Such an important conversation to be having, between two very knowledgeable, intelligent, thinking men. - I've commented on the trauma of 8 day *genital mutilation* in my own writing and conversations. - People need to face reality and stop letting their fear of censure bar their ability to see what's what.

Incidentally, another thing that Laurent (and Kevin) might like to consider about circumcision is it's position at the "root" chakra!

Many thanks gentlemen. Blessings. 🙏🪷

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Thank you for the kind words, Kali. One might speculate that root chakra PTSD could be related to tendencies towards excessive/perverted preoccupation with sexuality—and an inability to rise to the spiritual levels represented by the other chakras, leaving the individual trapped in a materialist ontology. But that's way above my chakra-analysis pay grade ; -)

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Actually, you hit the nail on the head, Kevin. The first three chakras relate to our material well being and security, and our relationships with others and self, the next three to our spiritual growth, and the seventh to our oneness with the Divine.

One: all is one (related to family and immediate community).

Two: honour one another (related to interpersonal relationships, power dynamics, etc).

Three: honour yourself (related to personally power, keeping ones word, commitments, etc)

Four: Love is Divine Power.

Five: Surrender to Divine Will.

Six: Seek only Truth.

Seven: Be present.

(From Caroline Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit )

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The Ancient Hebrews have plagiarized the 'Chosen People', and also the 'Great Flood' story, tale from the Babylonians, while they were in Babylonian Captivity, around 1500 B. C. since the Babylonians done the same taking, adopting those Stories, from the Sumerian Epic-'GILGAMESH', that dates back to 3000 B.C., and is the oldest known, existing Literary Work in the history of Mankind! TORAH-Old Testament is nothing but a collection, adaptation, plagiarizing of tales, fairy tales, stories, histories by the Hebrews, that they came across during their wanderings, captivities!

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And now the whole world must die because of their stupid bronze-age fairy tale.

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The Habiru were the terrorist thugs for the Hyksos/ Heka Khasut, who usurped rule over the Egyptians: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/hebrews-in-egypt-slaves-or-masters?

The flood story appears in the mythologies of many cultures, and maybe was the meteor that broke the membrane of the 'vapor canopy' that covered the earth, so that the water fell and gravity descended. From my understanding of Laurent's Anno Domini, it's one of the clues that the histories of different cultures were put end-to-end to fill 700 yrs rather than being seen as simultaneous in about 300 yrs: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-myth-of-ad.

I agree about the plagiarizing, but I think the Torah also inverts the stories, so that heroes are villains and villains are heroes, victims are aggressors and aggressors are victims. And the Habiru were disposable pawns, like the so-called Jews today (who have no genealogical relationship to the Judeans). That's why I call them the YahChoPeeps--who 'Yahweh' uses is subject to change but the method remains the same: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/yahchopeeps.

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That's an interesting take, Tereza! My favorite version of this kind of speculation is the one Doris Lessing expressed in her Shikasta books.

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@ADL accuses Rep. Omar of ‘blood libel’ ❓

"Ariel Toaff, Prof of Jewish Medieval Studies at Bar-Ilan Uni Tel Aviv, concluded blood libel' was practised by Jews"


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Wonderful, thought-provoking interview! Thank you! And thank you for the transcript.

In answer to Laurent’s question about legal opposition to infant circumcision, for over 30 years there have been efforts within the greater intactivism movement to approach this ongoing crime from various legal perspectives. Whole countries, states, and cities have attempted to outlaw it. We have not yet succeeded, because of the organized power of Jews — including legislators and judges — to thwart our efforts. But we are inching closer all the time.

Here are a couple of current links:




Thank you so much for your brilliant concern,


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Genital Mutilation, I want my foreskin back!

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Thank you so much Laurent for your work. It has definitely helped me in sharpening my quest for truth about the Great Spirit.

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guyenot claims cain is founder of caanites. not. according to the Bible, Cain is not considered the founder of the Canaanites; the Bible states that Canaan, the son of Ham, is the ancestor of the Canaanites, not Cain.

kevin, can you post a summary of your thesis about miracles?

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Laurent says that Cain is the founder of the Kenites, not Canaanites. A Hasidic rabbi and Hebrew scholar, Yehoishophot Oliver, responded to my theory that Cain was a reverse-engineered Canaan, since the rest of the OT is an anti-Canaanite polemic: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/empire-and-religion.

He wrote: "although Cain sounds similar to Canaan as pronounced in English, in Hebrew the k sound is a different letter, kuf in Kayin/Cain and kaf in Canaan. These syllables were once pronounced differently so really, there's no connection there, unless you can point out some other source." So that makes sense that the Kenites/ Qayn would be separate from the Canaanites.

In the Noah story, Canaan is said to be Noah's son in part of it and Ham's son in other parts. And why does Canaan get cursed for his descendants to be the lowest of slaves to their cousins when it's Ham who finds his father passed out, drunk and naked, and talks about it? What is Noah doing with Canaan when he's drumk and naked? Do people usually take off their clothes before they pass out drunk?

The Kenites were metalsmiths at a time when coinage and taxation was just being used to usurp ownership of the land and turn the inhabitants into indentured servants. The story of Joseph gives the method: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/hebrews-in-egypt-slaves-or-masters. So they may have been 'cursed' to go from place to place abetting the fief lords, but the real curse was on any one who tried to prevent their lands from being usurped by killing the wandering metalsmiths.

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Essentially, ZioBeasts are not hunan & worship a psychotic god

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The circumcision discussion was very interesting as I have always heard the scarification of the first born is a part of the culture here in the Colony of my birth though being a folklore meaning who knows. It is so sinister now, the whole place and the people, that I have chosen to turn the back the religion and leave to me a God forsaken place on earth. There is definitely trauma involved, there is also initiation and this sleeper agent did blow the the skull of the head seeding to be activated decades later this twin personality, scary stuff and true. Thank you in the name of the children

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I would like to share my experience of having my son circumcised. I (from a Jewish family, but strongly non-Jewish) was against the idea, while my wife (mainland Chinese) was for the idea based on the fact that it is easier to keep the little penis clean. Her view prevailed and we had a jewish doctor (also a rabbi) do the cut. I stayed in the room and watched my son closely, looking for any signs of pain or anxiety, so that I could say ‘see I told you, it’s a bad idea’. Well, I kept my eyes fixed on my little son’s face and there was not any sign of distress. Not even a flinch or momentary expression of fear. He was completely unmoved by the procedure. It was later explained to me that the sensory nerves, so much appreciated by older males, have not yet grown into the foreskin at that early stage. YMMV.

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All scriptures were/are written/rewritten by corruptible humans.If God was like it says in the torah,why would He need to publish a book about himself?He could have spoken from the sky,written his words into Mt.Rushmore or the Eigernordwand,and by now,use Whatsapp.

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The earliest example I can find of this method of usurping rule over others are the Heka Khasut in Egypt, abetted by the Habiru, and paralleled by the story of Joseph in the Torah. The word Heka means magic, black magic specifically or demon magic. According to ancient Egyptian demonology, if you can trick someone into telling a lie, a demon snags their tongue.

The word Jew supposedly comes from Judean or Ioudean, who are the ancestors of the Palestinians. I was happy to hear, in your interview of Gordon Duff, that he found the same thing I did--the word didn't exist until the 18th century and the Sephardics or Ashkenazis have no genealogical tie to the Judeans.

So when you say the Jews haven't changed for 2000 years, you've been tricked into telling a lie. The people have changed, the ideology remains the same. When you say that Jews worship Satan, you've been tricked into condemning the Palestinians. You say they expected a militant messiah, like the zealots had in defeating the Roman Empire.

Perhaps you think that Hamas and Hezbollah should turn the other cheek for the pager to blow off? Or carry the golf clubs the extra mile? Or render unto Netanyahu their real estate and mining rights?

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (two, actually) it wasn't a sign of humility, it was the animal representing Set(h) the psychopathic god. Jesus denounced the Judean zealots for rebelling against Caesar, and called them Satan and his demons--even children he saw as possessed.

You write, Kevin, "the Messiah prophet, the one who totally clarifies what's been at stake through the entire Torah, which is the truth of God, God's truth, coming through prophets, and being expressed to a deeply evil people to try to give them one more chance to straighten up." You're talking about a Roman collaborator, possibly Caesar himself, cursing the rebellious Palestinians for not subjecting themselves to the rule of Yahweh/ Set/ Isis-Ra-El. They fooled you into demon-speak.

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Yeah Kevin like Eric Walberg wrote on this page of comments it would be great to post your thesis on miracles or even talk about it on a show of yours. I read with great interest a short book on miracles entitled SMILE OF THE UNIVERSE: MIRACLES IN THE AGE OF DISBELIEF by Michael Grosso PhD. Grosso also contributed to a similar book entitled Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century. I also found his book on the levitating Catholic saint, Joseph of Copertino, very fascinating. Thk you for the great work you're doing with your podcasts. Here's something I recently saw on Mel Gibson's experience with the supernatural: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKOurjKFOL8

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Better read the Talmud because most Jews don't pay much attention to the Torah. Most of its mythology that never happened but serves a centralizing purpose. Street Christians are idiots for thinking otherwise.

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It's curious that conservative talk show hosts scream about the ADL calling most white men "white supremacist," which I agree, but they have no problem with supporting the ADL going after protesters to protect Jewish supremacy. I agree with Kevin, the Zionist -Christians are probably the worse, because of their political power, which they gladly give to their Jewish masters. God, please oh please let us break these chains that bind us!

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