Laurent, on Satanism and pedophilia, you need to read Joachim Hagopian's "Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & The Deep State". There is ample material there, including the Larry King discussed by Kevin. Moreover, I met Satan in Vietnam in 1968 and you'll never convince me he doesn't exist. He recruits on the battlefield.

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IMHO - You actually met Capitalist/Imperialism - I was drafted in the early 70's - many of us knew the enemy and fought it. Now, of course, the Capitalists are raping the entire world - millions killed for PROFIT - not prophets or "Satan".

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On Laurent's Unz article, I told him he was my new obsession and linked seven articles I've done that cited him, including this on his book (and your intro!): https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-yahweh-to-zion. I was just reading Anno Domini over dinner.

On Satan, I'm again in agreement. In this, I quote Elaine Pagels' book On the Origin of Satan, and show why Satan represented the zealots led by Judas the Sicariot (assassin) transposed into Judas Iscariot: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf.

And I was just responding to a commenter and explaining the Theodicy Triangle, and why evil is logically inconsistent with a god who is all good and all powerful, as I explain here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/ponerology-the-question-of-evil.

But I disagree on whether there are rituals of child rape, torture and murder that the participants think are Satanic worship. It doesn't give anyone power except the blackmailers, for whom it guarantees generations of trauma, silence and compliance. Here's mine on the film Out of Shadows (which got taken down from YT): https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/hollywood-and-pedosadist-cults and this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/pedo-sadist-cults-and-anneke-lucas.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 20

The "shooting" is REALLY NOT SO DIFFICULT - use your common sense - 100% OBVIOUS HOAX - nobody was shot - oh yes, Corey Comperatore was "killed" - seen any evidence of that ? - or, listenning to the "news".

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capitalism makes people evil, makes entire countries evil.

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It's so difficult for some, especially those indoctrinated in the current system, to understand spiritual realms.

Jerry Marzinski has been a practicing Psychotherapist for over 40 years. Hear what he's learned and shares at the link below. There are numerous video conversations on the matter.


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Thanks, Kaye. Jerry looks to me like he's probably a lot saner than the secular materialist shrinks, though I imagine that's not the consensus of the profession ; - )

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Oh yes, Jerry has walked a fine line in helping his patients despite the psychiatrists.

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Guyénot hasn't studied anything much of the supernatural level if at all. Jesus was face to face with Satan with 40 days in the wilderness. This material dimension BELONGS to Satan--and the SATANISTS keep their power going (at the Rothschild level of the control of all money in the world itself) through human blood sacrifices,--particularly of the innocent children. They also encourage and promote sins and all the downright Evil we see to steal, deceive and destroy souls. Much more to say on this--but it is easy to say what Guyenot says if you haven't read / studied all the Holy scriptures and wisdom traditions--before, during and after Christ.

Perhaps we can have a glimpse into the Satanic here:


Explain that one away as just a collective idea.

And when we put all the pieces together in a concise way--where one leads to another--now we have the talk where it belongs:


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Another fascinating discussion! This kind of exploration would definitely be helped along by greater religious literacy. Your guest asked for your input and then immediately wiped it away with “yeah but that’s all borrowed from other religions and random places” as if he’s not really interested in learning about another perspective, even if he admits he doesn’t know much about it.

To me, this is similar to a Christian dismissing Kissinger as “in league with the devil” rather than exploring his thought, which might yield some kind of insight. All based on assumptions.

But he definitely has a point, and I think what he’s critiquing is the dualistic theology and worldview of Christianity combined with the messianic and anti-intellectual strains among evangelicals, plus, as you pointed out, the emphasis of belief over good deeds in Protestantism. It all contributes to a kind of fatalistic paralysis.

Regarding Judaism and the idea of Yahweh as evil — first, there actually is a Satan figure in Judaism, but he has nowhere near as important a role as in Christianity. Second, I think it would be useful to consider how religious texts have been altered over time to suit particular community wants and needs. So there’s actually a lot of variation in how God is depicted in the Pentateuch, leaving much room for interpretation. It would also be interesting to compare with the Samaritan Pentateuch, which could be a topic for another whole conversation.

By the way, you can dismiss Satan all you want, but have you seen After School Satan? Now in the U.S. we have these satanist clubs popping up in public school spaces, disguised as venues for introducing kids to rationalism, scientism & critical thinking. Sounds harmless enough, and don’t worry, they won’t get into the ritual sex orgies until they’re older and developmentally ready.

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Also look up the temptation of Christ in the desert and Satan's wager with God in the Book of Job. I'm tired and would rather listen to the rest of the conversation between you and Kevin.

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Sure, Laurent, Lucifer is mentioned in the Bible; look up Isaiah 14:12

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I'd like to agree with Laurent Guyénot but then we'd both be wrong.

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you mean 'evil is ignorance, lack of good', that might have been enough until capitalism. i think the idea that yhwh is satan is interesting. but from muslim pov god created the angels, including satan. i figure the quran cleans up the OT/NT with all their dubious details and bits that portray god as either genocidal or a wimp.

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I agree. But isn't capitalism just an advanced, hypermaterialistic form of ignorance?

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hmmm. hwo about willful ignorance. we know we're destroying nature and we still go on doing it. so far its as if people are rushing to chalk up 'air miles' before the apocalypse. interest-based money creation is the key to destruction of the world.

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Look up Timothy Charles Holmseth and Alobar Jones too

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If Yahweh is not Satan, the OT, however, shows a rich abundance of texts describing Him as an evil entity and the Israeli leaders find justification of their currently ongoing genocide in Gaza in the Holy Scriptures. Since Yahweh is the God of Abraham, Yahweh is therefore Allah, as the Muslims also believe that Allah is the God of Abraham. The real nature of Yahweh comes in total contradiction with Allah's common attributes of being the Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful. However, this doesn't seem to bother much Jews, Muslims or Christians (Yahweh is also the father of Jesus), all believing in the same God.

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I sometimes use the term Yahweh loosely to describe the false god some Jews worship, a tribal idol and William Blakeian "Nobodaddy" with all-too-human characteristics like jealousy and preference for his own "offspring," the Chosenites. (As opposed to the real, universal God, known to Arabic-speaking Christians and Muslims as Allah.)

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I still see a problem with the real, universal God known as Allah, as He unambiguously endorses the Torah, as inspired by Him, and also seems far from being compassionate and merciful, for he promises "severe punishment" to all those who do not accept His word.

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Wrong. The Qur'an does not "unambiguously endorse the Torah." On the contrary, it says the Torah has been corrupted by corrupt human transmitters—presumably the Jewish tribal elite that reaped wealth and power by introducing distortions authorizing or mandating unethical self-serving behavior. The Quran never, ever tells us to be unjust, insists that we behave with impartial justice, and portrays God as absolutely just. Look up the term tahrif.

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Also note that the Qur'an does NOT threaten severe punishment to everyone who doesn't embrace Islam. "Surely, those who believed in God, and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabians, -whosoever believes in God and in the Last Day, and does good deeds - all such people will have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no reason for them to fear, nor shall they grieve." (2:62)

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God tells us that in the Qur'an that If you reject faith in the holy scriptures, you will be punished with the fire of Hell" (9:68). This, to me is not compatible with a "compassionate and merciful" God. There are many righteous people that may not believe in any religion of the Book, but have committed no crime deserving such an extreme punishment. Entertaining the fear of hell is, in my opinion, more compatible with a mind control system.

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Again, wrong! According to 9:68, hellfire awaits hypocrites and "ungrateful truth-concealers" (kuffar) which is sometimes misleadingly translated as "unbelievers." The Qur'an is the message of a just God who advocates justice, but has given creation free will. The warning in 9:68 is to "kuffar": people who know deep down in their bones that they should be awed and grateful for the gift of existence, but nonetheless persist in concealing that knowledge in service to the carnal and self-serving side of their egos.

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The Torah is the need for the Ten Commandments to keep Humanity socially viable--sent to us by the Creator through the Prophet Moses in the genealogy line of Abraham. It is Christianity that tells us there is a Heaven and Hell (and Islam reinforces the (dreadful) reality of Hell for the soul if it is not repented and "born again" in the direct sinless connection to God through Christ ("the Word as the direct living Reality of God")--otherwise we lose ourselves to Hell--hence His statement "I am the Truth, the Way and the Life (eternal.......on Earth). "Allah" simply means "All One" which we are--and Islam came to correct not ANY religion, but the oppression, tyranny, and immense moral degradation in both society and civilization as we have now--that includes the killing of children and babies. The principles of Islam are the founding principles of America--and if you see anything cruel and derogatory--it is all propaganda devised and pushed by the Synagogue of Satan to keep us all divided, bickering and fighting instead of uniting as ONE Humanity against THEM which is what THEY FEAR the most.


Can contact site if you have further questions.

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Satan-Evil GOD-Good is a Symbiotic Entity, the ALMIGHTY! Almighty, what I call the "Universal Singularity"-UNISIN, resides in all of us. Not a creature out there somewhere, that is primitive IDOLATRY! Almighy-Unisin, has no GENDER it is an 'IT', not your Lord, King etc.! We are given Free Will, by the Almighty-Unisin, so it is up to us, when we act, or fail to act, towards our fellow travelers men, Women and Children, while we are here on this beautiful, accommodating Planet of OURS! Make sure, that your actions will not let the Evil devil gain the barbaric-bloody upper hand in your soul! Be GOOD! Live by the Golden Rule!!

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Google Riaan Swiegelaar.

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I agree just dark and light. Good and bad. And us little people not knowing why we are here anymore or that we take nothing with us but what is within.

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