In all fairness to Mees, Kevin's audience is pretty skewed toward Jews are the problem. I for one likewise believe elite Jews are at the tip top of the food chain gunning for a Jew World Order. I also disagree with Mees' analysis that Russia and China are just going to be the next hegemons, and that it's naive to believe their flowery language does not hide yet another ruthless grab for power.

They're not angels, but I'm convinced with China and Russia at the multipolar helm, humanity really is seeing a tectonic shift developing that portends to transcend the 500-year history of predation Mees documents. IMO, Putin and Xi are not the new hoodwinking face of predators as Mees would have us believe.

My two disagreements notwithstanding, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND MEES' BOOK. As a multidisciplinary, widely-read analyst, Mees innovatively draws out superb insights into history. I've read his book twice, and still have not exhausted the depths of his stimulating presentation.

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Mees Baijen loses the argument in the first paragraph when he says, "a few rich people who want to use the planet, the God-given planet, our God-given planet, for their own purposes, as their own enterprise, with us roaming there as their cattle."

Exactly what it says in the Jewish Talmud! LOL

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The Talmud reveals the scheme. Could it be a forgery?

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I believe that this article on the Rothschilds sheds light on the controversy that is being reported here between Mees and Guyenot. Neither of them is exclusively "right" in that both are "somewhat" right. I think we need to entertain the strong possibility that some Jews, including the Rothschilds, conspired with Western Europe AND Hitler's Germany on getting the Jews OUT and shipping them to a) America and b) Palestine. In fact so many went to America that they took over much of the nation and became particularly obnoxious when they, as Straussians, became the Neocons and allied with the Israeli right-wing and Mossad. This is what created the Frankenstein monster that is now Israel. And while Mees may be right in tracing the roots of the modern financial system to Amsterdam/Venice/old families, etc., what the Rothschilds have done in our era goes way beyond that. Neither Mees nor Guyenot explain, for instance, the genocidal travesty of the COVID "plandemic" and the "jab" which is the elephant in the room. But if we study the data, we can see that it's pure Rothschild.

Anyway, complexities abound, but we always have to beware of ANY "unified theory" of who is really and truly "in charge."

btw, my grandfather worked for the Jewish Mafia in the 1920s and 30s as a casino roulette dealer. It's big and it's for real.


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Great discussion. Too bad Mees Baaijen didn't get much time due to glitches and I don't think he was hearing Laurent in full. Seems like there's a lot of truth from both. JP has slept with other non J power elites to run this Glafia. Brother Nathanael (the racial Jew converted to Russian Orthodox) says much of the same as Laurent. Too bad BN doesn't respond to Kevin for an interview.

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I agree Mees was handicapped by getting less time than expected. I'd recommend his book and articles as a supplement to this interview.

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Gawd, it's really painful to listen to this mees baijien guy going round and round trying to explain this gllafia or whatever this guy call it but can't he name names of this global mafia that started this shit whatever hundred years ago that he said ffs. He said if you can name names of these scumbags it's not called mafia anymore (??!) WTF REALLY #SHUDDER.


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My appetite was whetted but this discussion - between technical delays and poor linkage - barely got off the ground. Would love to see them return after, perhaps, laying out their major points to one another via e-mail, and then picking up the discussion at a deeper more programmed level. I couldn’t quite tell if MB was missing LG’s points because of technical problems, lack of time, or lack of counter points.

MB’s thesis is bolstered by books such as Kevin Phillips’ Wealth and Democracy which traces generational American wealth via dynastic families, e.g. Robber Barons and newer-comers e.g. Walmart heirs. A look at this discussion, too: https://open.substack.com/pub/neofeudalreview/p/interview-with-guido-preparata?r=1iv11r&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post with one point appearing to locate the focal point of power on the throne:

“...the seat of command remains where it always has been with the scepter of legitimacy held by the King, however the latter may appear on the stage.”

And the role of opium in creating Anglo-American wealth is vastly unknown:

“Its seems that despite the advantages that Europeans [Portugal, Netherlands, France, Spain, and especially England] gained in discovering the New World and in developing a global trading system, that nothing much changed until global productive forces were significantly rearranged, and that did not take place until Europeans began to develop the global drug [opium] trade that gave them the clear edge.”

Carl A. Trocki — Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy

Another guest whom many would love to see is Richard Poe: https://open.substack.com/pub/richardpoe/p/new-book-how-the-british-invented?r=1iv11r&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post to discuss his book, How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews).

None of this is to demote LG’s thesis, but simply to better hear the case by MB that seems to have gotten muddled due to technicalities. That internecine “wars” may undermine Jewish homogeneity in more recent times was driven home when a friend, responding to the comment that Jews controlled Wall Street replied, “Look at Bernie Madoff.”

Where, how and why the upper echelons of a particular clan can take power and control into “their own hands” seems to become more tenuous the higher up it goes.

Greed, power and wealth seem to be equal opportunity employers that unify across cultures, time and continents and hold on as long as they are able at whatever cost.

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Thank you for the very interesting references! By the way, I interviewed Peter Phillips, whose outlook is closer to Mees than to Laurent, here: https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_peter-phillips-exposes-global-power-elite-cat-mcguire-on-the/

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HMM...after reading all through this thread...full of incredible minds sharing centuries of history...and as being the only air traffic controller still speaking out about the LIES behind most of the "aviation elements" surrounding the attacks of 9/11/2001 [the Pentagon is guilty] ...before, during...and CONTINUING TODAY beyond the attacks, I find it STUNNING that these learned people have missed the single most viable tactic always utilized by jews...from centuries back...and continuing now.


The jews did not, and do not, need to INVENT ANYTHING...they just sit back and let the goyem do that...then they cleverly infiltrate and take over whatever the "goyem projects" are that they see will benefit the jews.

Baajen has served this concept to us on a fine plate...and too many of the "smart ones" on this thread have had it whistle right by them...

IMO...the attacks on the Pentagon were the foundation upon which the jews expanded the attacks onto Manhattan for "real estate deals"....just ask "Lucky Larry Silverstien"!

The USofA's "war machine" did not need anything more than a fairly successful attack upon the Pentagon to justify deploying to yet another war in Mesopotamia...

[And it's NOT OIL...it is FINANCIAL USERY BANNED BY ISLAM...that is behind ALL western attacks upon Mesopotamia.]

Does Wall Street exist under Islam's "finacial usery codes"? Nope...

And as usual, the jews, who know EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON MANHATTAN...saw a major opportunity...and "hijacked it"!

Historians are very important, as are the events of 9/11/2001...and TODAY!

Quite the "stand-down" on the 17th...

Peace and Planet

Robin Hordon

Kingston, WA

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Excellent points here, Robin, especially the one about Islam ending usury. That may be the biggest reason for the Global War on Islam (GLOI)

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From the book: "The Enigma of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" by Oleg Platonov

• Part 11 - A note from the secret archives of the Russian police [51:46]


Transcript from 30:30 for 10 minutes

“Let's now turn to an explanation of the structure of the Jewish organization in the form in which it currently exists and operates. Its cover is now the ‘Universal Society of Freemasons’ or ‘Freemasons’.”

• [Pt.8] The Rabbi's Report - The Main Tasks of Expanding Jewish Dominance - Oleg Platonov


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Good point. I agree with Laurent that Freemasonry fronts for a Jewish conspiracy. Why else would the Freemasons be obsessed with rebuilding Solomon's Temple?

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Edit - fixed link to Part 11 on Odysee (taken off youtube)

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In the podcast, Mees was referring to The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb. In a comment on Webb's book website, I praised Webb for revealing key, startling operational secrets of the financial oligarchy. As a financial technologist, Webb had a front-row seat to inside information that few rarely have access to. Fabulous! Great!

But I also pointed out that given Webb's closeness with the hegemonic fintech world powers, and given we cognoscenti know at this point in time the levers of global wealth are disproportionately controlled by Jews, it was incumbent on him to name names -- and not the Factotums. He should have ID'd the Deciders.

The arcane details of how they do it remains a stunning reveal, but ultimately what matters for planetary change is not the How, but the Who. In this matter, Webb was negligently withholding.

For me saying the intel we really needed from Webb's deep knowledge base -- names of the Deciders -- my post was unceremoniously deleted.

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Wow! Deleted for wanting people to name names. That is carrying "strict comment moderation" way too far.

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In terms of the Glafia, as I understand it from Mees's book, the early roots are a mix of Phoenicians and Levantine Jews. Then later after the Inquisition Iberian Jews joined Italians in Genoa and Venice. This budding cabal of families went on to Amsterdam, then City of London, and are now behind the US hegemony, as well as scattered throughout the disapora.

I don't know why in the interview Mees doesn't refer to them as the Black Nobility. I can't remember if he does in his book. But if he is indeed actually referring to the families primarily derived from the Black Nobility, names he could have said are the Montefiores and the Orsinis.

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What a fun surprise to hear my name come up in this interview! Mees and I just exchanged pdfs of our books two weeks ago. I brought up Laurent's work and Mees said there were some questions he'd like to ask him, if I had his email. But I said that my bragging rights only extended to Laurent subbing my stack, for which I am grateful.

In the intro to his book, Mees talks about the synchronicities that appear to tell him he's on the right path. I've had this experience also. Formulating the question is like holding out my hand, and the answer drops into it like ripe fruit. I'm willing to bet Laurent experiences this too.

I'm glad that Laurent has done the research on Hitler as an agent of the Rothschilds/ City of London. People I respect on my stack have presented solid evidence on both sides. At the moment, I'm leaning that he wasn't. The economic plan I attribute to Feder but his own words are too brilliant to be an actor. Julius Skoolafish has been posting long quotes from Mein Kampf and his speeches, along with The Green Book by Qaddafi and from Mussolini. Everything we've been taught is upside down.

Where I differ from Mees is that 500 yrs is too short a timeframe. The system of coinage and taxation, as I talk about in my book, was launched to make us complicit in the conquest and enslavement of our neighbors. It was in the same timeframe as the Axial Age religions, although that might have been as late as 700 CE from Laurent's Anno Domini.

The Torah talks about these techniques with Joseph turning all the Egyptian farmers into indentured servants--to this day, as he brags. The system of slipping Hyksos women into the harems of royals is in the Torah (repeatedly) and the history of the Hyksos of Avaris infiltrating and usurping the role of Pharaoh. Tubal-Cain was the name of metalworkers or goldsmiths. Cain is given protection by Yahweh in his travels. Was this coinage?

There's always a tribe of landless, nomadic men who lay siege to the towns until they turn on their own leaders and kill them to have 'peace.' According to anthropologists, shepherds were feared and also drove away the wild game of hunters. They rode horses and carried a curved blade like a scythe, the symbol of the grim reaper. Did the Hyksos become the Royal Scythes, from whom Constantine is said to hail?

Along with the question of who are the men behind the Wizard of Oz projection of Yahweh is who are the puppetmasters now. I agree with both Mees and Laurent. The 'Jews' or Ashkenazis are just the latest iteration of 'Yews' in the Hebrew pronunciation, or Ewes being used. The 1% narrows it down but it's more likely the .001% or 1 in 100,000 or even a million.

Kevin, your list of free money sources misses the big one of mortgages. The bankers don't lend money, they create it, therefore owning all properties for free and thereby our labor. That's the system change that I address in my book. As long as they own the houses, they own us.

One last aside, could you post the link to Laurent's new article? I sub the 'occasional bloggers of Unz' just to make sure I get Laurent's, but I didn't see this. Am I missing the motherlode?

Thanks so much for this intriguing conversation!

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Thank you for this informative comment, Tereza. I agree about mortgages, which I had subsumed under the category of bogus money-creation.

I linked Laurent's new article in my brief write-up that precedes the transcript. That link is https://radbodslament.substack.com/p/lagging-behind-history-israels-failure .

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Just what I was hoping for--I was missing that Laurent had a Substack! Thank you so much.

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I think Msr. Guyenot is operating under some mistaken impressions, that may be affecting the accuracy of his thesis.

Many Rothschilds claim to have converted to Catholicism - particularly, some of the French Rothschilds. Some others appear to be overtly Luciferian Occultists, while not acting overtly, to contradict the impression that their religion is Judaism. These would be the more prominent English branch of their family, like Jacob, who poses for pictures with Marina Abromovich, in front of a Painting of Satan.

Meyer Lansky and Albert Anastasia were part of MURDER INC. - and as such were closely aligned as contract killers and associates of the Italian Mafia, in America. I don't believe Lansky was ever truly 'the Boss'. As a non-Sicilian, he could never become a "Made" guy. Some families work more extensively with other outside ethnic groups, and the Gambino family is pretty clearly one of them. The Godfather (particularly in the book) appears to be loosely based upon Carlo Gambino. Hyman Roth, like Lansky, was a strategic player, but always worked in association with others. Lansky's facility with money laundering and corporate obfuscation made him an essential element of operations for La Cosa Nostra, and 'The Outfit' (in Chicago) - but that's a supporting role, not a lead.

Differentiation should be made between (Political) Zionists, and faithful ,authentic Jews, that follow the Torah. The Nazi Genocide in Europe was in many ways aided and facilitated by Zionists - and Torah-Faithful Jews (that rejected the Zionist Project) were its primary victims (if we are to believe the accepted math of 11 million total civilians, 6 million of them Jews). I don't see the Neturei Karta, or the Satmars as being part of the 'Glafia'.

In fact, in the 1930's there actually was a decision made by British and American Bankers, Aristocrats and powerful industrialists, to back Hitler's rise to power. Some may have been Jewish, but many others were not. I don't trust the scholarship or the analysis of Anthony Sutton, personally.

I understand that there was at one point a meeting between Adam Weisshaupt, at least one of the Rothschilds, and Jacob Frank, a follower of the spurious Messiah, and the earliest Zionist, Sabbathai Zevi. It appears that this is where Zionism was adopted by 'the Illuminati' (and Masonry), as a convenient and useful tool, for organizing Global Hegemonic Empire, and as they say - "for other purposes".

These were briefly just some thoughts that jumped out at me, while listening to the 'debate'.

Zionism IS essentially Satanic, and a rebellion against G-d, just like the first rebellion. Considering the way these Occult forces use Ritual Abuse, and Trauma-based Mind Control, including rape and sexual abuse...it may not be so far fetched, to speak of "Satanic pedophiles" - of many ethnic backgrounds and officially professed faiths.

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I find it more than "interesting" that Hollywood presented the USofA the series "The Sopranos". This series was yet another OLIGARCH MEDIA obfuscation that cements into the minds of the average educated citizen of the USofA, that the incorrect idea that the mobs are "Italian".

JFK anyone?

[Hartmann is a zionist hack...]

Peace and Planet...

Robin Hordon

Kingston, WA

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My take is that if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck, it's a duck. in other words, at least at this point in history, Jews have achieved the most far-reaching hegemony the West has to offer. In just about every 1% grouping, jews are now in control. Humanity's salvation is the multipolar "Global Majority" led by China, Russia, and everyone and their brother trying to jump ship from the ZOG'd West for a more fair, thriving, positive alternative.

Ultimately, control of the New World Order is going to come down to a battle between two ancient cultures: China versus the diasporan Jews. Both are embracing NWO agendas, it's just that the former is looking to be a kinder, gentler version -- especially in light of the genocidal horrors following October 7.

Basically, under whose civilizational thumb do you want to be? A Talmudic surveillance security state or a Taoist surveillance security state?

I explore these issues in two essays:

America Is a Gentile Nation

So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?


Exposing Fifth-Column Extremism

The degree to which our society survives Talmudic global control is the degree to which our fellow humans do not succumb to jew-pilled pilpul.


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So Kevin,

After hosting the incredible Dr. E. Michael Jones [which is such a delight to absorb]...and having such a respectful relationship with Laurent Guyenot...and now listening to the weak arguments now abandoned by Mees Baaijen...and also hearing several others about the strong probability that ALL JEWS are sayonims [sp] who are working silently on behalf of Israel no matter where they are, nor matter what role they play around the world, please explain to me your evidence behind your rejection of my decade's old POV that matches the above fellows' conclusions.

IE: That...ALL JEWS ARE SAYONIMS WORKING FOR ISRAEL...and/or their NEXT JEWISH STATE [Perhaps Manhattan, or the spaces abandoned by "soon-to-be exported non-white immigrants"?]...whether these jews know it or not!

Certainly, they benefit from being jews!

Quid Pro Quo Kevin....

I think that the average income of jews in the USofA is around 150K-200K!!!!

[ That's the "donut hole" in SS payments as proffered by Al Franken and Bernie over the years...]

Peace and Planet...

Robin Hordon

Kingston, WA

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

The first thing to realize that will effect Clarity and understand that much of what we believe is false, that history for example is untrue related to events and causes that benifit the most powerful families' goals.

Today with alt-media we can see a false history being created through the corp-media 'official record' as the lies pushed out to us and recorded through corp-media never corrects the lies when they are shown wrong, that the corrected truth is ignorred and actions and statement and positions are based on the [known] falsehoods.

Lies about Oct7th and Jan6th, are recent examples. Lies israel tell and were told about; rapes, 40 beheaded babies, the non-military deaths of the 1200 is a fraction of 1200, and that of those most of those were killed by israel's military under 'Hannibal Protocol’, .., about Oct7th and theirs lies are endless. The Harris President Campaign, corp-media's experts, and even UN members talk about the rapes and other lies that have been shown as false, but the 'official record' ignores the true information, and history will be filled with them, as well as the censored and out-of-context information - such as no history before Oct 7th 75+ years of israel Terrorism existed.

I bring this up because once that is understood then the Freemason-Jewish Private City of London (that controlled the British Empire) drove the unJust USA CivilWar Federal Evil Capture of States and us all, the White Christian men genocide and destruction of State's societies for murdering Christian men and forming a Single Powerful Nexus that they can control from.

Similar for WWI, Holodomor genocide of Ukrainian 10 millions of entire communities in Russian Jew Leaders Starvation policies, WWII .. where pre-post European population data show 6 millions Jews killed is clearly false, Armenian Jewish directed White Christian's Genocide, and even today's Ukrainian-Russian war where Jews cause and direct the genocide of Ukrainian White Christian men (1 Million so far)

The secretly owned Private corporation Federal Reserve will Usury Profit 1 Trillion dollars from our national debt and begs the question of how are those secrete owner's families linked to those ADL and other Gov. Capture international funded ADL, and policies are followed to increase National Debt and other purposes.

The real 300,000 dead Jews and similarly proportioned collected undesired disOreders of German society (Guipsys, Homosexuals, Catholics, ..) dead, starved and sicked dead in work camps when late war Germany was unable to support them, ..


.. how does that compare to the Lies we all were weakened by, those 5.7 millions of never-alive undead Jews Haunting us all and undermining our ability to react to Jewish abuse and evil, to not stop the open Genocide for example?

How have the 5.7 millions of undead Jews twisted and damaged and weakened us all and all the West? How many of us grew-up feeling more self-loathing for some not-understood reason?


I like to use an analogy for those too broken to think clearly ..

I was imaging a country less than a century old that 90% of them were either murdering-pedo or supported them, and that around the world to powerful people and families controlling gov.s were both kid-napping - sexually-torture them to death on private islands - or sending them to this country or using our tax-dollars and the banking-investing world-wide power to support that country.

And they will not Stop. Even if the populations of the world See them doing this, and corp-gov-media supporting and hiding it.

Who would you call a Nazi or such if it was suggested that such a concentration of evil and horror-souls, unrepentant country be removed with nukes - if needed - but stopped and those unrepentant made gone? That since only the very powerful wealthy or those in significant position throughout all gov could be identified - that they be removed, before any more young children are tortured to death by psychotic sexual demons-possessed peoples?

Call such people what names, beside decent God-Fearing protectors of Children, Families, societies, nations and humanity, Or Nazis? Terrorists?

What the hell is wrong with you? Is your acceptance of mothers killing our babies affecting you like a demonic-voice you cannot refuse?

(Inquiring minds want to know.)"

As long as the ADL and those offshore and internal controllers of our gov-Empire policies of endless destruction, horror, death, Hell for us and world-wide, can you imagine anyone they allow us to see, allow us to think or discuss - saying that or similar? If they were part of the system mentioned?

Would you be ashamed to be call names like Nazis or Terrorist for supporting those willing to put their lives on line, since we are too castrated in West by our Sick motherhood, vile male-hating women teachers of young, most [retarded, baby-killing, mutilating children & supporters of] women and gov.s-corp-media and other Significant mind-raping population contempt-filled controlling Institutions such murdering-pedo horrors own?

God Bless., Steve

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the group is a secret society. I think I agree with Mees.

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