Isn't it amazing that when there's the slightest possibility that the MSM is going to seriously question Biden family corruption or there is an assertion that Obama may have implied that Russia is justified in it's actions in Ukraine, some other "bombshell" story, like the mini-sub or the Prighozin revolt, steal the spotlight and Joe and company retreat to the basement?

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As Goebbels said, tell a lie big enough, keep repeating it and everyone will believe it.   But a lie is still a lie.  So maybe, you're right Kevin that's Bobby's strategy is to tell a big lie (wink) that is still a lie.   

Great analogy like saying Bobby's statement that Israel doesn't intentionally kill kids is like saying US never dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Didn't Biden just last month at a G7 meeting in Hiroshima refuse to acknowledge, let along apologize, for this US war crime?  

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You wrote: But in the case of RFK Jr., I must admit that his Zionist effusions have helped me curb my enthusiasm.

Very clever, Kevin, your subtle usage of the name of Bobby's wife Cheryl Hinds' TV vehicle. Which by the way her TV husband on the Curb Your Enthusiasm series was Larry David, a Jew's Jew, who Bobby stated in the Tablet interview was his one-time roommate who would come to introduce him to his future wife.

So makes me wonder if Bobby is taking this inexcusable pro-Israel line as he is psychologically or emotionally beholden to certain people close to his life.

My enthusiasm was definitely curbed, too.

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Putin's "goals are for the most part laudable or at least reasonable"?

Perhaps you would prefer to live under his rule, than in the USA or pretty much anywhere else (North Korea would be worse than Russia) - in a country that invades Ukraine, lobs missiles at residential buildings there, silences critics with jail, poison or having them fall out of windows in tall buildings?

I am not saying other countries are all sweetness and light.

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I would rather live in the multipolar world that Putin is fighting for than in the current Anglo-Zionist oligarchy. And if I spoke Russian or were young enough to learn it, I would much prefer Russia to the US. I am currently scrambling to get out of the US, which is pure evil and a complete hellhole.

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Great conversation! Regarding homosexual male "Swifties" obsessing with Taylor Swift, one obviously untrue explanation is that Taylor Swift is a transvestite, a man wearing lipstick:



Of course these theories can't be true. Our trusted media would NEVER carry out deception on such a scale. Don't watch these 80 seconds! https://odysee.com/@MrE:c/Raquel-Welch-The-Trans-Illusion:6

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