This article knocked my socks off. I am a Kennedy supporter and apologist even though if I were a one issue guy, that issue would be decoupling from Israel. It killed me when Kennedy groveled to Schmuley and let him get away with saying that Palestinian Sirhan killed his father, when Kennedy knows Sirhan didn't kill his father. And he could have countered the epithet "Palestinian" from the rabbi's mouth by pointing out "He's a Catholic like me." I'll be studying this article intensely trying to glean some hope and strategy from it. I do hope Mr. Barrett has time to address this topic further.
Thanks, I'll try to stay with the topic. I've written several pieces about RFK Jr., whom I admire. I even wrote him in for president in 2020, before it was a thing ; - )
Good thing you are moving to Maroc. You can go into hiding from the Zios & Dumbocraps. (But aren’t the good Muslims there circumcised as well? And liable to engage in violent attacks?)
that if you really want to see quintessential jews in action watch Curb Your Enthusiasm. So what would Freud make make of Bobby rooming with its creator Larry David then marrying David's TV wife, Cheryl Hinds? told by someone who would that thinks that there is some back-room relationship between RFK Jr.'s recent scalping by the Jewish members of congress [and everyone else in the Israeli biased media], and Biden's recent permanent sealing of the remaining JFK assassination documents. Translation: If RFK Jr. was to make it to the presidency, he would have then released the aforementioned JFK documents. That would expose both Israel's role in the assassinations...AND...Biden's "deep state" servitude...aka...the intelligence, military and corporate communities to which Biden is deeply indebted and controlled. Did you know that Biden, wearing a "yarmulke" [sp], announced that he IS a ZIONIST? You made a great point the Bobby has not yet read either UNZ nor Guynot!!! [sp] So, the "whacking" of RFK Jr. has nothing to do with COVID or immunizations...its all back to Israel and JFK! Peace and Planet...robin
The best remedy is justice through balancing the scales so the mentally afflicted, all everywhere, are no longer our focus in our purposely driven matrix-AI created world bent on destruction and the degradation of all :
Since Jews in their own mind are racial supremacists, the remedy for the Jewish Problem is to disenfranchise them from citizenship and all political power, keep them from educating the young, and prevent them from giving bribes and donations.
i appreciate your wisdom comments on individual growth. Watching the meditation, it appeared the weaponized gels were coming thru the window and, captured on cam to view, floating about, chlorophenol toxin, Hope, i am mistaken and it was knats mesmerized by your meditation. take care faithful follower
This article knocked my socks off. I am a Kennedy supporter and apologist even though if I were a one issue guy, that issue would be decoupling from Israel. It killed me when Kennedy groveled to Schmuley and let him get away with saying that Palestinian Sirhan killed his father, when Kennedy knows Sirhan didn't kill his father. And he could have countered the epithet "Palestinian" from the rabbi's mouth by pointing out "He's a Catholic like me." I'll be studying this article intensely trying to glean some hope and strategy from it. I do hope Mr. Barrett has time to address this topic further.
Thanks, I'll try to stay with the topic. I've written several pieces about RFK Jr., whom I admire. I even wrote him in for president in 2020, before it was a thing ; - )
God I wish he were an E. Michael Jones Catholic in his heart.
Good thing you are moving to Maroc. You can go into hiding from the Zios & Dumbocraps. (But aren’t the good Muslims there circumcised as well? And liable to engage in violent attacks?)
So interesting. I love RFK jr but am very disturbed by his stance on Israel. This makes sense.
that if you really want to see quintessential jews in action watch Curb Your Enthusiasm. So what would Freud make make of Bobby rooming with its creator Larry David then marrying David's TV wife, Cheryl Hinds? told by someone who would that thinks that there is some back-room relationship between RFK Jr.'s recent scalping by the Jewish members of congress [and everyone else in the Israeli biased media], and Biden's recent permanent sealing of the remaining JFK assassination documents. Translation: If RFK Jr. was to make it to the presidency, he would have then released the aforementioned JFK documents. That would expose both Israel's role in the assassinations...AND...Biden's "deep state" servitude...aka...the intelligence, military and corporate communities to which Biden is deeply indebted and controlled. Did you know that Biden, wearing a "yarmulke" [sp], announced that he IS a ZIONIST? You made a great point the Bobby has not yet read either UNZ nor Guynot!!! [sp] So, the "whacking" of RFK Jr. has nothing to do with COVID or immunizations...its all back to Israel and JFK! Peace and Planet...robin
The best remedy is justice through balancing the scales so the mentally afflicted, all everywhere, are no longer our focus in our purposely driven matrix-AI created world bent on destruction and the degradation of all :
(They are balancing theirs through their mix of both the dark and the light through the nuggets they feed us.).
Can you imagine US politics without Jew money?
Since Jews in their own mind are racial supremacists, the remedy for the Jewish Problem is to disenfranchise them from citizenship and all political power, keep them from educating the young, and prevent them from giving bribes and donations.
i appreciate your wisdom comments on individual growth. Watching the meditation, it appeared the weaponized gels were coming thru the window and, captured on cam to view, floating about, chlorophenol toxin, Hope, i am mistaken and it was knats mesmerized by your meditation. take care faithful follower
Meant to start my comment by saying: I'm told by someone who would know that if you really want to see.....