Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Presumably the suicides of both the personal psychiatrists of the two main 911 protagonists on the zionist side, satanyahu and ehudbarak, came about after having become privy to 911 truth on the couch. They were unable to handle the deep evil that results in the funeral faces of shitsraeli leaders in their twilight years, we can now actually see a satanyahu slowly morphing into a typical rabin (killer of JFK, promoted to defence minister two weeks later upon his return from Dallas to shitsrael) funeral face as the Gaza genocide continues.

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Could it be that all these world events that are crazy to sane "normal" people, make perfect sense to whatever nutso top dogs who are coordinating it all? Although the goals are clear, and it appears there are several alternate goals, the plan is sort of a Seinfeld comedy. Of course, we're the butt of the joke, but although much may be scripted, that which they had not planned on, the bad boiz have prepared to ad lib. A conspiracy? You bet. But only at the very top (or should we say bottom of the slimy pit) do they know the goals. I have a feeling even the Zionists hold only short-sighted, selfish goals and that they, too may be sacrificed in the end. The psychopathic crocodilian mind in control may care only for murder and mayhem.

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I agree, there is something "off" about the whole thing. It's as someone or something simultaneously brilliant and idiotic, but totally malevolent, is messing with us. Sheikh Imran Hosein's eschatology seems as good a guess as any.

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