Does he still believe in the virus? Unbelievable.

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This is a great interview but the sound is so low I can barely hear it.

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Ron's volume inexplicably went way, way down at around the 27' mark. In order to balance the volume for the whole interview, I had to lower the volume of the normal parts, and then raise the ultra-low-volume part as much as possible. I figured that when listening people can just turn their volumes up.

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The US involvement in creation of C-19 (whatever its origin viral v synthetic bioweapon) has been discussed since 2020. I don't think it was an attack on Iran or China by US. All these countries were involved in lockstep, and China participated in event 201 and the preplanning vaccine agreement in 2019. This was a psychological operation on the population to create fear and have the population look towards their leaders which were prepared to usher in one world gov. after creating more diversions/distractions, infighting and false flags when people started recognizing the game plan.

I believe, like many that 9-11 was done by the US gov with Israel and it had many purposes - e.g., the Patriot Act and later the Prep Act and to invade 7 countries in Middle East on behalf of Israel and the US Military Industrial Complex. Look at the evidence - Where did the Towers go? by Judy Woods. or see Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11: The New Hiroshima


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The Mosodomites are the most ruthless, psychotic terrorist on earth One day their evil acts will catch up to them, I'm sureof that.

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Remember the October 2019 military games in Wuhan? Was leaked in Wuhan, the place it was created, just not directly from the source?

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