Good things happening in Mexico? They just elected the grandchild of one of the people that brought communism to Cuba 🇨🇺.

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Ramin thinks that's a good thing. Me, I would cite Zhou Enlai and say it's too early to tell. But I'm inclined to think that since the world's worst people (Meyer Lansky & Jewish mob, CIA, etc.) hated Castro and kept trying to kill him, he must have been doing something right ; - )

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Good point. Not a fan of communism but you do bring up a good point… “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

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Some truth and a lot of nonsense ..wrong definitions .surprising that Muslim Kevin Barrett likes Jew pedophile Bernie the zionazi sanders..wake up Kevin...**But ..they..*mean well** then again..the road to Hell is paved with good socialist intentions and all...(no thanks to your soft spoken friendly wrong headed guest)

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It isn't so much that I'm crazy about Bernie Sanders. I'm just nostalgic for the days when guys like Bernie and Ron Paul were the "alternative" candidates, rather than genocidal maniacs like Trump and RFK Jr.

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Ramin quotes Marx and embraces socialism, no thanks.

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Your guest thinks Milei is a left libertarian. Do they often travel to Israel in the company of a personal rabbi? Good things in store for Argentina I'm sure. https://en.mercopress.com/data/cache/noticias/98273/0x0/milei.jpg

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Good point. I should invite Ramin back on to explain his take on Milei. I always thought left libertarians were anti-big-capitalist and anti-oligarch.

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Yeah used to count on Ramin from Paris France,

been missing him since the bird left the vineyard.

His view was a regular there. Tell Muse I appruse.

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Sounds like he is heading back to Paris to cover the excitement developing there.

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I vote for another interview to follow up on this one. I wanted another five minutes on at least a dozen moments of intersection either between the 2 of you, or re. the subject as presented. Fascinating interview. He always triggers me in all directions at once. His decade +

in the thick of it has steeped an inimitably invigorating brew. I miss my liberal upbringing too;

was it Protestant? I'd reserved that for the Dulles brothers.

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