a senior software engineer so I was interested in the technical aspects of this situation.

One thing everyone has to remember is that stupidity is generally rampant in societies, usually only constrained by cultural mores.

This said then, the CrowdStrike event had nothing to do with Microsoft, though many would like to blame the company. What had to do with was the driver software that CrowdStrike used to run its updates.

Driver software for the Windows operating systems go through extensive testing and analysis of such tests prior to certification and thus for general use.

However, CrowdStrike got a single driver certified and then simply fed it data files to update its capabilities. Someone at CrowdStrike submitted a corrupted data file, which was sent out everywhere and subsequently blew up the world.

One could say that this was done on purpose. However, considering that banks are part and parcel of the Deep State, why would they agree to such an asinine event?

Now, if you have been following the increasingly low levels of quality of many new employees and poor hiring practices by many corporations today, increasingly then companies are bringing in disinterested personnel and as a result, greater levels of stupidity. Simply look at the Boeing situation.

High schools and universities are graduating far less capable people than when I went to university in 1968-1971. This is a documented fact.

So there is right now very little evidence that CrowdStrike caused such an issue as a result of a conspiracy.

The same holds for the attempted Trump assassination. We have a lot of speculation and assumptions but no real facts as to what really happened.

And general stupidity usually, most always comes out the winner...

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too concerned with the unstable state of the usa and middle east to be concerned with speculation, has ron written a comprehensive assessment of public information on butler events? if so please cite that. i disagree with both of you from what i see here. there is little forensic evidence i see supporting the lone assassin argument, plus a great deal against that. i see no forensic evidence that compels the conclusion trump must have planned, or forced to participate, in the butler case. the forensic science has yet to be fully known and vetted. so far it points to multiple shooters, different shot angles, and suppressed munitions. this alone compels a conclusion of conspiracy and need for vigorous investigation, which so far congress seems unwilling to pursue.

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here's retired world bank economist turned peace analyst peter koenig's take on butler. like me, he refuses to believe the shot (1 fatality) bystanders are 'fake', that trump would support their shooting, that forensics to date clearly prove multiple shooters (conspiracy) and that many deep state actors sought to benefit from this attempt. i hope ron and kevin think this through and comment: https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-assassination-attempt-donald-trump/5863803.

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Can’t wait to watch this one, two of my favorites!

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