for your listeners who maybe interested in an article I wrote yesterday:

Aletho News (https://alethonews.com/2023/02/20/pack-of-hyenas-laughing-their-way-to-power/) Pack of Hyenas Laughing Their Way to Power

https://alethonews.com/2023/02/20/pack-of-hyenas-laughing-their-way-to-power/ By Maisoon | February 20, 2023 .

Plus this from a Romanian Senator who also questioned the earthquake and speculated like me that it was a HAARPS WEAPON: https://article.wn.com/view/2023/02/11/romanian_senator_haarp_caused_turkish_megaquake_romania_on_a/ I take what I say seriously and not lightly at all, going by my gut which has always served me well. what better way to decimate Nations and depopulate them then through this evil weapon which many so called 'experts' may deny or dismiss and say it is impossible, something I just dont believe as today anything is possible! Who would have though we would have AI robots today or babies being grown in test tubes like something out of the Matrix or Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. I questioned 911 just as I question this earthquake [and the 2004 Tsunami which may have also been a 'testing ground for these sick Military Industrial Complex belong to Israel and America and possibly other participants happy to see so many innocent people die en masse! We are being viciously exposed to Satan's world a world I do not want or wish for for my children and future generations which is why we must all wake the hell up, stand up and be counted before it is too late for Humanity

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Maisoon Rice and Linh Dinh and Kevin I agree with your guests.

Gog and Magog leading us to Armageddon are the zionist jews . Zionist christian and zionist muslims

Gog and Magog were the caucasian Ashkanazi agnostics who expediently took to Judaism and they have spread all over the world and want to make Jerusalem the Capital of the world .

The Kabala cult is messianic and satanic.

Man is prone to vice and virtue..but the so called gog and magog ( Askanazi) jew has turned vice into virtue and we are all marching to hell without knowing it..or even knowing it we are economically enslaved.

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Good to hear some well expressed comments about the

jews from both guests. The Jewish Problem is destroying the world and too many folks are afraid to notice it. The Jews are victims only of their own hostile chosen status.

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Well, I think it's more complicated than that, but Maisoon and Linh are eloquent and make many good points, as well as a few I don't agree with. They should be heard and if necessary rebutted, not silenced.

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