"Palestinian retaliation had been relatively minor by comparison, inflicting less than 10% of the deaths and casualties on Israelis that the Zionists had inflicted on them." Your estimate here is more than wrong. Considering that during Nabka one, hundreds of thousands of Palestians were either killed or displaced, and thousands killed every decade since, I believe 1% "of the of the deaths and casualties on Israelis that the Zionists had inflicted on them" is much closer. Still, a great article!

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The Israeli strategy is not rational but follows its own logic: if we can’t have it, no one else should either. Which is pure supremacy coupled with spite aimed at anything that undermines it. I saw this in a video of IOF soldiers gleefully blowing up a swimming pool. They said it bluntly - if they couldn’t have it, no one would. Reminds me of what happened in the 1921 Greenwood massacre.

Regarding Eurovision’s satanic ritual, there have been many similar public rituals. Look at some of the Olympics opening ceremonies. It’s not even subtle, and these are reaching global audiences.

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Just like the Western Bankster Empire's strategy is: If we can't keep running the world, we'll blow it up.

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Pure evil

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Excellent article Kevin. War is supposed to be proportional, and this slaughter is obviously not, and has never been. Instead of 2.16 million Israelis, how about if we, the world, kill all the Israelis and send their rotting bodies back to Kazaria.

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Very interesting quote from the Quran regarding Jews killing Jesus, "they neither killed nor crucified him—it was only made to appear so. Even those who argue for this (crucifixion) are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever—only making assumptions. They certainly did not kill him.”

In my article, https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-is-a-jew?, I quote Wikipedia on the Greek word that's been translated as 'Jew' in the NT, a word that wasn't coined until the 18th c.: "The Ancient Greek term Ioudaismos (Ἰουδαϊσμός; from ἰουδαΐζειν, "to side with or imitate the [Judeans]" The Judeans, at the time of the NT's writing, had successfully rebelled against Roman rule, along with other colonized provinces like Samaria (as in 'good or docile-to-Rome Samaritans' as the exception, like the 'moderate Muslim.'

The Judeans of that era are the Palestinians today. They were the Canaanites hated by the Yahwists--which is the term Guyenot uses for followers of the religion, and the term we should ALWAYS use for worshippers of this sociopathic god, as he calls him. Both Ron Unz and Librarian on Substack have recently quoted from Shlomo Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People. His point is that the people of Judea were not all exiled from it after the rebellion, but assimilated to become the Palestinians today. Along with Roman rule, they were rebelling against the Yahwist theocracy under Zadok or Saduc, leader of the Sadducees and co-founder of the zealots.

So, imo, you're muddying the waters. Jesus wasn't killed because Jesus is a fictitious character who was never born. The heroes have been made into villains in the Bible, the villains into heroes, the aggressors into victims and the victims into aggressors. It's the opposite of history.

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“They follow but a guess, and verily, a guess is no substitute for the truth.” -Qur’an

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Jesus is a fictional character is a very dubious prospect. Perhaps his representation as depicted by European church fathers is wrong. There are many original Greek sources. See for example the work of Dr Ammon Hillman, a Greek classicist language scholar, who references original sources.

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Well, examine your statement "There are many original Greek sources." But there is no Aramaic source. The parables don't make sense in Aramaic because they rely on Greek tropes and plays on words. This isn't a comment I'm making lightly, it was a decade of research that led me to that conclusion. Here are a couple of episodes on it:



Perhaps the more important issue, though, is whether we're challenging the Torah as a license of entitlement from a position of morality, superseding any scripture, or "Your scripture's wrong but mine is right." I think the latter is a weaker argument. The pogroms of Jews because 'they killed Jesus' happened every year on 'Good Friday.' That is hate speech that led to violence. Even in the fictional story, the Romans killed Jesus, but we know they killed tens of thousands of insurgents against them--and 'Jesus' by accident, since he wasn't one.

Showing that the gospels are propaganda by the Roman Empire against the zealot rebels, which is what the word translated into Jew actually means, is an essential step. Otherwise, we've allowed those who defended their own soveriegnty and that of the other colonies to be demonized, literally.

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Wrote this yesterday…joining dots of the black magic behind the madness. Interestingly, Zeteo did a video same day about the same stuff… https://open.substack.com/pub/nizamixiii/p/apocalypse-now

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Thanks Kevin. Really thought provoking.

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Great article Kevin. Jesus said His sheep know His voice. I consider myself to be one, and the voice I hear from those supposed Christians who advocate for this genocidal monstrosity that is occupied Palestine is not His voice.

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